• 2 mesi fa
00:00Il contributo italiano alla Nato è estremamente importante per l'Alleanza e in alcuni casi
00:10unico nel suo genere, anche se non fa notizia tutti i giorni.
00:13Lo ha detto Chris Cavoli, comandante supremo USA in Europa e comandante supremo alleato
00:19in Europa, rispondendo a una domanda di Askanews presso il quartier generale della Nato alla
00:23fine della due giorni di riunioni del Comitato militare dell'Alleanza e alla vigilia del
00:28passaggio di consegne della presidenza del Comitato militare dall'attuale leadership
00:33dell'ammiraglio Rob Bauer a un altro ammiraglio, l'italiano Giuseppe Cavodragone.
00:38Ed ecco la risposta del generale Cavoli.
01:29Italy has continued to contribute to air policing, especially in the Balkans area and in some cases
01:36has actually provided the majority of the air policing for other nations inside the
01:42In this regard, it's very useful that Italy has rapidly moved into fifth generation aircraft,
01:49in this case the F-35, and so they are able to conduct these air policing missions at
01:54the very cutting edge of military capability and we're grateful for that.
02:00In the maritime domain, Italy of course, given its geographical location and its historical
02:06activities in the Mediterranean Sea, Italy is a significant contributor to all of our
02:12maritime options and operations in the Mediterranean.
02:16It would be too numerous, the examples would be too numerous for me even to state.
02:24But finally I'd like to call special attention to Italy volunteering to be the first nation
02:31to assume and bring to full operational capability the Allied Reaction Force.
02:38It's a new force that's designed as my swing force, my force in waiting to handle out of
02:45area operations, unexpected contingencies that do not fall within the regional plans
02:52or even to add reinforcements in specific locations to the regional plans.
02:58Italy, under the NATO Rapid Deployment Corps located in Solbiate, near Milano, and under
03:06the command of Lorenzo Daddario, General Daddario, has done an absolutely spectacular job of
03:12bringing nations together and creating a rapidly deployable responsive unit that has already
03:19proven its worth in exercises in the Balkans and will soon continue to do so in other locations.
03:26So Italy's contributions, as with so many of our allies, are significant even though
03:32they do not make the headlines every day.
