• 2 months ago
Robbie Fox | Pup Punk
00:00Sound check. You know what time it is. We came to the South, we're like oh it's
00:04gonna be balmy. It's fucking 41 degrees here.
00:08Robbie has Raynaud's, okay? You're gonna make him perform during Raynaud's? This is worse than
00:14Jordan's flu game, dude. His Raynaud's is gonna be flaring up, but he's a fucking
00:18professional. You know he's gonna be slapping the shit out of that bass.
00:30All right, sound check. LSU. They're preparing the venue as we speak. You can
00:45hear the barricades are going up. It's LSU. They just stole their quarterback
00:50yesterday. How's everyone doing out there? QB number one. Number one. Not in a town, not in a district, not in a state. QB number one in the country. It is great to be king.
01:12So, couldn't ask for worse timing to come to LSU. I could have picked any college in the world to
01:17come to. Barstool's not liked here right now. The place is gonna be packed. Hopefully we get out of here alive.
01:22Well, the plan is to distance ourself from Dave. Distance ourself from Michigan
01:26for sure. I'm a Penn State fan. I never liked Michigan, so it's very easy for me
01:30to say fuck Michigan and hopefully the crowd resonates. I've talked to like four
01:34people and that's like the first thing they said. I was like, oh is
01:38everyone gonna be on the same page? But even talking to fucking the gang over
01:43here, they don't like it. He's the best player in the country. And Dave put on
01:49his crown and his scepter. He's like, ha ha, mwahaha.
01:54He definitely mwahaha'd on that one.
01:58So we're gonna just try to put some shit up on the board behind us like highlight reels of us hanging out with LSU.
02:04We're not like Dave. We're like one of the cool ones.
02:08Think it'll work? No.
02:10Oh, I'm feeling good during soundcheck. A little known fact, I never want any of Frankie's drums because they're so loud.
02:16So I actually don't have to do anything for a little bit because they're Frankie's drums. I don't want them.
02:21I don't want those drums. I'm feeling good. It's a little chilly out here.
02:25I don't know if I need any of that.
02:29You're stepping on the stage right now. You have your feet.
02:32Jurassic Park and a cup of water. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
02:37Are you asking anything about the jacket?
02:41Or are you asking about the... I got a hoodie. Yeah.
02:44I'm not wearing a hoodie. Under?
02:46We'll see. We'll see what it feels like in here.
02:48It might feel like 30 degrees warmer.
02:51But it's going to be 42 degrees today.
02:54And we're outside.
02:56The real challenge is going to be not getting drunk.
02:59Because we're going to have a long time. It's almost damn time.
03:02A long time to hang out. Maybe get a little drunk.
03:05It's Louisiana.
03:06We could do Love Yourself or some shit.
03:08Chicken fry. Oh, good riddance into chicken fry.
03:12You too? Yeah.
03:14I think the TP versions there went so hard that one time.
03:18What did?
03:21TP thing.
03:22I don't remember how to play that. We can figure it out real quick.
03:25Should we try it right now?
03:27All of yours went?
03:31Why don't we do that?
03:32That's a wrap on the sound check.
03:34We added like half of a whole new set list.
03:37So it's a lot. But we're ready to go.
03:39This is the Pup Punk way.
03:41We usually do zero practices or one practice before a major show for thousands of people.
03:46And now, right before the show starts, we're going to add three or four songs.
03:49We'll get through it.
03:51Five more songs to be added?
03:56Still not adding Creed.
03:58Hello my friend, we'll meet again.
04:01We need that Creed.
04:03What the fuck are we doing?
04:04Any thoughts to Cap's soundcheck?
04:06Him, I think, what?
04:07Any thoughts to Cap's soundcheck?
04:09As Cap's soundcheck?
04:11To Cap.
04:12To Cap.
04:13I'm feeling like really cold. I'm feeling like this is going to be a great show.
04:16Good thoughts?
04:18Just cold.
04:20Alright, I hope you're enjoying the last vlog of the tour presented by Pink Whitney, of course.
04:25They've got the Party Bucket now, which makes it easy to make Pink Whitney the drink of the season.
04:30You fill this thing up with ice, you pass it around.
04:32There's 20 50ml bottles in here.
04:34It's a party in a bucket.
04:36It's amazing.
04:37It's Pink Whitney.
04:38Take your shot now with Pink Whitney.
04:41Alright, so after soundcheck, we went out to one last band dinner of the tour.
04:45Band and crew dinner.
04:46We brought the security guards out.
04:48They brought us out, really, because they do all the driving and stuff.
04:51But it was nice.
04:52We got the back room.
04:53It kind of felt like we were the Rat Pack back in the day, but in this Baton Rouge steakhouse.
04:58And we start talking about how excited we are for not just the show ahead, but the next year ahead.
05:04We're talking about recording an album.
05:06We're talking about who we could get featured on it.
05:08We were talking about re-recording our songs in Korean, because we thought we have conquered America.
05:15We just did this 9 city tour.
05:16Sold out in every city.
05:18Wall to wall.
05:19It's packed.
05:20There are sardines in there.
05:21And I actually remember one of the security guards, I think it was Mike, said to PFT,
05:25you know, what was the best show of the tour?
05:27And I'm pretty sure PFT said, it's going to be this one.
05:31I've been to Fred's before.
05:33We're going on at 11.30.
05:35That's part of the reason we were even at dinner.
05:37We had so much time.
05:38He was like, by 11.30, all of the kids in Baton Rouge are going to be under the tent at Fred's.
05:44It's going to be packed under there.
05:45It's going to be like we're playing at a festival again.
05:48It's going to be amazing.
05:50So we're all talking about Fred's being the best show of the tour.
05:53The most packed show of the tour.
05:55And potentially the most packed headlining show we've ever played.
06:02There's three people in there.
06:04No, there's probably 40.
06:15There's sidebars, right?
06:16Maybe they're in the sidebars.
06:19Also, the guy said that there's a bunch of date parties tonight.
06:22And I feel like the date parties, they're coming after.
06:26So maybe it's like a...
06:28This is good, Jackie.
06:29This is good.
06:34With the date parties.
06:36Jackie makes up a good point about the date parties.
06:39We have pyro.
06:40We have fucking...
06:45It's freezing.
06:46It's freezing.
06:50Nobody's here.
06:51So nobody's here.
06:53Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't.
06:56The thing we got to do as the entertainers...
06:59You play like there's 2,000 people here.
07:01No matter if there's two, if there's 20, if there's 200, if there's 2,000.
07:05We're putting on a rock show.
07:06There's actually no one here.
07:08I rapped to crowds way smaller than this.
07:11I rapped to crowds of fucking like two people, bro.
07:15I've done everything to a smaller crowd than this.
07:18I've done fucking stand-up, improv.
07:21I've done improv where there's more people on stage than there are on the fucking audience, dude.
07:25I've done everything in a smaller...
07:2740 people?
07:28That's a fucking sell-out.
07:29Some places, I'll take 40 people all day, dude.
07:33We're going to give those 40 people the best fucking show of their lives.
07:36They all get to sing a song.
07:38They all get to come on stage.
07:39They get a cookie.
07:40They get a fucking polo shirt.
07:42Alexander did corroborate Jackie's story.
07:45He said date parties ended at 10.30 and that people will come later.
07:50There's no one in Tigerland right now.
07:52If there were people in Tigerland, they'd be here.
07:55Fraternities and sororities.
07:57You go to a date party, you go to a venue for a little bit, and you normally end by 11.
08:01Let me tell you a funny story.
08:03I went to one date party while I was here.
08:05And I was such a fucking weirdo that I thought it was so stupid
08:09that if I was going to do it, I was going to go in character.
08:12So I got a buddy who's an artist to write, in calligraphy,
08:16rad on one arm and tad on the other.
08:18And I went as this guy, Tad.
08:20And then I kind of rolled my sleeves up a little bit
08:23so my date would ask me about my tattoos.
08:25And he's like, what's up with your tattoos?
08:27I was like, oh, nothing. It's not a big deal.
08:29Just rad, tad. Something that's me.
08:32And it was not a good date.
08:35At all.
08:37That's how I met Kate.
08:39And then we got two babies now.
08:42Then we tell Fred's, hey, do you think people are going to show up?
08:45Do they generally show up like a minute before the band goes on stage or what?
08:49And they said, how about this?
08:50We'll make an announcement.
08:51We've got a bar in the back, an indoor bar where there are a lot of kids.
08:55We'll make an announcement that you guys are going on.
08:57Once they did that, there were some floods of kids walking in
09:01that were the most relieving.
09:03It was like I was at battle.
09:05I called in reinforcements, and they actually showed up to defend me.
09:09I hear people.
09:11Let's not go to our first date some more.
09:18I need all of you in here to go so fucking hard
09:23that everybody inside brings their ass outside.
09:27That everybody in Alabama realizes what the real school is.
09:32That everybody up in Michigan realizes who the fuck they're trying to steal from.
09:38The baddest motherfucking school in the South.
09:41And I know you're going hard with me right now.
09:48Sir, you're barely getting started, and you are going hard as fuck.
09:52If you get to stay in this all night, you're getting on stage,
09:55and you're joining the fucking band.
10:03Let's fuck Ravenclaw, am I right?
10:11Get your ass up on stage. You went too hard.
10:14He went too hard the entire time.
10:16Rock with us, these last couple. Come on down.
10:19Hardest dude in the night.
10:20Hardest dude in the night. That dude is rock hard.
10:29That's how you end a tour.
10:31That's right. The tour is over. We survived.
10:34And now I get to go home and spend more time with my Pink Whitney.
10:37That's right. The love of your life.
10:39I can't wait. It was a blast. I had so much fun playing with you guys.
10:42Such a fun tour.
10:44We're so blessed to be able to make music with the people that we really care about.
10:48And it's been so awesome.
10:50Especially because Pink Whitney has taken care of us.
10:53New Amsterdam, Pink Whitney, the family.
10:55I'm about seven or eight Pink Whitney's deeper.
10:58I'm feeling pretty good.
10:59Long show. A lot of Pink Whitney.
11:01Really great tour.
11:03It's a dream. This is a dream.
11:05Next time. We're going to see you next time.
11:07Pink Whitney next time. We're not done.
11:09We're only getting started.
11:11It's a good finish.
