તાપી જિલ્લાના આદિવાસી હાઈ એજ્યુકેટેડ યુવકે સિડલેસ લેમનની ખેતી કરી વર્ષે સારી આવક મેળવી રહ્યો છે. Business Idea
00:00A high-educated young man from a tribal community in Tappi district did not like to work after
00:10getting a high education in a computer in Baroda, he preferred to farm in his own country and
00:17with the feeling that he would get wealth but not health, he cultivated seedless lemons
01:24The lemon tree is mainly grown in Anandbhavnagar, Gandhinagar and Amdavad districts of Mysore
01:30but in Tappi district it is also available.
01:34In Tappi district, the farmer cultivates the lemon trees and with the help of his knowledge
01:44he makes valuable products.
01:48From an industrial point of view, the lemon tree is an important part of the product
01:53because it makes many valuable products like Athana, Lemon Squash, RTS, Nectar etc.
02:02So from an industrial point of view, it is very important.