• 2 months ago
ইসরোর মহাকাশ গবেষণায় প্রয়োজন উচ্চমানের অপটিক্যাল গ্লাস ৷ এই গ্লাস তাদের সরবরাহ করছে কলকাতার সিএসআইআর-সিজিসিআরআই ৷


00:00In 2018, around 2018, Indian Space Research Organisation, and it's called Vikram Sarabhai
00:11Space Centre specifically, they have approached us to develop five varieties of optical glasses,
00:18spade-gate optical glasses of stringent quality, stringent quality means they have mentioned
00:24this is the transparency level, this is the homogeneity of the glass, this is the refracting
00:28there are five, six, seven, eight parameters has to be made, right? So the problem is that if you
00:34meet, suppose if I have matched, the transparency will be there. Transparency I have matched,
00:40something is getting quality. So meeting all the parameters simultaneously is a very challenging
00:45job. So they have given us five, to develop five variety of optical glasses, that all the five
00:51optical glasses we have developed successfully, we have supplied to the store, and they are using
00:57those materials. Now we are extending the project, they are actually approach that,
01:04okay you have done five glass, you have to develop another series of glasses, that is
01:09needed for the space car, for Indian space network. And because, why we are doing, because
01:15they are buying it from short Germany, they are costing exorbitantly high cost, and also the
01:21availability issue, they can stop you anytime, right? So India is basically very,
01:27it is a third in the world, you can say in the space research, right? Space research,
01:32we are at the above many countries, advanced countries. So we are basically giving satellite
01:37to other people. Our launch vehicles are used for launching satellite of other countries, right?
01:43So commercially we are basically getting from them. So this is a strong mission, space mission,
01:49and we need to support, we need to self-reliant. So five variety of optical glasses we have
01:54developed, they are now approaching to develop some more glasses, and ultimately that we will
01:59be developing. And the requirement is also coming up. So they found that we are confident,
02:05we can do that, CGCR can do that. So Germany is also doing this. Yes. Plus we are saving the cost.
02:11And the glasses that we are making here, this is under the brand image of CGCR.
02:16And the glasses that we are making, they should know by one operator, where the glass,
02:21the curtain opens and the glass comes out, at that time they should know that this is the
02:25brand name of CSIR, Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, and this is in India.
02:30Not this glass is from abroad or any other, we are India.
