• 2 months ago
El tercer capítulo del reality del 13 tuvo una nueva salida, además de que varias verdades salieron a la luz en una actividad entre hombres y mujeres.


00:00:10The biggest show in all of Flamenco
00:00:17The legend!
00:00:23Good evening, how have you been?
00:00:24How have you been?
00:00:25Fine, and you?
00:00:27And you?
00:00:28How are you?
00:00:30It's a pleasure to greet you, brother.
00:00:35It's a pleasure to be here.
00:00:40I'm happy, happy, nervous, anxious.
00:00:43First reality show of my life.
00:00:52Good evening, comrade.
00:00:53Luta Piñera, welcome to the Reformatory.
00:00:56Military, word of honor.
00:00:58Thank you very much, comrade.
00:00:59Please, come in.
00:01:01Excuse me.
00:01:02I will show you where you will start sleeping in the next few days.
00:01:05Thank you very much, comrade.
00:01:06Come with me, please.
00:01:093, 2, 1, let's go!
00:01:12This is where the first team competition begins, in word of honor.
00:01:261, 2, 3!
00:01:29There it is, ladies and gentlemen.
00:01:30They are winning.
00:01:31They are winning with their eyes, ladies and gentlemen.
00:01:34They are managing to beat the structure.
00:01:37For Antonella and for Fabio, the Reds.
00:01:41They will win any title.
00:01:44And the winners of this, the first competition, in word of honor.
00:01:57Good evening.
00:01:58How are you?
00:01:59How are you?
00:02:01There is spirit, there is energy.
00:02:03And I'm glad it is.
00:02:04Because what is coming is not going to be a simple moment,
00:02:06nor less pleasant.
00:02:10But it will be transcendent for destiny.
00:02:12For now, one or two of your teammates,
00:02:15one or two of the recruits of this experience,
00:02:19will leave the Reformatory tonight forever.
00:02:27Natu, loyalty or betrayal?
00:02:34Oh, how strong.
00:02:36Come on, with everything.
00:02:41But this experience for you comes to an end at this minute.
00:02:45I want to ask you, please, to give us the plaque
00:02:48that accompanies you in this experience.
00:02:50And that we give the biggest applause to the team.
00:02:54Thank you!
00:02:57When we worked on the Andrés channel with Dachito,
00:03:01Oh, I was involved?
00:03:04One time he sat with a producer and said,
00:03:06Hey, Dachi, Andrés said he had the best vote.
00:03:10And I'm talking about ten years ago, ten years ago.
00:03:12And it has always been an existential doubt that I am going to tell you.
00:03:20I think the only thing you're asking me,
00:03:22I'm just going to tell you one thing.
00:03:27Today I confirmed it.
00:03:37Where are you?
00:03:42How beautiful you are.
00:03:45Oriana and Frank Mayra.
00:03:47Put it here, put it here.
00:03:50Raise that fist up for those who are prepared for this challenge.
00:03:54Very good.
00:03:56Get ready for what's coming.
00:04:00I'm going to invite Instructor Valeriano.
00:04:02He's the canine instructor.
00:04:04He's going to teach us difficult situations.
00:04:10And now each pair will choose which of the two will take on this challenge.
00:04:19You look at the dog.
00:04:20Can I hold you?
00:04:21If you want.
00:04:32At the neck.
00:04:36Very good.
00:04:37Take it, take it, take it.
00:04:38Move it, move it, move it.
00:04:41And when I got to look for Pamela, she stayed hidden.
00:04:43I swear to you by my mother.
00:04:44I didn't know.
00:04:45I didn't know you were there.
00:04:46He was dying to get off.
00:04:47It's very clear, Oriana.
00:04:48Of course not.
00:04:49I'm telling you the truth.
00:04:50And you tell him, don't get off, don't get off.
00:04:51I know I'm telling him no, because we thought it was a joke.
00:04:53You don't care.
00:04:54Because you're not my friend.
00:04:55We thought it was a joke about her.
00:04:56And it's yours.
00:04:57And you told him, Facundo, this.
00:04:58And Facundo does this.
00:05:00But it's my fault.
00:05:01No, no.
00:05:02It's his fault.
00:05:03No, no, no.
00:05:04It's his fault.
00:05:05It's true that I didn't know you were there.
00:05:06You don't have any fault here.
00:05:07I swear to you by my mother.
00:05:08He let himself be carried away by you and didn't have the balls to get off.
00:05:10Facundo wants to be fine with the uncle and with the uncle.
00:05:12And that can't be done.
00:05:16The most coward.
00:05:17Hey, that one has blood in my eye.
00:05:20Coward, gossip.
00:05:21Coward, gossip.
00:05:22Coward, gossip.
00:05:23Coward, gossip.
00:05:24Coward, gossip.
00:05:32Fanon has blood in her eye for a while.
00:05:35But because I have commented on things that maybe you don't like.
00:05:38But they have never been lies.
00:05:39How do you know if they are lies?
00:05:41Because obviously I know if deep down...
00:05:42No, because you don't know.
00:05:43The comment has been because you are now working on a portal for adults.
00:05:47She's going to be a sex slave.
00:05:49What I do is that I prefer to take other paths.
00:05:51I don't judge you at all.
00:05:53But what I do is give an opinion.
00:05:55And you did it.
00:05:56I prefer to have my own house.
00:05:58But maybe working in another way.
00:06:10Calm down the party.
00:06:14Now this is getting good.
00:06:18It started well.
00:06:21How are you gentlemen?
00:06:22The soul has arrived to the party.
00:06:24I'm going to tell you what happened to me.
00:06:28I was already waiting.
00:06:30He sent me a condolence.
00:06:34Hello, good evening.
00:06:35Welcome to the third episode of this epic adventure known as Word of Honor, Loyalty or Betrayal.
00:06:41In yesterday's episode we lived the first elimination of this season.
00:06:45Today we will resume the first minutes of Negro Piñera in the Reformatory.
00:06:50In addition, we will witness an activity that will test the honesty of each of the recruits.
00:06:55And also, get ready, because we will begin to live a hard military instruction.
00:07:00All that and much more, here in Word of Honor.
00:07:07This guy is more dangerous.
00:07:10This guy, this guy.
00:07:13I'm not going to hide with you.
00:07:16Get out.
00:07:21I'm a big fan of Felix.
00:07:24I haven't seen him in years.
00:07:28How many stories together.
00:07:31You have to take care of me.
00:07:32Yes, let's take care of each other.
00:07:34You know that.
00:07:37I'm going to look up.
00:07:39That's for the dark circles.
00:07:41Yes, I'll take the color off a bit.
00:07:44Like this?
00:07:46And I'll do it like this.
00:07:48You are comfortable.
00:07:49For me, everything is here.
00:07:50Here, everything.
00:07:51For himself.
00:07:53And tomorrow.
00:07:55In the morning and now.
00:07:56How are you?
00:07:58I told you.
00:08:00I told you.
00:08:01I arrived the same day.
00:08:02Yes, he started screaming.
00:08:03I told him to do an audiometry.
00:08:05Because he is screaming a lot.
00:08:06Hey, and with all due respect, you are very good.
00:08:10With all due respect.
00:08:11That's what I told you.
00:08:13He's like...
00:08:14He didn't say anything.
00:08:18You are not married.
00:08:19No, I'm officially married.
00:08:22One, two, three, four.
00:08:29Of the mystical marriages, I have like ten more.
00:08:33Like fifteen.
00:08:34I don't believe in marriage.
00:08:35The problem is that marriage doesn't believe in me.
00:08:38That's what happened.
00:08:39All my girlfriends have kicked me.
00:08:41They have kicked me.
00:08:43Wait, let's see.
00:08:44All my girlfriends have kicked me.
00:08:47But you must have said something.
00:08:49Yes, the truth is that I'm a little disorganized.
00:08:53A little, a little.
00:08:54Oriana, it took me many years for my partner to understand
00:08:58that what I do is a job.
00:09:00It's just that all six of you are here.
00:09:04I'm in a TV show
00:09:06that all the girls...
00:09:08How many years have we been here?
00:09:10Ten, more or less, since 2011.
00:09:12Four seasons, like four years.
00:09:13The women chased him, Oriana.
00:09:15They chased him.
00:09:16They went to the fame from one month to eight.
00:09:18They did the show.
00:09:19The two of them.
00:09:20My partner was here too.
00:09:21And another friend who is not here.
00:09:22Another friend who is resting in peace.
00:09:25There were three of us.
00:09:26They were very good friends.
00:09:27Egrito, I was remembering your birthday.
00:09:29Which one?
00:09:30When you went to the Urraca.
00:09:32The Urraca.
00:09:33And your brother arrived.
00:09:34And Sebastián arrived to greet you.
00:09:36Do you remember?
00:09:37But it was the Urracas with the band.
00:09:39With the presidential band.
00:09:41And you didn't greet me.
00:09:42What a thrill.
00:09:43I'll never forget that moment.
00:09:45I cried.
00:09:46Well, I still cry.
00:09:48I had an accident.
00:09:49My brother died in a helicopter accident.
00:09:51I remember.
00:09:52Not long ago.
00:09:53He was with his brother.
00:09:54He was like a father to me.
00:09:56On the 6th of February.
00:09:57On the 6th of February.
00:09:58And his father died five days ago.
00:10:02No, no, no.
00:10:03This is not true.
00:10:04It's true.
00:10:05And it happened before we came here.
00:10:07So our little angels are taking care of us,
00:10:10blessing us and allowing us to be here.
00:10:21Good evening.
00:10:22Hello, hello.
00:10:23Where are the people?
00:10:24How are you?
00:10:25Where are you?
00:10:27Where are the women of this house?
00:10:29Oh, no.
00:10:34What's up, Carlita?
00:10:36I can't believe you changed your voice.
00:10:39I love it.
00:10:42How are you?
00:10:43You look great.
00:10:45Someone who comes to teach this youth something.
00:10:50Women, come outside with me.
00:10:53I'll stay with the boys.
00:10:54I invite you, please.
00:11:02Girls, today we are going to relax because after so much competition,
00:11:07and look what I have here.
00:11:09A nice bouquet of companions.
00:11:11Today I invite you to let your imagination fly.
00:11:15Let's see what we give to these men.
00:11:21Each of you is going to vote.
00:11:23We have some chips here.
00:11:27You know I'm going to start with the best category of all.
00:11:30Best lover.
00:11:33To the bone.
00:11:36Falon, who are you going to give this little star to?
00:11:39I have it super clear.
00:11:40You have it super clear?
00:11:41Yes, I think.
00:11:42I think it could be him.
00:11:54Why Fabio?
00:11:56I don't know.
00:11:57He's an interesting man.
00:11:59He's handsome.
00:12:01Well, then she wants you to love her.
00:12:03She wants Fabio's love.
00:12:04I've seen all the girls here when they change their clothes and they don't look at anything.
00:12:11Yeah, but have you really seen it?
00:12:13Because they say the girls have seen it.
00:12:15It's the same.
00:12:16One looks.
00:12:17If one doesn't know, let's give it to Carlita.
00:12:23Thank you very much, Fabio.
00:12:24Fabio took his first star.
00:12:31Look, I heard a rumor that he had very good pumps.
00:12:38And that he knew how to use them.
00:12:39And that he knew how to use the pumps.
00:12:41Forward and backward, forward and backward.
00:12:42Oh, I like it.
00:12:48He has good movement.
00:12:49They say so.
00:12:50They say so.
00:12:51Because I haven't tried that fruit here.
00:12:53I haven't tried it.
00:12:54Okay, thank you very much.
00:12:55And I'm not going to try it either.
00:12:58Are you sure, for example, that she could step on the stick here?
00:13:01The meat is weak, but no, no, I don't think so.
00:13:03And your meat is weak?
00:13:08It's soft like she is.
00:13:09It's soft and weak.
00:13:12But if you had the opportunity now to choose someone to give your weak meat.
00:13:16Pass me two.
00:13:18Pass me three.
00:13:19Pass me three too.
00:13:20Yes, take it.
00:13:22I'm going to cry.
00:13:23I'm going to cry.
00:13:24I'm going to cry.
00:13:26My husband.
00:13:29Because we've been talking and I heard something.
00:13:31And he has the male.
00:13:33He has the male photo.
00:13:37And because I want a prosperous future with Isabel.
00:13:45Experience plus.
00:13:48A healthy plan, please.
00:13:51Don't overdo it.
00:13:54Don't overdo it.
00:13:56I put chips on a black guy because I think experience is the mother of all science.
00:14:04I've been with some great girls, so it must be.
00:14:07All right.
00:14:08Good point.
00:14:09Something must be.
00:14:10I'm also going to put chips on these two guys.
00:14:13Because, damn, that accent, to me, it's like ...
00:14:16Cachonda, cachonda.
00:14:17It's like it turns me on.
00:14:19They gave you the cat.
00:14:20I also put chips on Dash.
00:14:24He's a very affectionate man.
00:14:25The affectionate man in bed is very important.
00:14:28He knows.
00:14:29He's nervous.
00:14:30He has experience.
00:14:34I need just one.
00:14:35Just one?
00:14:36Of course.
00:14:37We're playing.
00:14:38We're playing.
00:14:39But with one I'm already.
00:14:40Because he's the best lover.
00:14:41I'm nervous.
00:14:42Why did we give Julie?
00:14:45I don't need anything else.
00:14:46It's the best lover.
00:14:47I have no doubt.
00:14:48Just for playing.
00:14:49Who would you put stars of pure tinged that can be a good lover of those who are in the house?
00:14:54Because we are playing.
00:14:55Because we are playing.
00:14:57I'm going to put one here.
00:15:02You don't respect anything in this house, man.
00:15:08Out of curiosity.
00:15:09Come on, little star.
00:15:12I'm going to be a star.
00:15:13I'm going to be a star.
00:15:14I see it and it gives me curiosity in that aspect because ...
00:15:18Have you fantasized with Fox?
00:15:20It can be like ...
00:15:21But you want to know.
00:15:24Curiosity kills the cat.
00:15:27Ah, bolosa.
00:15:28Always, always.
00:15:31Why is he sexy?
00:15:32Who finds him?
00:15:33You can see that.
00:15:34Does he have a good body?
00:15:36They are super superficial.
00:15:37They are super superficial.
00:15:42And after eight years he convinced my friend for something that has to be.
00:15:47He has her very convinced.
00:15:55He put me again.
00:15:56It's cool.
00:15:58If he was with her for eight years, he also has to have ...
00:16:01Well, my friend.
00:16:02So that's how it goes.
00:16:07Because, I don't know, it's like I see it with you.
00:16:09I always tell you, the relationship I have with Facu is very similar.
00:16:11When they are so close, it's because of that chemistry.
00:16:14It's that fire that ...
00:16:16You know, you can't control yourself.
00:16:17I understand you a lot.
00:16:18Josu, because this has been told to me by my best friend,
00:16:22who is his best friend.
00:16:24In case you are interested.
00:16:25Why does she talk about my intimacy to Ariana?
00:16:34Because men who are not very metrosexual,
00:16:37you know, they don't care how they get up, how they get dressed.
00:16:41Like in the cave.
00:16:43How superficial.
00:16:45That kind of guys, in the end, are super generous in bed.
00:16:50It's true.
00:16:51That's how I understand.
00:16:53For me, my boyfriend, obviously.
00:16:55To have him back after two years.
00:16:58When did they finish?
00:16:59Did you think he was going to come back?
00:17:01Ah, you had it clear there.
00:17:03How long did they finish?
00:17:04Two years.
00:17:05And the first one, how old was he?
00:17:06The first one is like more than a year old and about eight months.
00:17:10Your little daughter doesn't care that he's going to give you his back.
00:17:12Yes, because he was at his peak.
00:17:14So he had to give him some time to realize that even though he was with a lot of women,
00:17:19none of them were going to be like me.
00:17:24The love of my life.
00:17:33So, Jo, you are the winner.
00:17:40I ask you, please, Jo, to come here because we are going to crown you as the best lover.
00:17:46I mean it.
00:17:49I don't have a shirt.
00:17:51I bought it for you.
00:17:55Here it comes.
00:17:56The shirt.
00:17:57No, but Jo.
00:17:59Take it off, take it off.
00:18:07When the girls say that you are the best lover in the house, how do you feel?
00:18:12You have a good eye.
00:18:13It's a pleasure.
00:18:15But I don't consider myself a lover.
00:18:17You consider yourself a lover?
00:18:18The best.
00:18:20Because I like women, I like sex, I'm sexually active and I like to make them enjoy and enjoy me.
00:18:30By the decision of the women of this house, you are the best word lover.
00:18:37Are you willing to prove in this house that you are a good lover?
00:18:39Well, I don't have any kind of problem.
00:18:41Are there any candidates?
00:18:42No, but...
00:18:43Could you name three?
00:18:49My Jo.
00:18:52I have it at the tip of my tongue, but her.
00:18:54Oh, Palo.
00:18:57We give a round of applause to Jo, the best lover.
00:19:00Thank you very much for voting for me.
00:19:16We go with...
00:19:17The unfaithful.
00:19:18The unfaithful.
00:19:21I'm going to like all the stars better.
00:19:23More or less knowing his story or what he lived before.
00:19:32It was obvious, on the island of temptations.
00:19:38Another star for Mel.
00:19:39Thank you very much.
00:19:46How stupid.
00:19:47We're going to change a little bit.
00:19:48So as not to carry so much with the friend.
00:19:51Do you feel sorry?
00:19:54But look.
00:19:56I have the letter K.
00:19:58How unfaithful.
00:20:00Because he doesn't like the baby.
00:20:02I imagine that there is polyamory, everything.
00:20:05I hope you don't get back together with him.
00:20:10I also saw it on the program.
00:20:11So it's true that we're going to support him.
00:20:13Here we are going to...
00:20:14You can't see what you already saw.
00:20:18I think you're going to destroy this category.
00:20:21There she went straight.
00:20:22Right, right.
00:20:27No, not at all.
00:20:33For you!
00:20:34For you!
00:20:36He was never unfaithful.
00:20:39Yes, by his own experience.
00:20:41The first time we tested and they separated me,
00:20:43he was unfaithful to me for three days.
00:20:45Why do you think that happened?
00:20:46After so long in a relationship, he always behaved well.
00:20:49Or maybe he had behaved badly before too?
00:20:51I don't think so.
00:20:52Sincerely, I think he had never been unfaithful to me until that moment.
00:20:54But of course, we were together 24 hours a day.
00:20:56Here, the first time they separated us, they put us to the test.
00:21:02I really liked him, but...
00:21:04We all know that...
00:21:06That's it.
00:21:07Things have happened.
00:21:08The good thing is that everyone likes him.
00:21:16With a lot of respect.
00:21:17He didn't have a commitment with anyone.
00:21:19But she did.
00:21:21He didn't have a commitment.
00:21:26I'm getting nervous.
00:21:27Is there something about who I eat with, where, when, with you?
00:21:29What did he tell you?
00:21:30No, never.
00:21:31Friends, please.
00:21:32Because they sleep together.
00:21:36What's wrong with that?
00:21:37No, there's nothing wrong.
00:21:38But why does he think she's going to do something bad?
00:21:40What's going on?
00:21:41No, no, no.
00:21:42He's the one who doesn't have to do anything bad.
00:21:44But she's a miss.
00:21:45But you don't trust him?
00:21:46Yes, I trust him.
00:21:47But not the miss.
00:21:55My God.
00:21:56Don't worry.
00:22:01Mel, I love you.
00:22:05He gives me the feeling that he's a bit of a bad boy.
00:22:10You too.
00:22:13And I don't know why I get the feeling that he's also a bit of a bad boy sometimes.
00:22:22My God, my skin.
00:22:24This morning when I got here, they both told me that he was partying a lot in Ibiza.
00:22:34This one, because I know it was him.
00:22:42The black one because he said he was a bit of a bad boy.
00:22:46That he was a misunderstood.
00:22:47Ah, what a straight face.
00:22:49Of course, yes.
00:22:51I need to mature.
00:22:52It's true.
00:22:56A little while ago I saw an interview with him on a show and he said that he was totally unfaithful because he loved women.
00:23:02So, look, it's for him.
00:23:03It's true, it's true.
00:23:05Well, we have the absolute winner.
00:23:09Come on, Mel.
00:23:10Come on.
00:23:11Come on, Mel.
00:23:12Come on, Mel.
00:23:21Why do you come here so calm, Mel?
00:23:23No, the others don't know me.
00:23:24I'm really mad at Yuli for saying that and putting all those stars on me when she knows that I was never unfaithful in the real world.
00:23:29No one is saved here.
00:23:31Reality is something else.
00:23:32Ah, but reality is reality.
00:23:35In reality, yes, but not outside.
00:23:37If they fuck you here, nothing happens.
00:23:39It's a reality.
00:23:41You were unfaithful there too.
00:23:42At the same time.
00:23:43No, at the same time.
00:23:44You were unfaithful.
00:23:45No, you first.
00:23:46You gave me a kiss first than me.
00:23:48You gave me a kiss.
00:23:49You gave me a kiss.
00:23:50Because of activity.
00:23:51No, no, super activity.
00:23:52No, well, let's not discuss this now.
00:23:53Here the issue to be resolved is missing.
00:23:56There is a conversation pending.
00:23:59For you, it was not unfaithfulness because you did it inside reality.
00:24:03No, I was unfaithful in reality, obviously, I was unfaithful in reality.
00:24:06She was also unfaithful in reality.
00:24:07I want to clarify that.
00:24:08But you first.
00:24:09But she said I was first.
00:24:10Okay, yes.
00:24:11But, as if I treat her as unfaithful, it bothers me when she also does that.
00:24:14No, no, I said that during our seven years, I said no.
00:24:16You said, I think it's...
00:24:17No, no, no, not for me.
00:24:18No, but you said no because I was 24-7.
00:24:19So, if I die today, I'm a thousand months apart.
00:24:21No, but that's what happened.
00:24:25Okay, but you don't want to be tilted by that.
00:24:27No, because I'm not.
00:24:28Okay, do you believe him?
00:24:31Even though they forgive you, you will be unfaithful.
00:24:41A fallen soldier.
00:24:42A fallen soldier.
00:24:43Giving face, giving face.
00:24:46A fallen soldier.
00:24:47A fallen soldier.
00:24:48Giving face, giving face.
00:25:04Last category, the most cawilous.
00:25:08Oh, that one has blood in my eye.
00:25:12Cawilero chismoso.
00:25:13Cawilero chismoso.
00:25:14Que mal.
00:25:15No, no, no.
00:25:16Inventa cosa.
00:25:17Oh, oh, oh.
00:25:18Oh, oh, oh.
00:25:19Oh, oh, oh.
00:25:20Oh, oh, oh.
00:25:21Oh, oh, oh.
00:25:22Oh, oh, oh.
00:25:23Oh, oh, oh.
00:25:24Oh, oh, oh.
00:25:25He has invented things about you?
00:25:26Yes, many.
00:25:27On TV?
00:25:28You don't know?
00:25:29Or here at home?
00:25:30No, on TV.
00:25:31Ah, but he has never invented anything.
00:25:32He has invented things about you?
00:25:33Uh, yes, I think he has said things, but they have bothered me a lot.
00:25:37Do you have a bad mood here with him?
00:25:43Cawilero chismoso.
00:25:44Cawilero chismoso.
00:25:45Cawilero chismoso.
00:25:46Cawilero chismoso.
00:25:47Cawilero chismoso.
00:25:48Cawilero chismoso.
00:25:49Yes, I have a bad mood and I'm not so sure.
00:25:50So, you've had a relationship?
00:25:51Yes, I have.
00:25:52Okay, very good.
00:25:53Well, thank you very much.
00:25:55But until now, we have had a good relationship, but with a little distance.
00:25:56Thank you, Phallon.
00:25:57Thank you very much, Phallon.
00:25:59I know you very well.
00:26:00I have already worked with both and I believe and think that they are the top one.
00:26:01Of the cawileros.
00:26:02I'm from Los Cagüineros.
00:26:03Yes, you both are from Los Cagüineros.
00:26:05Oh no!
00:26:07You're a friend!
00:26:10Above all, do you know who?
00:26:12Don Rajas, Mr. Rojas.
00:26:14I think they want to hurt you.
00:26:16It's a prejudice, no, no one sees it, bad vibes.
00:26:19It's Don Rajas.
00:26:20Sergio Rajas.
00:26:21Sergio Rajas.
00:26:22Sergio Rajas, that's what I call him.
00:26:24With a lot of love.
00:26:26Today I did see someone who didn't suspect he was from Los Cagüineros.
00:26:30But now I know it's him.
00:26:32I'm going to give him a star.
00:26:35Yes or no?
00:26:36Yes or no?
00:26:41But does he bring it with him?
00:26:42He brings it with him, yes.
00:26:43You didn't catch the shot.
00:26:44So you have to be careful with Félix.
00:26:46Okay, thank you.
00:26:51He's going to fall, he's going to fall.
00:26:52He's going to fall, he's going to fall.
00:26:53He's going to fall, he's going to fall.
00:26:55I still love you, man.
00:26:57I don't know why I love you, but I still love you.
00:26:59Oh, La Cata.
00:27:00Is he bald?
00:27:01Yes, he's super bald, he's laughing, he's puffy.
00:27:05He's a joker.
00:27:06Am I a joker?
00:27:08These people are so bad.
00:27:11It's true that he's talked about me many times and he's said many things that aren't true.
00:27:16But if he keeps messing with footballers, how am I not going to talk about her?
00:27:21It's also for him, although I didn't know who he was, but when I arrived, the first thing he told me was
00:27:28if Facu had... if I had cleaned him because he had been with another person.
00:27:34But I asked him why Facu had been with Pamela.
00:27:37Tell me.
00:27:38They told him.
00:27:39So I told him that she was receiving something that she was already using
00:27:43and obviously when you use something used, you have to clean it to use it again, right?
00:27:49Didn't you find that comment to be misplaced?
00:27:52No, I saw it as the typical joker, but it doesn't matter to me.
00:27:57I don't give a shit about the biggest things.
00:27:58I love it, I don't give a shit.
00:28:01He already has the joker on.
00:28:06The joker of Palabra de Honor is Sergio Raja or Rojas, as it is written here.
00:28:12Please, Sergio.
00:28:16I'm scared.
00:28:19I'm scared.
00:28:20That's Sergio.
00:28:22Joker, joker.
00:28:24I'm giving you a face.
00:28:27I'm giving you a face so I can see your face.
00:28:29What do you have to say?
00:28:30Here are pending debts.
00:28:32Falon has blood in his eyes for a while,
00:28:35but because I have commented on things that maybe you don't like,
00:28:38but they have never been a lie.
00:28:39How do you know if they are lies?
00:28:41I don't know, because obviously I know if deep down...
00:28:43No, because you don't know, because you don't have confidence.
00:28:46...for adults.
00:28:49What I do is that I prefer to take other paths, I don't judge you for anything,
00:28:53but what I do is...
00:28:54And you did it.
00:28:55...give an opinion.
00:28:56Yes, you did it.
00:28:57I gave an opinion in court.
00:28:59What did you think? I didn't see it.
00:29:01I prefer to have my own house, but maybe working in another way.
00:29:08Not what Falon has done.
00:29:10No, but I don't judge her.
00:29:11I mean, deep down she can do it, she's a pretty girl.
00:29:13Besides, Falon has a beginning,
00:29:15that you stole the color from a girl who was a little girl, who was Carol Dance.
00:29:19You got into that relationship.
00:29:20Of course.
00:29:25You didn't like what I thought of that.
00:29:27You're making it up there.
00:29:28You didn't steal the color of the sand.
00:29:32I haven't done that.
00:29:33Oh, well, then I'm wrong and the whole story is wrong.
00:29:36Of course, of course, and it's your word against mine, because you don't know.
00:29:39No, it's not my word, it's the story.
00:29:42Perfection brings, but it has the point.
00:29:47The other thing that can bother you is that I laugh when you declared that you were going to be the next Soledad O'Neto.
00:29:52I don't know if Soledad O'Neto, deep down, would be happy or would have followed the same steps.
00:29:57But what do you care?
00:29:58But it's an opinion, it's an opinion, Falon.
00:30:00But what do you care? Why does it bother you so much?
00:30:02No, it doesn't bother me.
00:30:03Because you're so envious.
00:30:04It's an opinion, it's an opinion, Falon.
00:30:05No, it's that you start making things up.
00:30:07When I said this, about Soledad O'Neto, I was studying journalism and I said, who, I mean, they asked me at some point.
00:30:15Who do you admire?
00:30:16Obviously, I'm going to love to be like her, a super outstanding journalist.
00:30:21And what happened?
00:30:22And that doesn't matter to you.
00:30:24But that's an opinion, Falon.
00:30:26That doesn't matter to you.
00:30:27I wish I could make you a little more honest and win you those looks that you also win on television talking about real things.
00:30:35Ah, but you're judging me.
00:30:36That's it.
00:30:37Of the same things that you complain about, I was doing it.
00:30:42Ori wants to say something.
00:30:44In this case, I believe you when you say that she, and that you know, that she has done things.
00:30:49Because she has also lied to me, shamelessly.
00:30:53She does it continuously.
00:30:55She has done it with me, she has also done it with Gala, who at the time she considered her friend here.
00:31:00She is a person who has no scruples, she is quite cynical too.
00:31:04She has criticized our attitudes a lot.
00:31:06She told me that I was worth little as a woman for having relationships with my boyfriend here.
00:31:11And now she herself is the one who does other kinds of things and charging for it, okay?
00:31:19Don't tell me that I'm an easy one and that she is.
00:31:23Here, from her friend, when she turned around, she criticized her, stabbed her, okay?
00:31:28Because she is kissing Judas.
00:31:30So, you do it here.
00:31:32Ah, the same thing that I bit your mouth with the one I was with.
00:31:35Sit down, Judas.
00:31:36With the one I was with.
00:31:37Let's see.
00:31:38You bit her mouth.
00:31:39She was a girl.
00:31:42And now all you want is to have Gala there.
00:31:45To have Gala there.
00:31:47But, of course, she has to cover her mouth because the one who bit Ray's mouth was you.
00:31:52It was you.
00:31:53It was you.
00:31:54I bit her mouth with you because I saw all the reality.
00:31:56It was you.
00:31:57I saw everything you did behind my back.
00:32:01You're going to have time to…
00:32:03Poor thing, look, she won a category and no one hit you.
00:32:07I didn't have Gala to hit, but…
00:32:09Sergio was left with a lot.
00:32:11Look, this is very liberating.
00:32:12It's very liberating because deep down…
00:32:14It's a therapy.
00:32:15And Gala…
00:32:16Very briefly.
00:32:17I think it's better if we talk about it alone.
00:32:19No, no, no, but I just want to tell you something.
00:32:21You are a prisoner of your words.
00:32:23When you denied your relationship with Mauricio Pinilla, which I think is a mistake,
00:32:27because finally time proved that it was real.
00:32:30I never denied anything.
00:32:31I think there are times to recognize something.
00:32:34It's not right, but denying it, you have to be careful because when you step on your own tail,
00:32:38you end up being a prisoner of your own words.
00:32:41I think you have to be careful there.
00:32:44And deep down, that's all we've talked about you.
00:32:47Actually, I'm going to be super clear.
00:32:49It's not because of relationships, or pinning, or made-up romances that I've gotten a lot.
00:32:56Actually, it's the same.
00:32:57There is a specific topic that bothered me a lot with you,
00:33:00which is a way you expressed yourself,
00:33:02but it's another topic that I don't even want to talk about here.
00:33:05Because I want to talk to you personally to explain to you why I'm so sensitive
00:33:10and why I validated you.
00:33:11Because it's something very personal.
00:33:12Because I think sometimes you exceed yourself in the way you express yourself,
00:33:15or the terms you use sometimes,
00:33:17and that you can unintentionally hurt other people,
00:33:19not just the one who is, let's say, in discord.
00:33:24I think that when someone is bothered by something,
00:33:26in this that is as democratic as the flagpole,
00:33:28they have to talk.
00:33:29And I insist again to Fallon, that apart from being rude, not to look,
00:33:32and that's really a concept, Fallon, in life.
00:33:34Oh, you're so annoying.
00:33:35That's not being annoying, I'm telling you.
00:33:37You're so annoying, don't bother me.
00:33:38No, no, no, it's a conversation.
00:33:40You're bothering me.
00:33:41Learn to talk.
00:33:42And when something bothers you,
00:33:44tell me.
00:33:45I was talking to everyone.
00:33:46The other person will also listen to you, Fallon.
00:33:48Well, you have every right to tell me,
00:33:51as Cata has done in terrible terms,
00:33:53but now she has done it in a more appropriate way,
00:33:57because she is more mature.
00:33:59Thank you very much.
00:34:00Let's give a round of applause to Tawinero.
00:34:03I'm leaving.
00:34:07Well, girls, catharsis.
00:34:09Now, who wants to fix the issue, or tomorrow?
00:34:11Well, let's go.
00:34:12Yes, tomorrow, tomorrow.
00:34:13Tomorrow, please.
00:34:14Let's go home.
00:34:15A round of applause for you.
00:34:16Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:34:19You left me in the middle of the street.
00:34:29Did I do it wrong?
00:34:30This is it?
00:34:34Hey, you're good with fans, Ana.
00:34:38I told you.
00:34:39You surprised me.
00:34:40You surprised me.
00:34:41You left me in the middle of the street.
00:34:43It's the simile of primates' drooling.
00:34:45Oh, good.
00:34:46It generates...
00:34:47Are you discrediting me?
00:34:49It generates pleasure and social cohesion.
00:34:51It's that he's brutal.
00:34:52That's Cawin, just so you know.
00:34:54So it's normal for people to like Cawin.
00:35:00I'm not going to go deeper into the subject,
00:35:02but I insist, why is it your fault if he was the one to blame?
00:35:06I wouldn't have gotten involved in that relationship.
00:35:08They would have broken up.
00:35:09The time was too short.
00:35:11Maybe he was separated from her and he started flirting with me.
00:35:16You see, I choose super good people,
00:35:18and I think it's disrespectful that you're not looking at me,
00:35:21because I really think it's disrespectful.
00:35:23It's just that you have the right to hate me all of a sudden.
00:35:26People have the right to have an opinion,
00:35:27but the good thing is that he broke up.
00:35:28She's like that.
00:35:29Yes, yes, she has her character.
00:35:32He has a very fixed view of things.
00:35:34And no one gets him out of it.
00:35:35That's why there are fights.
00:35:36There are fights that I don't go to with him.
00:35:38Because how are you going to see the story that I myself lived, you know?
00:35:43You can make up a story.
00:35:44You can believe something that maybe you suspect.
00:35:47But it's not the absolute truth.
00:35:49But he's an absolutist.
00:35:52Because the gala, you know, inside everything, it's like it's maintained.
00:35:55She's very elegant to say things.
00:35:57Yes, yes.
00:35:58And I'm like, yes, I didn't deny it, but I don't know what to say.
00:36:00But I think it's the same thing.
00:36:02I think it's the same thing.
00:36:03Because of the style of being defensive.
00:36:06Besides, you get involved in what you do to make a living.
00:36:11That's up to each one of you.
00:36:13You can't get involved in that.
00:36:14You can't get involved in what the person is working on.
00:36:19She closed her mouth, man.
00:36:21No, but it's like she's mad.
00:36:22She said two things and we...
00:36:24And the other one, beautiful!
00:36:28But Oriana is brave, man.
00:36:30I don't want to get involved there.
00:36:31Never, never.
00:36:32But she has her side.
00:36:35It's symbolic, man.
00:36:36We've been talking for a while.
00:36:37It's always like that.
00:36:39Two weeks later.
00:36:40And she goes!
00:36:41No, but it can be.
00:36:42Because she's a good girl.
00:36:45The one who looks for her is the police.
00:36:46The same goes for Aray too.
00:36:47She's a good girl.
00:36:48The one who looks for her is the police.
00:36:53Apart from the sub-buses that I was going to choose, that's obvious.
00:36:56Then we didn't ask for that, nothing more.
00:36:58But I said I was going to choose.
00:36:59I said I was going to play.
00:37:00I said, well, let's see.
00:37:01What a coincidence.
00:37:02You don't know how to lie, my love.
00:37:03You don't do things to do.
00:37:05Just for playing.
00:37:07Who would you give a pure-blooded star
00:37:09that can be a good lover of those who are at home?
00:37:11Because we're playing.
00:37:12How difficult.
00:37:13Because we're playing.
00:37:14I'm going to put one here, yes.
00:37:19No one respects her in this house, man.
00:37:23Do you think I like that guy?
00:37:24I always have you between cotton and care.
00:37:27My love, do you listen to me?
00:37:29No, I don't feel like it.
00:37:31You left me alone.
00:37:32I didn't know I was going to bother you.
00:37:34You left me alone too.
00:37:35I thought we were stronger.
00:37:37That we were going to be unconvinced of what we were going to do.
00:37:39But you are.
00:37:40One thing has nothing to do with it.
00:37:41That's it.
00:37:43I understand your point.
00:37:44Well, but I'm sorry.
00:37:45I didn't know I was going to bother you.
00:37:46It was a mistake.
00:37:47I apologize.
00:37:48I won't do it again.
00:37:49What do you want me to do?
00:37:50I don't know.
00:37:51Do what you want.
00:37:53You're going to sleep.
00:37:58I take care of everything I say.
00:38:00And I love you too.
00:38:01It's the first time something like this has happened to me.
00:38:03Yes, my love.
00:38:04No, no.
00:38:05We're playing.
00:38:06But I learn from mistakes.
00:38:07I didn't know I was going to bother you.
00:38:08Now I know.
00:38:09It's not fair.
00:38:10Because you reproach me for everything.
00:38:11No, it's just that I'm bad with you.
00:38:12Because I gave you an adjective.
00:38:13It was a game.
00:38:14I'm sorry.
00:38:15Well, I'm sorry.
00:38:16Well, I'm sorry.
00:38:17I'm sorry.
00:38:18I'm sorry.
00:38:19I'm sorry.
00:38:20I'm sorry.
00:38:21Well, I'm sorry.
00:38:22And I'm going to be the one to kill you.
00:38:23You wouldn't do it.
00:38:24Well, I'm sorry.
00:38:25I didn't realize.
00:38:26Forgive me.
00:38:27After all that I forgive you, you won't forgive me?
00:38:28You won't forgive me?
00:38:29Think about it.
00:38:30I won't.
00:38:31Think about it.
00:38:32I won't.
00:38:33No, I'm not making it up.
00:38:34Look, I'll take care of you.
00:38:35Everything I say, everything.
00:38:36I'm not taking care of you.
00:38:37All this time, I never took care of you.
00:38:38I've taken care of you all this year.
00:38:39All of it?
00:38:40Yes, in the first time something like this has happened to you.
00:38:41And it was a fool for me.
00:38:42I understand that for you it's not.
00:38:43I've been taking care of you all this time.
00:38:45I've been taking care of you all this time.
00:38:46It's the first time something like this happened.
00:38:48For me, it was stupid.
00:38:49I understand that for you it wasn't.
00:38:50I asked you for forgiveness.
00:38:51I told you not to suffer again.
00:38:52That's it.
00:38:53What else do you want me to do?
00:38:55I slept with your ex.
00:38:56That's it.
00:39:09I don't want to sleep fighting.
00:39:11No, no.
00:39:12No, but...
00:39:15It's not going to happen again.
00:39:17It's over.
00:39:18Let's get over that.
00:39:20We're not strong enough.
00:39:23I mean, if it doesn't happen again...
00:39:25That's why we're trying to fix it.
00:39:27It doesn't affect me.
00:39:28It doesn't affect me.
00:39:29We're not strong enough, then.
00:39:31Well, we have to get stronger.
00:39:33It's over.
00:39:35Let's do something else.
00:39:36Let's imagine something else.
00:39:38What else?
00:39:39I don't know.
00:39:44We're not strong enough.
00:39:46It doesn't affect me.
00:39:47No, forgive me, then.
00:39:49What do you mean forgive you?
00:39:51I didn't do anything to you.
00:39:53Well, no.
00:39:55I don't want to sleep fighting.
00:39:57I felt it.
00:39:58We knew each other a lot more.
00:40:00Since we met.
00:40:02We'll have to corroborate that.
00:40:04I don't know if it's true.
00:40:07Can I?
00:40:09And you're not a good lover with everyone.
00:40:14I don't think you have the same connection with everyone.
00:40:17Sometimes it's very good.
00:40:21And sometimes it's just good.
00:40:23You're good, but when you have a connection, you're out of the ordinary.
00:40:32And all at once.
00:40:33It's incredible.
00:40:35It's easy.
00:40:37But all at once...
00:40:39It's hard.
00:40:41Very few times.
00:40:42I like it more with love.
00:40:44But it's not the same when you sleep with the person you love.
00:40:51I know a lot more than you do.
00:40:53I've won you over in years.
00:40:55So much experience.
00:40:59I've known all kinds of lovers.
00:41:01I've noticed that you've lived a lot.
00:41:06I don't like to sleep without him.
00:41:09You have to be someone I feel comfortable sleeping with.
00:41:12You're going to sleep with me.
00:41:16It's up to you.
00:41:17You feel comfortable.
00:41:21Thank you for coming.
00:41:24Thank you for trying.
00:41:26That's it.
00:41:28What is Corte?
00:41:31Let me explain.
00:41:33With all my love and respect.
00:41:37What is Corte?
00:41:40Corte is like...
00:41:42Like style.
00:41:44You know about Corte.
00:41:46You know about style.
00:41:47You know about Corte.
00:41:48We are Corte.
00:41:49Like the ones that blow it up.
00:41:51Like the ones that blow it up.
00:41:54Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:41:55I took him out to a party in Huaracha.
00:41:57He was playing with everyone.
00:42:01Then I started taking care of him and he left.
00:42:06It's a pleasure.
00:42:07Thank you for welcoming me.
00:42:09I had a great time.
00:42:11It's just that it's hard for me to be here.
00:42:14Very hard.
00:42:15In what way?
00:42:17My freedom.
00:42:18My hospital.
00:42:21My independence.
00:42:22My freedom.
00:42:24I've lived all my life.
00:42:26I'm a hippie.
00:42:30I've never had a schedule.
00:42:33They never told me what to do.
00:42:42I have to sleep with my mouth open.
00:42:43No, you have to sleep with your mouth open.
00:42:45Or we're going to shit.
00:42:47A pillow.
00:42:48Give him a pillow.
00:43:00Put a lot of things on his head.
00:43:02So he can't hear.
00:43:05A blanket.
00:43:06So he can't hear.
00:43:13Let's see you.
00:43:14Who's the prettiest?
00:43:16This one and that one.
00:43:20Let's see this one.
00:43:21This one's pretty.
00:43:22Look at this little one.
00:43:23This is Julie.
00:43:25The one with the two husbands?
00:43:27She's a sweetheart.
00:43:28Very affectionate.
00:43:30Yes, she's loving.
00:43:31Very loving.
00:43:47I love you.
00:43:48I love you.
00:43:49I love you.
00:43:50Suicide Bombed!
00:44:12She's taking a bath, and I don't know her name.
00:44:15She's taking a bath...
00:44:20Hey, oh, hey, oh, hey, oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, hey, oh, hey, oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
00:44:50hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
00:45:20Hey, girl, let me take a walk, I'm alone
00:45:48If she, for example, stole from Karol Danz, Arenita...
00:45:51But that happened a hundred years ago.
00:45:53Laugh, it's an anecdote in your life.
00:45:57It's like, oh yeah, but she was a super girl.
00:46:00Thank goodness I rescued her.
00:46:01But that happens.
00:46:02Yes, but everything is taken so seriously, so markedly.
00:46:07Do you see the problem?
00:46:08Ah, and with the adult content, its justification,
00:46:12because you, for example, do it because you like it.
00:46:15Because it's a way to get a good economy.
00:46:18The end.
00:46:19But if you start to invent...
00:46:21No, it's the house itself, the house itself.
00:46:24I'm in the middle of all this shit, but defending myself with arguments.
00:46:27Like, you can meddle in my decisions.
00:46:33We were bad.
00:46:34Our relationship was already very monotonous, very hungry.
00:46:36We didn't enjoy the trips.
00:46:38We were dedicated to traveling, traveling, traveling.
00:46:40Yes, I've seen that a lot.
00:46:42And it was like, we didn't enjoy anything.
00:46:45It was like, we were going to a super hotel, to super places.
00:46:48And everything was like, taking pictures, I don't know what, the whole thing.
00:46:51I mean, that hugging and everything is nothing.
00:46:53Nothing, nothing, nothing.
00:46:54Zero, zero.
00:46:56Look, look, look.
00:46:57She's going to jump.
00:47:01Look at her.
00:47:05But she had it saved, huh?
00:47:09What a girl!
00:47:10Just in time for the shower.
00:47:15Hey, what happened with Falo?
00:47:18Well, now that I've seen the reality,
00:47:20and well, every time I could, behind my back,
00:47:22he talked badly about me, about my shitty aunt.
00:47:24Like, he kind of denigrated me, as a woman.
00:47:27And that hurt me, man.
00:47:31One day I realized that I was writing shit in comments,
00:47:33talking about me, man.
00:47:35I mean, like, trying to defend myself from things that maybe attacked her,
00:47:39saying things about me.
00:47:41And I wrote to her personally, and I told her,
00:47:43I told her, what's up?
00:47:45I told her, man, I don't want to know anything else about you,
00:47:47because deep down, it's like, I mean, I understand that we're not friends.
00:47:50Clearly, for you, we're not friends.
00:47:52But that doesn't mean that you have the right to talk badly about me,
00:47:54to judge me, if I behave well with you.
00:47:56I never talked badly about her, behind my back.
00:47:58I don't know, Montezuna, we did an activity,
00:48:00and they had to do challenges.
00:48:02And I had to do a topless, without running,
00:48:04I mean, it wasn't even sexy, it was ridiculous.
00:48:06And I was like, man, I'm more free,
00:48:08maybe they educated me in the freedom of, I don't know,
00:48:10and I was laughing, I ran, I ran, I don't know what.
00:48:13And she said to me, and don't you feel ashamed?
00:48:15Like, denigrating, as if I were unworthy on my part.
00:48:19Like, I don't give a shit.
00:48:20Yeah, but she's doing it now.
00:48:22So, it's double-dealing, and I don't like that.
00:48:24It's like, of course, I mean, I denigrate other women,
00:48:26but I don't self-evaluate myself,
00:48:28and if you can, the others are wrong.
00:48:30Because, of course, when they told her,
00:48:33it's true.
00:48:54Hello, good morning!
00:48:57I had to ring the bell, but they got up earlier.
00:49:01So cute, how did they sleep?
00:49:07Good morning!
00:49:09How are you? How did you sleep?
00:49:11How are you, darling?
00:49:16My little brothers.
00:49:19How nice to see you.
00:49:20Shall we go up the stairs?
00:49:21Let's go.
00:49:25Good morning!
00:49:26Good morning!
00:49:27How are you?
00:49:28Good morning!
00:49:29Hey, kids, the important thing now
00:49:31is that you put your things in order,
00:49:33because Pia is coming now.
00:49:35Make sure everything is in order,
00:49:36and put your things in the trunk.
00:49:38No, it's not mine.
00:49:39The sister and the chili.
00:49:40The sister and the chili.
00:49:43It's true, it's very similar.
00:49:47I'll make you the chili.
00:49:48She has 20 minutes to make her face.
00:49:52It looks like me.
00:49:54I thought so when I saw you too.
00:49:56She has 20 minutes.
00:49:5720 minutes.
00:49:58Kids, can you help her?
00:50:02Hey, the black guy!
00:50:05No way!
00:50:06They took him to a nursing home.
00:50:12How are you, kids?
00:50:13How are you?
00:50:15The collagen.
00:50:17The collagen.
00:50:20I have soft hands.
00:50:23What's going on here?
00:50:24I'm at the hairdresser's.
00:50:25What are you doing here?
00:50:26I'm getting a haircut.
00:50:27Are you winning?
00:50:29Or me against her?
00:50:31I like it because you're very frontal.
00:50:34Do you like Josué?
00:50:35A lot.
00:50:36Look, besides, you know,
00:50:37it's stressful for me.
00:50:38It's worth it.
00:50:39It's worth it, Pato.
00:50:40Sweetie, you're not in this reality show yet.
00:50:43You're making the chili ugly.
00:50:45I'm going to help you.
00:50:49I came from having left him with my ex.
00:50:52She's used to this reality show.
00:50:54The other time it was like that
00:50:56because I wasn't used to the heat,
00:50:58the intensity.
00:50:59But now,
00:51:00I can't go through the intensity
00:51:02that I went through with Ray.
00:51:03No, no, no.
00:51:04That's not...
00:51:06I can't go through that again
00:51:07because deep down...
00:51:08It depends on who you're with.
00:51:09Because with Ray it was the other way around.
00:51:11Yes, of course.
00:51:12But it's true...
00:51:13It was awful.
00:51:14Of course.
00:51:15But he also said from the beginning
00:51:17that he didn't want to be serious.
00:51:18Of course.
00:51:19But if you see the other person
00:51:21and you have something like that,
00:51:22that's when you move forward.
00:51:24But that's why I have to get back
00:51:26into an exposed situation.
00:51:29With someone like that,
00:51:30it has to be because
00:51:31there's really a cool feeling.
00:51:36I'm losing points all the time.
00:51:40All the time.
00:51:42Why do you care?
00:51:43It doesn't matter who does it.
00:51:45And how do you make a living?
00:51:47You don't have to get into that.
00:51:50Why are you so worried about me?
00:52:01You know what?
00:52:02I want to do a rating.
00:52:04Natu looks prettier like this.
00:52:09Yesterday when I caught her like this,
00:52:10when we met her yesterday,
00:52:11in the section,
00:52:12with everything slow,
00:52:13the same,
00:52:15Are you looking at Natu?
00:52:17I love her.
00:52:18I love her.
00:52:19I love her.
00:52:20I don't know if...
00:52:21I don't care.
00:52:23There's a video where
00:52:24Mateuche is there,
00:52:26with Dani and Colette.
00:52:28Colada, the Brazilian?
00:52:29Colette, yes.
00:52:31And Austin is there in the background
00:52:32and starts talking bad about Austin.
00:52:33No, because Austin,
00:52:34I don't know what,
00:52:35I don't know how much,
00:52:36and Facundo like this.
00:52:37Listen, listen.
00:52:38And then another comment
00:52:39about me also comes out.
00:52:40And instead of supporting him
00:52:41or saying something,
00:52:42he suddenly says no.
00:52:43And on top of that,
00:52:44Austin and Fabio
00:52:45say ugly things outside.
00:52:46Sometimes they fight hard.
00:52:47What do you have to say about that?
00:52:48Facundo wants to be fine
00:52:49with the uncle and the devil.
00:52:50And that can't be done.
00:52:51Let's see,
00:52:52I also told you that
00:52:53on the show.
00:52:54Oriana, you don't know him
00:52:55for a long time.
00:52:56We've known him
00:52:57for many years.
00:52:58And before having this problem,
00:52:59we've always had
00:53:00these conversations with him
00:53:01because he has done it
00:53:02on several occasions.
00:53:03And we tell him,
00:53:04brother, you are a hypocrite,
00:53:06But I tell you that
00:53:07from Austin's side,
00:53:08I also saw that
00:53:09he criticized Facu
00:53:10and didn't defend him either.
00:53:11And when he came
00:53:12to look for Pamela,
00:53:13he stayed hidden.
00:53:14I swear on my mother,
00:53:15he didn't know.
00:53:16He didn't know
00:53:17what was going on.
00:53:18He was dying to come down.
00:53:19It's very clear, Oriana.
00:53:20Of course not.
00:53:21I tell you the truth.
00:53:22And you tell him,
00:53:23don't come down,
00:53:24don't come down.
00:53:25I know I say no
00:53:26because we thought
00:53:27it was a joke.
00:53:28You don't care.
00:53:29You don't care
00:53:30because you're not my friend.
00:53:31We thought
00:53:32it was a joke about her.
00:53:33But listen,
00:53:34I'm Facundo,
00:53:35I'm with you.
00:53:36And my brother comes
00:53:37to visit me,
00:53:38you tell me no.
00:53:39He doesn't know
00:53:40that you were there.
00:53:41If you were there,
00:53:44I swear on my mother
00:53:45and my dog.
00:53:46If you were there,
00:53:48You're my fault.
00:53:49No, no.
00:53:50It's your fault.
00:53:51No, no, no.
00:53:52It's your fault.
00:53:53He really didn't know
00:53:54that you were there.
00:53:55I swear on my mother.
00:53:57He let you carry him
00:53:58and didn't have the balls
00:53:59to come down.
00:54:00Sometimes it seems
00:54:01that he should
00:54:02insist more.
00:54:03I'm the first
00:54:04to tell him that.
00:54:06he acted like a bitch.
00:54:07I'm fine
00:54:08because you're his girlfriend
00:54:09and you're going to defend him
00:54:10now because you're with him.
00:54:11He didn't say on purpose
00:54:12because he didn't know
00:54:13the truth.
00:54:14He didn't say on purpose
00:54:46Don't even be ready
00:54:51See what I'm doing is keep an eye on me
00:54:53I'm going to be so low and I think I'll be cool. Okay, wait, I love you
00:54:58That's a moment, but I'm a man. No, but he's a hot job
00:55:01I'm trying for a high-tech. I think I owe you a CEO
00:55:03So he was in bed. He's okay. No, but okay. He's easy. So you see I'm gonna be up. Okay. Oh, yeah, man
00:55:08Take a look at it. Yeah
00:55:12No, yeah, but you know, so let me see still go wrong. Yeah, man
00:55:15You're not a man. Okay, man. Yeah, I don't even know what I know. No, sir. Yeah, but I don't even know
00:55:19He told me in Canada, but we don't need to be cool
00:55:23But I'm gonna go home. Okay
00:55:32Okay, I don't know what you mean I can't believe this is a loss or
00:55:39Well, okay, man, I don't see that's a word
00:55:54It's a message
00:55:56Okay, can I sell it now, okay
00:56:00Don't move Cooley name
00:56:03Fabulous teeny city por ocho
00:56:14What you put on your 60 quadro city por ocho
00:56:20Quadratus into one into a quattro
00:56:26No, no, no, no
00:56:29Capital de bolivia
00:56:39No, no, no, no, I'm sorry
00:57:00Please come here miss Grado
00:57:05Angela Grados una miss not a miss por que ahora cuenta
00:57:15Pero tú no puedes estarle joteando el novio a una persona que se lo
00:57:20Quiero todo el derecho que opinar si me interesaría
00:57:26Hace rato era sido diferente y lo hubiera dicho
00:57:30Tierno maxi
00:57:44Pero todavía
00:57:47O sea, no es que está enamorada porque evidentemente
00:57:51Pero hay algo que aún no se cierra
00:57:57Si estuviera soltero
00:58:02Todo el rato
00:58:26Ahora le digo algo Fabio tampoco están difícil
00:58:32Yo no voy a dar nombre
00:58:37Amigas amigas que han desfilado el departamento Fabio donde
00:58:43Solo voy a decir esto
00:58:46Pero y que escuchado también tiene esa fama de
00:58:50alguna conversación con él
00:58:55Después al rato cuando bajaste con mateo
00:59:03Manipulando y el idiota que se agarra la verdad no saca la cara por una mía
00:59:13Porque lo único que me va a sacar está es que yo hago fotos para adultos nada más
00:59:20Estoy segura y no no que mi contenido vale dinero
00:59:27Y porque
00:59:32A mí me coronaron y
00:59:34Bueno parece que no fue no fui tan
00:59:37O sea como que la la famosa reina que quieren que corone que ella no se lo merece la corona que ella fea que eran
00:59:43racistas como que porque
00:59:46Por mi color de piel y todos cinco meses después nos vamos a una
00:59:50O un viaje con todas las demás misas que también estaba
00:59:57Está la segunda finalista
00:59:59la reina
01:00:01Que ella fue la la que es la que hizo todo la reina tinta mala y nos fuimos a la selva
01:00:07No se invitan a una discoteca en la noche y entonces estábamos
01:00:11bebiendo todo y mis
01:00:13Ella se quedó conmigo
01:00:19Conmigo y otra chica más cuidándome
01:00:22Nosotros nos fue malísimo y nos salimos de ahí no fuimos a la tele en mi cuarto
01:00:28Yo vomité y esta chica como mientras me auxiliaba me graba
01:00:49Más personas en este mundo que yo le cuento la historia todavía es una p
01:00:52Y este video tres días después lo filtra yo me vuelvo viral por ese video evidentemente de la mismo
01:01:13Es serio de todo que echando login
01:01:18Me están comiendo los cabros están yendo a chance
01:01:24ese culito causó una sensación
01:01:27la falda
01:01:29I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch!
01:01:34You got him, you got him!
01:01:36When the competition is over, the duck...
01:01:39Fabio was in the lead, because Fabio is very muscular,
01:01:42he was running all the time, and I was right next to Fabio,
01:01:45and the girls were like, oh, Fabio, you have my duck!
01:01:47Look, he's got the dash too!
01:01:49The two prettiest ducks in the house!
01:01:55Come here, my little duck!
01:01:58Give me a kiss!
01:02:01You see? And then you say you miss me.
01:02:03What a thing, man!
01:02:05You want to fight?
01:02:07Why don't you love me?
01:02:09No, I don't want to, I don't want to.
01:02:15A little bear hug!
01:02:17A little bear hug.
01:02:21The dream was shit, man.
01:02:23The way you look at me, the way you feel,
01:02:25this is all that you need.
01:02:27A little kiss, a little kiss.
01:02:31And when you walk, you tell me a lot of things that you want.
01:02:35They said here that your name is Paco,
01:02:37like Paco after the law of Huasca.
01:02:39No, Alele is Huasca, which is something else.
01:02:41We are Huasca.
01:02:43I don't know Pacundo, but there's something.
01:02:46But look over there.
01:02:49Look, look!
01:02:51I'm Vanessa, look!
01:02:54I'm Huasca!
01:02:56It's Paco Caicedo, huh?
01:03:00Look, look!
01:03:06Look, look, look!
01:03:13Today begins a hard military instruction for each of the recruits,
01:03:17which will force them, day by day, to overcome their own limits.
01:03:20Today begins the test of courage,
01:03:22which will expose them to their deepest fears
01:03:25and their most delirious phobias.
01:03:33To all the recruits around here,
01:03:35we meet at the amphitheater.
01:03:41Good morning.
01:03:42Good morning to everyone.
01:03:44To begin with, everyone withdraw to the sentry.
01:03:46Two, those caps, put them on properly.
01:03:48The visor forward.
01:03:50I also see recruits who don't wear a helmet or cap.
01:03:53I'm going to look for it.
01:03:54No, there's no more.
01:03:55It's not time to look for the cap.
01:03:57Another thing.
01:03:58Either everyone wears a helmet, or everyone doesn't wear a helmet.
01:04:01So, wait a minute.
01:04:02I'm talking.
01:04:03I speak first,
01:04:04and then when I ask you to take the floor,
01:04:08raise your hand and I will give you the floor.
01:04:11We are in a military reformatory.
01:04:13Everything must be the same.
01:04:15From the posture, from the way you sit,
01:04:17and the uniform you wear.
01:04:19Another thing.
01:04:20Recruit Muñoz will join us shortly.
01:04:21He will also be part of today's training.
01:04:24What are we going to know today?
01:04:27We are going to talk about courage.
01:04:31A volunteer.
01:04:32Tell me what you understand by courage.
01:04:34Let's see. Stand up.
01:04:35Stand up for everyone.
01:04:36I think courage is doing something
01:04:39despite having panic, phobia,
01:04:42or overcoming our own limitations.
01:04:45Very good.
01:04:48Recruit Muñoz, put it here.
01:04:50Put it here.
01:04:51Let's see.
01:04:52What do you understand by courage?
01:04:53What did you do recently at 12,000 feet?
01:04:57That was courage.
01:05:14You were watching, right?
01:05:15That's right.
01:05:16Do you realize?
01:05:17Take your place.
01:05:18Take a seat next to your partner.
01:05:22Why are you kissing?
01:05:24Why are you kissing him?
01:05:26One last time.
01:05:27One last kiss.
01:05:28Be careful.
01:05:29Next time I see something irregular,
01:05:32everyone will be punished.
01:05:36In our daily life,
01:05:37what do we have to do?
01:05:39Make decisions.
01:05:40Every decision has a risk.
01:05:41There you can see
01:05:42if I'm brave enough to take that risk
01:05:44or not.
01:05:46I'd say we're going to work on that concept.
01:05:48And we're going to do it with the help of some dogs.
01:05:54That's why I'm going to invite the Sergeant Fox.
01:06:07Oriana and Frank Mayra.
01:06:09Put it here.
01:06:12They are Gucci and Diva.
01:06:15They are 12 years old.
01:06:17They don't have their teeth.
01:06:21Look how bad it is.
01:06:24They have their nails painted.
01:06:25They have their nails painted.
01:06:26They're all done.
01:06:29Give it back to the dog.
01:06:31My little dog.
01:06:38Look at your tongue.
01:06:42As you can see,
01:06:43they are two dogs.
01:06:44We don't know if they are aggressive.
01:06:47We don't know if they are aggressive.
01:06:49We don't know.
01:06:50With their appearance,
01:06:51maybe they are aggressive.
01:06:53Put your fist up
01:06:54if you're ready for this challenge.
01:06:57Very good.
01:06:58Get ready for what's coming.
01:07:02I'm going to invite the instructor Valeriano.
01:07:05He's the dog instructor.
01:07:06He's going to teach us difficult situations.
01:07:12Next, the instructor Valeriano
01:07:14is going to explain
01:07:15what canine units consist of.
01:07:17Good morning, first of all.
01:07:18Thank you very much.
01:07:19Good morning.
01:07:20Normally, in canine units,
01:07:21we have dogs for safety.
01:07:23You see them very calm.
01:07:24You can touch them.
01:07:25You can pet them.
01:07:26The dog is going to bite the order.
01:07:28And it's going to let go of the order.
01:07:29You put it in the sleeve.
01:07:30This is the protector to bite.
01:07:31Nothing is going to happen.
01:07:32If you see that the dog
01:07:33is not going to receive it,
01:07:34you let go of the sleeve
01:07:35and stay still.
01:07:36The dog is going to go to this.
01:07:37It's not going to go to you.
01:07:47Come on.
01:07:52Move, move.
01:07:53Put it back.
01:07:55Let me go.
01:07:58That's it.
01:07:59Good, good.
01:08:01How are you?
01:08:04Very good.
01:08:06This is the challenge of bravery.
01:08:07And now each pair is going to choose
01:08:09which of the two will take on this challenge.
01:08:12Antonelli and Fabio, let's see.
01:08:14Who of you is going to be part of this challenge?
01:08:19Because she's afraid
01:08:20and it's an act of bravery that she wants to take on.
01:08:23I think it's very good.
01:08:24Next pair.
01:08:25Recruit Caniolet and Rojas.
01:08:26I love facing the dogs, Cati.
01:08:28It's Bernal.
01:08:30Well, let's see.
01:08:31I don't like this situation.
01:08:34Because I had a bad experience with a dog.
01:08:38Well, now you're going to get over it.
01:08:40We can beat him and get over it.
01:08:41Look at what Bernal is saying to your pair.
01:08:43We're going to get over it.
01:08:44I think I can be happy with that lie.
01:08:47Recruit Caldirola.
01:08:48Here we go, Treza.
01:08:49Next pair.
01:08:51Recruit González and Pulido.
01:08:54I had a Rottweiler.
01:08:57And he attacked my neighbor.
01:08:58I have a trauma that...
01:08:59Get over it.
01:09:00I'm going to get over it.
01:09:01A trauma for getting over it.
01:09:20I don't like seeing aggression with the dogs.
01:09:21Listen to me.
01:09:22Because I had to sacrifice my dog.
01:09:23It's a trauma.
01:09:24It's something that affects me.
01:09:25It's fine.
01:09:26It affects me emotionally.
01:09:28All together.
01:09:29Do you agree that you will recruit González?
01:09:34Do you agree?
01:09:35He's afraid of dogs.
01:09:37He's afraid of dogs.
01:09:39He's afraid of dogs.
01:09:41I'm afraid of dogs.
01:09:43I'm not afraid, but he is.
01:09:45He's afraid of dogs.
01:09:47I fought a dog that was your ex.
01:09:49He didn't fight back.
01:09:53He didn't fight back.
01:09:55He didn't fight back.
01:09:57We'll leave it there.
01:09:59We're not in the right place to talk about that kind of dog.
01:10:03I don't have a fear.
01:10:05I don't have a fear.
01:10:07So, you.
01:10:09Let's assume.
01:10:11Excellent. Let's assume.
01:10:13You're going to do well.
01:10:15Recruit Muñoz.
01:10:17Recruit Vilches.
01:10:19I don't think I'm afraid,
01:10:21but I think the one who's afraid has to leave.
01:10:25So, you assume.
01:10:27Let's assume.
01:10:31Recruit Vilches.
01:10:35Recruit Canolet and Rojas.
01:10:37Go ahead.
01:10:39Recruit Agostini.
01:10:41Recruit Rios.
01:10:47Recruit Bernal. Recruit Caldirola.
01:10:51Listen to me.
01:10:53Come with me for a second.
01:10:55I'm going to tell you something.
01:10:57I'm going to get very nervous.
01:10:59Everything is under control.
01:11:01There's no problem.
01:11:03What I want is to measure your courage.
01:11:05Are you ready for that?
01:11:07Yes, you're ready.
01:11:09Very good. Let's go.
01:11:11So, what are you going to do?
01:11:13Yesterday you showed me the proof that you're a champion.
01:11:15Let's go. Recruit Caldirola.
01:11:17Let's do it. Let's do it.
01:11:19Let's assume the challenge.
01:11:21Look at the sleeve.
01:11:31Look at the dog.
01:11:33Can I hold you?
01:11:35If you want.
01:11:49Very good.
01:11:51Grab him.
01:11:57Move your arm.
01:11:59Move your arm.
01:12:01Move it.
01:12:03Pull him.
01:12:05Very good.
01:12:07Lift him up.
01:12:09Lift him up.
01:12:11Let go of the sleeve.
01:12:13Very good.
01:12:15Let go.
01:12:17Let go.
01:12:19Very good.
01:12:21Let go of the sleeve.
01:12:23Very good.
01:12:25I'll break you.
01:12:31Very good.
01:12:33Be careful.
01:12:39I'm scared.
01:12:41I'm scared.
01:12:43You scared me.
01:12:45Why are you doing this to me?
01:12:47Good job.
01:12:51Recruit Barzoli.
01:12:53Let's go.
01:12:55Who is more than that bitch?
01:13:03Recruit Gonzalez.
01:13:05Let's go.
01:13:11Let him go.
01:13:19Let him go.
01:13:25Very good.
01:13:27Pull him.
01:13:29Pull him.
01:13:33Recruit Barzoli.
01:13:35Let go.
01:13:37Let go of the sleeve.
01:13:39Let go of the sleeve.
01:13:41Very good.
01:13:43I get nervous.
01:13:45Close your eyes.
01:13:47Don't worry.
01:13:53I'm scared.
01:13:55Let go of my hair.
01:13:57Be careful.
01:13:59I'm scared.
01:14:03You have to face it.
01:14:05Face this fear.
01:14:073, 2, 1.
01:14:11I'm going to grab it.
01:14:13Don't worry.
01:14:15Let go of the sleeve.
01:14:19Let's go.
01:14:25Let go of the sleeve.
01:14:29Look at him.
01:14:31Move him.
01:14:33Look at him.
01:14:37Move him to the right.
01:14:39Move him to the right.
01:14:41Try to escape.
01:14:43Move him.
01:14:45To the back.
01:14:47Let go of the sleeve.
01:14:49To the right.
01:14:51Let go of the sleeve.
01:14:53Very good.
01:14:55How did you feel?
01:14:57Like a machete.
01:14:59You won.
01:15:01I'm scared.
01:15:09What have you been eating?
01:15:11What have you been eating?
01:15:13One more.
01:15:17Here it is.
01:15:23I want to be clear.
01:15:25We are in an activity.
01:15:27You have the space to eat.
01:15:29You have the space to rest.
01:15:31We are in an activity.
01:15:33This is the last time I see this.
01:15:35We are clear.
01:15:37What's going on?
01:15:39I'm in charge of the dogs.
01:15:43You have the discipline.
01:15:45He's eating.
01:15:47He's eating.
01:15:49Come here.
01:15:51He's eating.
01:15:53Who asked you to eat?
01:15:55Who asked you to eat?
01:15:59Look at me.
01:16:01Line up.
01:16:0310 push-ups.
01:16:05On the floor.
01:16:0710 push-ups.
01:16:29Take a seat.
01:16:31Pay attention.
01:16:33They have shown courage.
01:16:35When they faced their fear,
01:16:37they received it with courage.
01:16:39You can see the camaraderie.
01:16:41I want to hear a round of applause.
01:16:43This is for you.
01:16:45For each one of you.
01:16:47One more thing.
01:16:49I want a big round of applause
01:16:51for the instructors.
01:16:53For your dog team.
01:16:57For your time.
01:16:59Listen to me.
01:17:01I don't want to see anyone
01:17:03in this space.
01:17:15Let's go.
01:17:17You're all alone.
01:17:19Three women and a bed.
01:17:23All alone.
01:17:25I think it's unusual.
01:17:29I'm not using my power.
01:17:33I came by car.
01:17:35Did you have time?
01:17:37I came by car.
01:17:39Nobody said hi.
01:17:41They said they were just passing by.
01:17:43I'm not interested.
01:17:45I'm here to have fun, to meet new people.
01:17:49He's here to have fun.
01:17:51He's here to have fun.
01:17:53He's here to have fun.
01:17:55He's here to have fun.
01:17:59Do you like Fallon?
01:18:03I'm in love, right?
01:18:05But I think he's very attractive.
01:18:07Me too.
01:18:08Because Fallon has a beauty that is not traditional.
01:18:10His face is beautiful.
01:18:12Yes, all his eyes are expressive.
01:18:14His mouth.
01:18:15The color.
01:18:16And the eyes.
01:18:17Yes, very beautiful.
01:18:18He's a man.
01:18:19Yes, he's a man.
01:18:20I insist, I think she's very loving.
01:18:22I think they hit her too hard.
01:18:26Things that I feel she doesn't deserve.
01:18:37But it's amazing.
01:18:40How does he do it?
01:18:42He closes his eyes and stays dry.
01:18:44How easy it is to sleep, brother.
01:18:52Look at your wife.
01:18:54It's okay.
01:18:55I'm resting.
01:18:56We have an open relationship.
01:18:57Your wife?
01:18:58Do you have an open relationship?
01:18:59If I sleep in the bed of another woman.
01:19:00It's true.
01:19:01And I've seen him very affectionate with another woman.
01:19:03I usually stay up early.
01:19:05Doesn't this bother you?
01:19:06No, man.
01:19:07He wants to look.
01:19:08Look at this bastard.
01:19:09You can hit him with a pillow.
01:19:11He makes me nervous.
01:19:16No, let him rest.
01:19:19He doesn't let anyone rest.
01:19:21Did you sleep close?
01:19:22Three beds, but as if he were next to me.
01:19:25A minute ago he was here talking to us.
01:19:27And he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
01:19:29In a minute.
01:19:30Look, I need like three pills for that.
01:19:32Look, he fell asleep, more than me at night.
01:19:42The party is here!
01:19:45Now this is going to be good.
01:19:50The game has begun.
01:19:52How are you, gentlemen?
01:19:53The soul has arrived to the party.
01:19:55I'm going to tell you what happened to me.
01:19:59Ah, you were waiting for me.
01:20:01I already got it.
01:20:02He sent me a condom.
01:20:03He sent me a condom.
01:20:04He sent me a condom.
01:20:05He sent me a condom.
01:20:06He sent me a condom.
01:20:07He sent me a condom.
01:20:08He sent me a condom.
01:20:10He sent me a condom.
01:20:13I want to tell you everything.
01:20:14Let's go.
01:20:18Get out, get out.
01:20:19I like him.
01:20:20Get out.
01:20:22It was a small mistake.
01:20:24You can't.
01:20:25I'm playing.
01:20:26I'm going to tell you everything.
01:20:28Come on, hug your grandma.
01:20:31I'm going to tell you everything that happened to me.
01:20:32What happened to you?
01:20:33I had a little problem.
01:20:34Did you feel bad?
01:20:36Come on, Katita.
01:20:37It was an accident.
01:20:38I'm going to tell you everything.
01:20:42Guys, very short.
01:20:44Sorry to bother you.
01:20:46Hi, my little girl, Diana.
01:20:48How are you, my little girl?
01:20:50A big hug.
01:20:53I'm going to tell you the truth.
01:20:54I wanted to prove that I'm still a musician, a rocker, and a motorcyclist.
01:21:01I didn't fall, nothing happened to me.
01:21:04I'm sure of everything.
01:21:10It's heavy.
01:21:11I broke my motorcycle.
01:21:12It was a huge Harley Davidson motorcycle.
01:21:141,800 cubic centimeters under these two legs.
01:21:17It was a lot.
01:21:19The motorcycle got stuck.
01:21:21And as a good Chilean, I pulled out the crest.
01:21:29Easy, easy.
01:21:30Be careful with your head.
01:21:31Be careful with your head.
01:21:35Yes, I'm fine.
01:21:38I fell, like a dog.
01:21:41I even got the crest.
01:21:43Something that never happens to me.
01:21:45So what happened was that I said, nothing will happen here, calm down.
01:21:49I got up with dignity.
01:21:51I got up, I shook.
01:21:53I kept walking.
01:21:55I was with you at the entrance.
01:21:57You saw the motorcycle.
01:21:59And at night I went to bed.
01:22:01My back started to hurt.
01:22:03Because the effects at this point in life are ...
01:22:06With delay.
01:22:07They are with delay.
01:22:09And you slept like angels.
01:22:13And Cañulef, quiet, he didn't make noise all night.
01:22:17Well, the thing is, guys, I had to get up.
01:22:25I went to the infirmary.
01:22:27The doctor told me, Negro.
01:22:29We'll wait a while to see what happens.
01:22:31And the pain increased.
01:22:33The blow was real.
01:22:34So I just want to apologize.
01:22:37I'm going to sit down for a couple of days.
01:22:39I'm going to come back with more batteries.
01:22:41But with this back, this back pain, I'm up to the bone.
01:22:44And there, especially, I apologize to my friend Natu.
01:22:48I left her alone, my love.
01:22:50No, my beautiful girl.
01:22:52Mother, greetings, be happy.
01:22:54Here, here, everything here.
01:22:57Everything here, everything here.
01:22:59But I did this massage with Sergio.
01:23:03Well, on the way back.
01:23:05On the way back, we do some massages in Chetó.
01:23:08Chiquillo, well, once again, thank you for the good vibes, guys.
01:23:12Thank you very much.
01:23:14I send you a huge hug.
01:23:16I'm going to recover.
01:23:18I wish you the best.
01:23:20Have a good time.
01:23:22God bless you.
01:23:24And long live Chile, honey.
01:23:27Recruit Piñera.
01:23:29I heard he had a health problem.
01:23:30I hope he can recover soon.
01:23:32And have it later, back here in the reformatory.
01:23:36That's right, that's right.
01:23:38I also hope, my commander, to thank you for your good vibes.
01:23:42Good vibes.
01:23:44Hey, you have to have the pictures, my commander.
01:23:47Yes, yes.
01:23:49I know some of them.
01:23:51Yes, me too, I've already met him.
01:23:53A big round of applause.
01:23:55Thank you very much.
01:23:56Thank you, guys.
01:24:05Have a good time for Recruit Piñera.
01:24:08It was a pleasure to meet him, and we hope to see him soon here at home.
01:24:11Thank you very much for everything.
01:24:17Let's go, guys.
01:24:20Come on, come on, come on.
01:24:22Get in, get in.
01:24:24Let's go, let's go.
01:24:26Get in, get in, get in.
01:24:44Silence and listen.
01:24:54This touch, or sound, tells us that it's Franco's touch.
01:24:59Who is Franco?
01:25:01Franco means that when this sound is played,
01:25:04you must change to Franco's suit, or Civil's suit.
01:25:24Hey, back then I was Mr. Teletón.
01:25:26I had curls all over my body.
01:25:28And what happened?
01:25:30The years went by.
01:25:32Is your brother saying it was the wrong hand?
01:25:36The Blue Mary.
01:25:38My brother had several curls.
01:25:40He doesn't want that.
01:25:42I was chubby before that, man.
01:25:44Why? It's not because he likes you, but he said you were a crazy curl.
01:25:46I don't know, man.
01:25:48Besides, I have to tell you something so you don't screw up your little show.
01:25:54If it was so bad, why is he sending a message now?
01:26:11We have to make an announcement, please.
01:26:19Good afternoon, recruits. How are you?
01:26:21Good afternoon.
01:26:23We have come with Sergio to make a big announcement.
01:26:28The process of eliminating this first week in a word of honor opens fire.
01:26:51Three, two, one, let's go.
01:27:16The first individual competition begins.
01:27:21The first individual competition begins.
