• vor 2 Monaten
Ein mutiger Aktivist, ein Lehrer und zwei amerikanische Familien tun sich zusammen und kämpfen für The Right to Read. Die grundlegende Bedingung für Kinder überall auf der Welt, um Erfolg im Leben haben zu können.


00:00I'm going to read you a little bit of what's going on in the world right now.
00:05Millions of American kids struggle to read.
00:10Americans need universal access to quality education.
00:15When I first started teaching in Oakland, there were only two kids in my class of 35 who could read.
00:22In 35 years, we have gone backwards, not forwards.
00:25We have a lot of people who struggle to read. Why aren't we screaming and yelling about this?
00:29Larry went to the camp.
00:34My man Larry just read his first sentence by himself, and I'm very, very proud of him.
00:39It is a national problem that cuts across demographics, but it's painted as a minority issue.
00:46For as long as I can ever remember, I've wanted to be a teacher.
00:49This school is the lowest performing in reading in the district.
00:55So this is a civil rights issue. We're really trying to figure out how to get Oakland kids to read.
00:59Reading is everything. That's the foundation to everything in this life.
01:03It has been said that illiteracy is one of the most solvable issues of our time.
01:09What letter is it?
01:12Everybody deserves the right to read. Literacy is for all.
01:16We want to make sure that all students have the opportunity to be with a teacher who has learned the science of reading in order to crack the code of reading.
01:29The question is today, do we have the political will and do we have the moral courage and fortitude to use literacy as a vehicle to include all?
01:39This is social justice.
01:46Learn more at www.aclu.org
