• 16 hours ago
When Forever Turns To Never Full Drama Movie
00:00:00老王,我回来啦 Lao Wang, I'm back.
00:00:19哎呀,不愧是我王俊泽的女儿,短短五年时间就带领我们王氏集团跨入国际商店里面。 Aiya, no wonder you're my daughter, Wang Junze. In just five years, you've led Wang's Group to enter the international market.
00:00:26集团交给你啊,老爸,我也能提前退出生活。 Hey, I'll leave the group to you, Dad. I can also retire early.
00:00:30我看你啊,就是想把公司交给我管理,等今天结了婚之后,好跟小焦妻吃过甜蜜日子是吧。 I think you just want to give the company to me to manage, so that you can have a good time with Xiaojiao after the wedding, right?
00:00:40老爸奋斗大半辈子了,现在还不能享享幸福了。 Dad has been struggling for half his life, and now he can't enjoy his happiness.
00:00:44那我等会儿可要好好看看是什么样的人,竟然敲了我老爸的心。 Then I'll have to see what kind of person he is, who can steal my dad's heart.
00:00:48放心,小梅当年为了救我,连自己的安危都不顾,她肯定是个善良的女人,你一定会喜欢她的。 Don't worry, Xiaomei didn't even care about her own safety to save me. She must be a kind woman, and you will definitely like her.
00:00:57老板,扶你俩拍张合照。 Boss, let's take a picture together.
00:01:03你们俩还没见过面呢,我现在把照片发给她,我要让你们一一看看我女儿到底长得有多漂亮。 You two haven't seen each other yet, I'll send her the photo now, and I'll show you how beautiful my daughter is.
00:01:11小梅啊,咱们村飞上枝头变凤凰的,你可是第一个。 Xiaomei, you are the first one in our village to become a phoenix.
00:01:18拍了个金龟婿,这嫁过去之后,那可就是闪不尽的荣华富贵,真是了不得呀。 You got a son-in-law, and when you get married, you will have an unimaginable wealth. It's really great.
00:01:26当年你那招美女救英雄还真是高啊,直接让这个男人对你言听计从的。 Back then, your trick of saving a heroine was really good. You made this man obey you.
00:01:34闭嘴,以后这种话都给我烂在肚子里,你们一个字都不能给我吐出来,记住了。 Shut up, and don't say anything like that again.
00:01:44哎呀,小梅,大家伙啊,都到村口去接新郎官了,这里没外人,咱们姐妹几个这么多年,你还不相信我们吗? Xiaomei, everyone has gone to the village to pick up the groom. There is no outsider here. We have been sisters for so many years. Don't you believe us?
00:02:01这是哪个狐媚子啊? Dad, she is a fairy ghost.
00:02:06我和梅姨还没见过面呢,我想给她一个惊喜。 I haven't seen Mei Yi yet. I want to give her a surprise.
00:02:10什么好误会的,反正你们今天就要见面了。 What kind of misunderstanding is this? You are going to meet her today anyway.
00:02:17喂,小梅。 Hello, Xiaomei.
00:02:18哇,你个王俊泽,竟敢在外面官扬小三! Wow, Wang Junze, how dare you slander Xiaosan!
00:02:23什么小三?你是不是搞错了? What Xiaosan? Did you make a mistake?
00:02:25你还想骗我?你还想骗我? You still want to lie to me?
00:02:27我告诉你,王俊泽,今天可是我们大婚的日子。 I'm telling you, Wang Junze, today is our wedding day.
00:02:30你别给我找个痛快,我不管你以前身边有多少阴魂阴影,现在立刻都给我断干净。 Don't try to make things easy for me. I don't care how many evil spirits you used to have around you, just get rid of them right now.
00:02:37我的为人你还不清楚啊?再说了这段时间,我身边飞过一只母苍蝇都被你撵走。 You don't know who I am yet. Besides, during this period of time, I was chased away by a female fly.
00:02:42行了,别闹。 Alright, stop it.
00:02:46梅姨和您生气了? Mei Yi is angry with you?
00:02:48今天大喜的日子,她是太激动了。 Today is our wedding day. She is too excited.
00:02:51好,我去准备了,咱们一会儿一起去见美女。 Okay, I'll go get ready. Let's go meet Mei Yi later.
00:03:01我才不等,我要去给梅姨一个惊喜。 I'm not waiting. I'm going to surprise Mei Yi.
00:03:06妹妹,这好不容易到手的金车驯,可不能被那狗狐狸子给抢了呀。 Mei, it's not easy to get in and out, but you can't be robbed by that fox.
00:03:12我跟你说,我是你小梅的男人。 I'm telling you, I'm your Mei's man.
00:03:17谁敢欺欺我,我要弄死他。 Whoever dares to harm me, I'll kill him.
00:03:26小梅,外面有个人,不就是你老公刚刚的那个小丑吗? Mei, there's someone outside. Isn't that your husband?
00:03:34真是三刀三,还敢闯上门来,走,跟老娘去杀了这个狐狸精。 It's a three-on-three, how dare he come here? Let's go, let's kill this fox.
00:03:42王氏集团排了百分之五十的股份,还有这价值一倍亿的海洋资金,可是顶级珠宝是亲自设计的,全世界仅此一件,这些礼物,梅姨应该会喜欢吧。 Wang's Group has 50% of the shares, and there's a 1-billion-dollar marine fund, but the top jewelry designer designed it himself. There's only one in the world. Mei Yi should like these gifts.
00:04:00女儿,酒店工作人员说你怎么没办理房间入住啊? Daughter, the hotel staff said you didn't manage the room.
00:04:04老王,你就先别管了,我要先行见见你的小娇妻了。 Wang, leave it alone, I'm going to see your little wife first.
00:04:12王氏集团排了百分之五十的股份,还有这些礼物,梅姨应该会喜欢吧? Daughter, the hotel staff said you didn't manage the room.
00:04:16老王,慢点先见啊。 Wang, leave it alone.
00:04:21你好,我想问一下这里是一家... Hello, I'd like to ask if this is a...
00:04:24老王,你叫得可真机灵啊!你这个小丧狐狼!竟然能跑到老娘面前来,你是想炫耀吗? Wang, you're so smart! You little slut! How dare you come to my mother! Are you trying to show off?
00:04:32我今天就替你爸妈好好教教你!让我转起来! I'm going to teach you a lesson today! Let me turn around!
00:04:37你干什么!放开我! What are you doing! Let me go!
00:04:50你干什么!放开我!放开我! What are you doing! Let me go! Let me go!
00:04:53老娘打的就是你个小骚蹄子! I'm hitting you, you little slut!
00:04:57我让你勾引男人,我让你吃饭闹事,我让你给脸不要脸,给脸不要脸,给脸不要脸,给脸不要脸! I make you seduce men, I make you eat and drink, I make you lose face, lose face, lose face, lose face, lose face!
00:05:04干什么!这里不是李翘培的家吗! What are you doing! This is not Li Jiang Pei's house!
00:05:08知道你还敢来砸场子啊!你真当老娘是好欺负的啊! You know you dare to come to my house! You really think I'm easy to bully?
00:05:12你误会了!我杀死你! You misunderstood me! I'll kill you!
00:05:15误会!你是想说我误会你走错了我家门,还是误会你当小三了啊! Misunderstanding! Are you trying to say that I misunderstood you for coming to the wrong house, or that I misunderstood you for being a mistress?
00:05:22我告诉你,习修是业绩,这辈子都别妄想靠抢男人成为凤凰! I'm telling you, Xi Xiu is an instrument, don't ever think about becoming a phoenix by stealing men!
00:05:28都给我上!给我好好地教训教训他,让他知道我林小眉到底是什么人! All of you, come on! Teach him a good lesson! Let him know what kind of person I am!
00:05:36上! Come on!
00:05:44哥! Brother!
00:06:15你让林小眉让人家两口子今天结婚,非要跑上门来,你炫耀给谁看!炫耀给谁看! You let the couple get married today, and you came running to show off to everyone!
00:06:23你说这城里的女人就是水灵啊,这白白嫩嫩的怎么就跟一个老头当了小三! Do you think the woman in the city is a phoenix? Why is she acting like an old man?
00:06:34你不是喜欢个人男人吗?好啊,老娘今天就好好地成全成全你,把她这一身衣服给我扒锅,让她们多好地看啊! Don't you like men? Okay, I'll help you out today. Take off all her clothes, so that they can look better.
00:06:44你看看,她这个骚狐狸,到底有多骚啊! Look at her, how bad is she?
00:06:48躲吧! Get out of here!
00:06:51放开我!放开我!放开我! Let go of me! Let go of me!
00:06:54有点东西啊! There's something in there!
00:06:56你自己送上门来的,怎么办?你这扇子还装起来了? Why did you lock the door yourself? Why did you lock the fan?
00:07:00放开我! Let go of me!
00:07:02把她这身皮货扒锅了,看她还敢不敢追人家对女男人啊! Let go of me! Let go of me! Let go of me!
00:07:07放开我!你竟敢打我爸爸! Let go of me! You dare hit my father!
00:07:09放开我! Let go of me!
00:07:13你竟敢打我爸爸! You dare hit my father!
00:07:21就你这种不要脸的东西,你也配! You're not good enough for this kind of thing!
00:07:25他真是我爸爸,我求你们放过我,我可以跟他打电话! He's really my father, I beg you to let me go, I can call him!
00:07:30小梅,要不要? Xiaomei, do you want to...
00:07:32你还真相信这个骚狐狸说的话? You really believe what this scoundrel said?
00:07:34王金泽早就跟我说过,集团交给他女儿打理,他女儿常年在国外,周五十二点才能赶到婚礼的现场。 Wang Jinze told me that the group will be taken care of by his daughter. His daughter is always abroad. She can only arrive at the wedding at 12 noon.
00:07:47老婆,准备好了吗?我快到村口了。对了,我女儿应该也快到了,这还是你们第一次见面。老婆,我听说那丫头可是给你准备了一份大礼物。 Honey, are you ready? We're almost at the village entrance. By the way, my daughter should be here soon. This is your first meeting. I heard that girl prepared a big gift for you.
00:07:57知道了,老公。 I know, honey.
00:08:02你那边什么声音? What's that noise over there?
00:08:04村里的野鸡在乱叫,我先挂了啊。 The wild chickens in the village are screaming. I'm hanging up now.
00:08:13装什么帅啊?王金泽的天蝎,那可是小李夫人一夫妇的千金大小姐。怎么可能会亲自来我们这种丑陋僻壤的鬼地方? Why are you pretending to be cool? Wang Jinze's Tianxin is the daughter of Mrs. Xiaodi. How could she come to such a shabby place in person?
00:08:23你说现在的小姑娘啊,一口一个爸爸叫着,玩的还叫花呀。 Nowadays, little girls call their dads all the time, and they even play with flowers.
00:08:28人家城里玩,现在都这么玩,好像是叫什么角色扮演。 People in the city play like role-playing.
00:08:35你还敢跟老娘玩花样,你还认得点,给我继续挂。 You dare to play tricks with your mother, you should be more careful. Hang up now!
00:08:47几点了?这接亲的队伍,还是马上要来了。 What time is it? The wedding team is coming soon.
00:08:54正好,看他这副骚劲儿,不让村里的那帮老光棍儿好好地欣赏欣赏,岂不是可惜了? It's a good thing. Look at his bad temper. It's a pity not to let the village elders appreciate him.
00:09:02给我带走! Take him away!
00:09:05哈哈哈哈,听说这老公在电视上经常出现呢。 Hahaha, I heard that the old couple often appeared on TV.
00:09:17俗话说,一人得道,鸡犬生鸟,你们林家可不仅是走出了咱们这穷山沟,更是一脚踏进了豪门哪。 As the saying goes, a man who is gifted by a woman will be successful. Your Lin family not only walked out of our Qiongshan Pass, but also stepped into a good door.
00:09:25兄弟,你这一步发达了,可别忘了咱们夏总村这些乡亲呀。 Brother, you have made a lot of progress, don't forget our village and our countrymen.
00:09:30就是,就是,以后可别忘了我们呢。 Yes, don't forget us in the future.
00:09:32It's all right, it's all right.
00:09:34The Liu family is a rich family.
00:09:36We're all from the same family.
00:09:39If you need anything from me,
00:09:41I'll be happy to help.
00:09:45You're so generous.
00:09:46We should all thank you.
00:09:52Dad, Mom, I'm here.
00:10:01The bride is coming soon, right?
00:10:03I just called and asked.
00:10:05He said he was coming to the village.
00:10:06All right.
00:10:09Where did this little girl come from?
00:10:11Why is your face so bad on your wedding day?
00:10:15But who is it?
00:10:16Skin and flesh.
00:10:17She doesn't look like a villager.
00:10:20This is Wang Jingze.
00:10:22She's a mistress.
00:10:24A mistress?
00:10:28How dare she come to our house?
00:10:30She's using Lin Xiaomei as a hostage.
00:10:32She's trying to threaten me.
00:10:36You stole my daughter's man.
00:10:37I'll kill you.
00:10:39Look at this shameless mistress.
00:10:41She came to our village to steal Lin's son-in-law.
00:10:43How dare you come to our village to steal a man?
00:10:46I'll let you get out of here today.
00:10:49She's shameless.
00:10:50Do you think Xiaomei's man is like a big boss?
00:10:53You're just thinking about it.
00:10:54I'm not.
00:10:55This is a big deal.
00:10:57It's all a good life.
00:11:02Did you choose this for yourself?
00:11:05This is a surprise.
00:11:06You look beautiful and despicable.
00:11:10How could you be deceived by such a woman?
00:11:13Anyway, you're here to find a man.
00:11:15Who are you looking for?
00:11:24What a beautiful necklace.
00:11:30It fell out of this bitch's bag.
00:11:32You'll regret it tomorrow.
00:11:34I've seen it on TV.
00:11:36It's a foreign product.
00:11:38It costs tens of millions.
00:11:40Tens of millions?
00:11:42Such an expensive item.
00:11:43How can a little girl buy it at such a young age?
00:11:46How dare you touch my man?
00:11:48I'll let you know today.
00:11:50Wang Jinze's stuff.
00:11:52You have to spit it all out.
00:11:55Catch her.
00:11:56Don't touch me.
00:11:57Be honest.
00:12:00Where are you going?
00:12:01I'll take a look.
00:12:02What else did she give you?
00:12:10Wang Jinze told me before.
00:12:12Group shares are in her daughter's hands.
00:12:15I didn't expect her to give you 50% of the shares.
00:12:20What shares?
00:12:21Can this stuff be used as money?
00:12:24Second aunt.
00:12:25The shares of the Wang family.
00:12:27It's a lot of money.
00:12:29How much can it be worth?
00:12:31One percent of Wang's Group's shares.
00:12:34It's worth a hundred million.
00:12:36This fifty percent.
00:12:38That's a hundred million.
00:12:41I don't believe it.
00:12:44If Lin Xiaomei can't get it,
00:12:46no one else can get it.
00:12:48Xiaomei, even if you die,
00:12:50you can't fall into this bitch's hands.
00:12:52Forget it.
00:12:53I promise you'll regret it.
00:13:07I tell you.
00:13:08Wang Jinze's money is all mine.
00:13:10Don't think about how to split it.
00:13:24Good to die.
00:13:28Catch her.
00:13:36Give it back to me.
00:13:37It's worth a hundred million.
00:13:39It must have been given to you by her.
00:13:41It's a relic given to me by my mother.
00:13:43Give it back to me.
00:13:45Wang Jinze showed me a long time ago.
00:13:47Look at the picture of his short-lived ex-wife.
00:13:49She wore the same bracelet.
00:13:51She lied to me.
00:13:53Only the wife of the Wang family didn't wear it.
00:13:55As a result,
00:13:56I gave this bracelet to you.
00:14:00Little bitch.
00:14:01Nice trick.
00:14:03You confused her.
00:14:05I beg you.
00:14:06Give it back to me.
00:14:07I'll give you whatever you want.
00:14:09You want it?
00:14:10Come on.
00:14:12It's here.
00:14:13Kneel down.
00:14:14Come and beg me.
00:14:17You want it?
00:14:23It's here.
00:14:37It's here.
00:14:43You're a vixen.
00:14:44You're a womanizer.
00:14:45You're a bitch.
00:14:47Little bitch.
00:14:48You're a bitch.
00:14:57Go on.
00:15:07Go on.
00:15:38Don't do that.
00:16:17I'll kill you.
00:16:19I'll kill you.
00:16:21Let me go.
00:16:22I'll kill you.
00:16:23Let me go.
00:16:24Let me go.
00:16:25Let me go.
00:16:26You won't let me go?
00:16:27I'll kill you.
00:16:39Is he dead?
00:16:49The bitch is still alive.
00:16:51Don't worry.
00:16:52The car is here.
00:16:53The hero's car is here.
00:16:55Wang Jianze said that his daughter might arrive first.
00:16:59I heard that Wang's Group is now in his daughter's hands.
00:17:03I don't care about the bitch.
00:17:05I don't care about the bitch.
00:17:06But I've already married my daughter.
00:17:08I don't know if I can get married today.
00:17:16I still hope that he will be filial to me in the future.
00:17:18Mr. Wang is here.
00:17:30Come on.
00:17:31Let's go.
00:17:36The Witch's Hand
00:17:52Mr. Zhang is a bit older.
00:17:54But he is talented and handsome.
00:17:57I'm not sure what he did in his life.
00:17:59How could he be a rich man like this based on his wonderful family?
00:18:04I told you, the current price is not the same as before.
00:18:08Yuxin, you're finally here.
00:18:10Mom, mom.
00:18:11Xiaomei, your husband is here to pick you up.
00:18:13Why are you still standing here? Hurry up and go.
00:18:15I'm going.
00:18:19You don't give me an explanation, and you come to pick me up so easily.
00:18:25Xiaomei, hasn't Yuxin arrived yet? She should have come earlier.
00:18:28How would I know?
00:18:29You gave the order. We are a big family.
00:18:32You should have waited here earlier.
00:18:34Xiaomei, it's a happy day.
00:18:36Who is angry with my wife again?
00:18:38Lu Junze, you're still with my son, aren't you?
00:18:41What's going on?
00:18:43Junze, it's not me to blame you.
00:18:45You've already decided to marry Xiaomei.
00:18:48You shouldn't stand outside and make trouble.
00:18:50You see, this is not to make money for our family.
00:18:53Yes, our Xiaomei is beautiful and capable.
00:18:57It's not like those little girls out there can compare.
00:18:59You have to be careful.
00:19:01Grandma, what do you mean?
00:19:03Do you want me to tell everyone about you and Xiaosan?
00:19:08Xiaomei, you know I left my ex-wife early.
00:19:10I've been with my daughter for so many years.
00:19:12I'm not even interested in other women.
00:19:14How could Xiaosan be involved?
00:19:16Who framed me behind my back?
00:19:18And who is my wife?
00:19:20Don't use your daughter as an excuse.
00:19:26If you hadn't saved my life last time,
00:19:28I probably wouldn't have been with you in my life.
00:19:30How could there be Xiaosan?
00:19:32Listen to me.
00:19:34Don't make trouble today, okay?
00:19:38I'm making trouble?
00:19:39Wang Junze, I've already caught the person.
00:19:41And you think I'm still making trouble?
00:19:43Caught? Who did you catch?
00:19:47Xiaomei, I promise you.
00:19:49I've never harassed other women outside.
00:19:51And there's no way there's Xiaosan.
00:19:52Are you mistaken?
00:19:54The evidence is all over the place.
00:19:56Do you still want to pretend?
00:19:58Junze, you too.
00:20:00It's just a mistake that all men make.
00:20:02Apologize and it's over.
00:20:04Why do you have to die?
00:20:08Don't delay the time to get married.
00:20:10It's all that little fox's fault.
00:20:12You just bow to Xiaomei and apologize.
00:20:14I'm a mother-in-law.
00:20:16I won't let her be too capricious.
00:20:18If I'm really wrong,
00:20:20I'll apologize to myself.
00:20:22But the problem is I really didn't do it.
00:20:24I'm sorry.
00:20:26It's just luck.
00:20:28You're a little rich.
00:20:30You really think of yourself as such a thing?
00:20:32I was blind.
00:20:34I didn't believe what you said.
00:20:36You said everything was good for me.
00:20:38Now I haven't passed the door yet.
00:20:40Xiaosan came to the door first.
00:20:42What am I going to do in the future?
00:20:46If I had known this,
00:20:48I shouldn't have married you.
00:20:52What Xiaosan came to the door?
00:20:54What the hell is going on?
00:20:56You saved me.
00:20:58I've always remembered it in my heart.
00:21:00But you can't just say it's black.
00:21:04Then you tell me what this is.
00:21:06You dare to say
00:21:08Isn't this what you gave to the little fox?
00:21:10I'm a man.
00:21:12Where did this come from?
00:21:14I've never seen this necklace.
00:21:16You don't admit it.
00:21:18This is a foreign high-end jewelry worth 100 million.
00:21:20Who else can afford it except you?
00:21:22Foreign high-end jewelry necklace
00:21:26Where did this come from?
00:21:30This is all from that little fox.
00:21:32It's all coming out.
00:21:34Huang Jinze
00:21:36I'll tell you.
00:21:38Although my family is poor,
00:21:40it is also a decent family.
00:21:42Why do you say this?
00:21:44This is what young girls like.
00:21:46I'm a 40 or 50-year-old old man.
00:21:48How do you know this?
00:21:52The little three you're talking about
00:21:54Could it be the wrong person?
00:21:58Give me a little grace.
00:22:00Today is the day when Wang Shoufu
00:22:02comes to my village to get married.
00:22:04If you are so persistent
00:22:06I'll kill you.
00:22:12Give me a little rest.
00:22:20How do all the girls in this city grow up?
00:22:26You say you
00:22:28Although that old thing is rich
00:22:30But you still hit me first.
00:22:32I can't help you.
00:22:36Let me take care of you today.
00:22:38Let me take care of you today.
00:22:50What's the sound?
00:22:58What's the sound?
00:23:00That's the crazy woman in our village.
00:23:02Whose wedding is this?
00:23:04She has to run over to get a bite to eat.
00:23:06She scared the big lady.
00:23:08The villagers sent her a bowl of rice.
00:23:10Although the spirit is not good,
00:23:12but also a pitiful person.
00:23:14You won't blame us, will you?
00:23:16How could it be?
00:23:18Before, Xiaomei didn't care about her own safety and saved my life.
00:23:20Now it seems that you two are also kind people.
00:23:22Xiaomei, believe me.
00:23:24I definitely didn't have a little three outside.
00:23:26It's late now.
00:23:28Let's go to the main hall first, OK?
00:23:30If you don't explain clearly today,
00:23:32I will never give up.
00:23:34Did you leave the company today?
00:23:36This is really our group's fault.
00:23:38Wang Junze.
00:23:40I asked for 1% of the shares before.
00:23:42As our wedding gift, you refused to give it to me.
00:23:44You lied to me.
00:23:46You transferred all your shares to your daughter.
00:23:48How do you explain this?
00:23:50Now the company's shares are all on my daughter.
00:23:52I don't even have it myself.
00:23:54Xiaomei, I don't think Junze is lying.
00:23:56Is there any misunderstanding?
00:23:58Madam, the chairman did transfer all the shares to the big lady.
00:24:00I don't care what you say.
00:24:02I don't care what you say.
00:24:04What the hell is going on?
00:24:06You have to explain it to me today.
00:24:08Wang Junze, I can give up the shares.
00:24:10But you can't give it to another woman.
00:24:12How can I believe you if you do this?
00:24:14You do it yourself.
00:24:16I'm going back to Beijing now.
00:24:18I will definitely do this for you.
00:24:32My daughter is so good at playing.
00:24:34She's calling an old man her dad.
00:24:36And she's running around with her dad.
00:24:38Today, I'm gonna test the latest products in town.
00:24:40Today, I'm gonna test the latest products in town.
00:24:42Today, I'm gonna test the latest products in town.
00:24:50What's wrong?
00:24:52Why can't I get through?
00:24:54Maybe the phone is out of battery.
00:24:56The phone is dead.
00:24:58Are you sure?
00:25:00Could it be that the phone is out of battery?
00:25:02But the lady should have arrived a long time ago.
00:25:04I haven't seen her yet.
00:25:06Our little valley is just a straight road.
00:25:10There will be something.
00:25:11Maybe the road is not good.
00:25:12Drive slowly.
00:25:13Well, Junze,
00:25:14If you really don't trust me,
00:25:16I'll let everyone look for it together.
00:25:19Don't worry.
00:25:20As long as she comes,
00:25:21There will definitely be no problem.
00:25:23Let's go.
00:25:48Come back!
00:26:07Oh, no!
00:26:08Wang Junze!
00:26:09You still say you don't have a mistress.
00:26:11The people on this are all babies.
00:26:14Wang Junze!
00:26:15I didn't expect you to be such a person.
00:26:17How old is the little girl?
00:26:19You want to lose face,
00:26:20You want me to break my heart.
00:26:21Give me the phone!
00:26:23You're going to break your promise?
00:26:25I'm not going to pretend anymore.
00:26:28On the day of the wedding,
00:26:29The mistress has come to the door.
00:26:31You're just angry.
00:26:34Don't you look down on us villagers?
00:26:36I haven't gone through the door yet.
00:26:38You just want to find the mistress.
00:26:39If I really go through the door,
00:26:41What else can she do?
00:26:42Do you want me to be a good mother?
00:26:45Serve you like a vixen?
00:26:46Give me the phone!
00:26:52You still want to hit me?
00:26:57You hit me!
00:26:58You hit me!
00:26:59You hit me!
00:27:00On the day of the wedding,
00:27:02I was hit by a vixen.
00:27:05I have no face to see people.
00:27:07You hit me!
00:27:08You hit me!
00:27:09You hit me!
00:27:10You are unreasonable!
00:27:15You are unreasonable!
00:27:17You haven't admitted it yet.
00:27:19You're still lying.
00:27:20Do you think I'm an idiot?
00:27:22What are you talking about?
00:27:23This mobile phone is my daughter.
00:27:27Where did you get this bracelet?
00:27:34Where did you get this bracelet?
00:27:38I ask you,
00:27:39where did you get this bracelet?
00:27:43Why are you shouting?
00:27:45I haven't asked you yet.
00:27:48You know me.
00:27:49What's going on with this bracelet?
00:27:51I ask you,
00:27:52where did you get this?
00:27:54Let me ask you, where did you get this?
00:27:58Isn't this what you found out from that bastard?
00:28:03Where is it now?
00:28:18You're really something!
00:28:19For that little bitch,
00:28:20you dare to shout at me!
00:28:25Who do you think you are?
00:28:31What did I tell you?
00:28:33I told you that Chen Liren is not trustworthy!
00:28:35But what did you say?
00:28:36You said that she would treat you well,
00:28:37and that's exactly what she did!
00:28:39On the wedding day,
00:28:40Xiaosan bullied you!
00:28:42I just stood up
00:28:43and stood up for you and went to see her!
00:28:45But in front of the whole family,
00:28:46she hit me!
00:28:50Are you crazy?
00:28:51The truth is out,
00:28:53and you dare to hit my cousin?
00:28:55I'm going crazy!
00:28:57I'm going crazy!
00:29:00Let me ask you again,
00:29:02where is the person?
00:29:04Tell me!
00:29:05How can I tell you?
00:29:06How can I tell you?
00:29:27I'll see how good you are!
00:29:51I'll kill you!
00:29:53I'll kill you!
00:30:02Don't do it!
00:30:03Don't do it!
00:30:07It's me!
00:30:08Look at me!
00:30:09It's dad!
00:30:10It's dad!
00:30:18He is Wang Qingsong's daughter!
00:30:22I can't see you anymore!
00:30:26I'm late!
00:30:27I'm sorry!
00:30:30Send her to the hospital
00:30:31for a full body examination!
00:30:44Who did it?
00:30:50Besides this bastard,
00:30:52who else bullied my daughter?
00:30:56Is it you?
00:30:59Is it you?
00:31:01Or is it you?
00:31:10We don't know she is your daughter!
00:31:13It's you!
00:31:16It's not me!
00:31:17I don't know she is your daughter!
00:31:21You don't know?
00:31:22Even if she is just an ordinary girl,
00:31:24can you let her be free like this?
00:31:28I don't know she is your daughter!
00:31:31I just saw the photo you sent me!
00:31:34I thought she was a treasure!
00:31:36I didn't think she was your mistress!
00:31:40I was wrong!
00:31:41I was wrong!
00:31:42I was wrong!
00:31:43I was wrong!
00:31:49She is my only daughter!
00:31:50Of course she is my treasure!
00:31:52It's you who blinded me!
00:31:54It's a misunderstanding!
00:31:55It's just a misunderstanding!
00:31:57Isn't this a big deal?
00:31:58You hit your own family!
00:32:01Let's talk it out!
00:32:02Don't do it!
00:32:05It's all a misunderstanding!
00:32:09This is a crime!
00:32:12She saved my life before!
00:32:14But over the past year,
00:32:15your family asked me for money,
00:32:17I gave them money,
00:32:18I gave them house!
00:32:19As long as I have money,
00:32:20you can take it!
00:32:22But you don't dare to
00:32:23touch my daughter!
00:32:26You'd better pray that
00:32:27my daughter is fine!
00:32:31all of you here
00:32:33will die for her!
00:32:36This rich man is really unreasonable!
00:32:38We just came to see the fun!
00:32:39How can he punish us?
00:32:41He is a rich man,
00:32:42what's the big deal?
00:32:44Why don't you let us
00:32:46go to the funeral?
00:32:47It's a legal ceremony now!
00:32:49Don't be blinded by his words!
00:32:53This rich man
00:32:54really thinks that
00:32:55he is a rich man,
00:32:56what's the big deal?
00:32:57We didn't do it on purpose!
00:32:58Who knows
00:32:59he and a rich lady
00:33:00have nothing to do,
00:33:02why do they run away?
00:33:03We have already apologized,
00:33:04what else do you want?
00:33:07You just bullied my daughter,
00:33:09it seems that
00:33:10you don't believe me!
00:33:12Don't worry,
00:33:13you will believe me soon!
00:33:21Damn it!
00:33:23What are you waiting for?
00:33:24Let's go together!
00:33:26This is our place,
00:33:28how can you bully us?
00:33:30Let's go together!
00:33:40What are you doing?
00:33:41What are you doing?
00:33:42Do you want to go or not?
00:33:45Why do you want to go?
00:33:46Didn't you see
00:33:47the weapon in his hand?
00:33:48And you have practiced it,
00:33:50why do you want to go?
00:33:55You just bullied my daughter,
00:33:57now I will make him
00:33:58stronger by thousands of times,
00:34:02I will make him
00:34:03stronger by thousands of times,
00:34:05I will make him stronger by thousands of times,
00:34:08I will make him experience
00:34:09what is called
00:34:11life is better than death!
00:34:13What are you doing?
00:34:24Don't hit me!
00:34:25Don't hit me!
00:34:28Don't hit me!
00:34:29Don't hit me!
00:34:30Don't hit me!
00:34:31Why don't you dare to hit me?
00:34:32Why don't you dare to hit me?
00:34:33Don't hit me!
00:34:34Don't hit me!
00:34:38Xiao Wei, save me!
00:34:39Xiao Wei, save me!
00:34:40Save me!
00:34:41Xiao Wei!
00:34:44Xiao Wei!
00:34:45Don't hit me again!
00:34:47If you hit me again,
00:34:48I will die!
00:34:52I will die!
00:34:54You all
00:34:55are like a fire!
00:34:57I will blow
00:34:58all your neck out!
00:35:04Don't say!
00:35:05Don't say!
00:35:08Don't say!
00:35:11Xiao Wei!
00:35:12Xiao Wei, I am sorry!
00:35:14It's all my fault!
00:35:15It's all my fault!
00:35:16You should know
00:35:17that I should be the one to blame!
00:35:19Don't hit me again!
00:35:21If you hit me again,
00:35:22I will die!
00:35:23I am sorry, Xiao Wei!
00:35:25We all know
00:35:26that we were wrong.
00:35:27Please forgive us.
00:35:28Please forgive us.
00:35:29Yes, yes, yes.
00:35:30It is all our fault.
00:35:31Please show mercy!
00:35:37When you have a relationship, you have to be able to forgive.
00:35:42She is my daughter!
00:35:43Qin San, Yuxin is kind and kindhearted.
00:35:45She will definitely forgive us.
00:35:48I won't forgive!
00:35:58I won't forgive!
00:36:04Yuxin, why did you come?
00:36:05How did you get here?
00:36:06Didn't I ask my assistant to take you to the hospital?
00:36:08I've taken care of my injuries.
00:36:09Then you should rest at home.
00:36:11I'll take care of everything here.
00:36:12None of you can get away with it.
00:36:15Because of what happened to me,
00:36:17I have to take responsibility for everything.
00:36:21My daughter,
00:36:22what happened today is my fault.
00:36:24Please forgive me.
00:36:27My daughter,
00:36:28how dare you!
00:36:29I want to forgive you,
00:36:30but I also want to promise you
00:36:31that everything I've been through today
00:36:33is all because of me.
00:36:35How dare you!
00:36:36I really didn't know you were Yu Xin.
00:36:38If I had known...
00:36:39If you had known my identity,
00:36:40you would have come to me
00:36:41and told me everything, right?
00:36:43I told you my identity a long time ago.
00:36:45You didn't believe me,
00:36:46and you even lied to me.
00:36:47If you hadn't found me today,
00:36:49would I still be alive?
00:36:50How dare you
00:36:52to betray me?
00:36:56I was wrong.
00:36:57I really know I was wrong.
00:36:59Yu Xin,
00:37:00I will definitely
00:37:01be a good wife and a good mother.
00:37:03I will definitely
00:37:04treat you well in the future.
00:37:07For the sake of my life,
00:37:09I beg you to give me another chance.
00:37:11Give me another chance.
00:37:12You hurt my daughter so much,
00:37:14and now you want to get rid of me?
00:37:18I saved my dad for you.
00:37:19Even if I didn't like you,
00:37:20I would still treat you like an elder.
00:37:22It's a pity that
00:37:23everything is too late.
00:37:24Look at all these things on the ground.
00:37:26Now let me tell you
00:37:27what they are.
00:37:28This sword
00:37:29is worth a hundred million.
00:37:30This sword
00:37:31is worth a hundred million.
00:37:32This sword
00:37:33is worth a hundred million.
00:37:34This sword
00:37:35is worth a hundred million.
00:37:36This sword
00:37:37is worth a hundred million.
00:37:39I was going to give these to you.
00:37:41you destroyed them
00:37:50It turns out that
00:37:51all these things are for me.
00:37:58It's all your fault.
00:37:59It's all your fault.
00:38:00If you hadn't angered me,
00:38:01I would have
00:38:02given these things to you.
00:38:04Give it to me.
00:38:05Give it back to me.
00:38:06Give it back to me.
00:38:08Why did I have
00:38:09such a white-eyed wolf like you?
00:38:10Now you blame me.
00:38:12You didn't figure out the situation.
00:38:14Last time,
00:38:15you took it as a small matter
00:38:16and hit others.
00:38:18You are your mother.
00:38:19I must teach you a lesson.
00:38:21you have to save them now.
00:38:22Let them be kind.
00:38:24Then I will give you the sword again.
00:38:25Go away.
00:38:28It's all their fault.
00:38:30It's all their fault.
00:38:31I did it.
00:38:32They broke up.
00:38:33It's Zunze who
00:38:34spoiled Xiaoxiao outside.
00:38:35I was blinded by them.
00:38:38I kowtow to you.
00:38:39I apologize to you.
00:38:40I beg you.
00:38:41Can you give me
00:38:42those gifts again?
00:38:43Give me one, okay?
00:38:46I think you are wrong.
00:38:47These things
00:38:48belong to me, Wang Yuxin.
00:38:50It's yours
00:38:51when I give it to you.
00:38:52I'm not going to give it to you now.
00:38:53That means
00:38:54you destroyed
00:38:55my Wang Yuxin's company.
00:38:56This necklace
00:38:57is custom-made
00:38:58by a jewelry designer
00:38:59in Berlin.
00:39:00It's worth 100 million.
00:39:01The bracelet I'm wearing
00:39:03is the only relic
00:39:04my mother left me.
00:39:06In terms of price,
00:39:08it's the best kind of jade.
00:39:09It's worth 300 million.
00:39:11It means that
00:39:12you, Lin Xiaomei,
00:39:13owe 400 million in compensation.
00:39:15I think
00:39:16this sword
00:39:17should be enough for your family
00:39:18to eat for a lifetime.
00:39:27I'm your fiancée.
00:39:28Please help me
00:39:29beg your daughter
00:39:30to exempt me from
00:39:31my compensation.
00:39:32Your fiancée?
00:39:34My daughter just said
00:39:35that I, Wang Xiaomiao,
00:39:36can't protect my fiancée.
00:39:38From now on,
00:39:39you and I are engaged.
00:39:44I've done so much
00:39:45for you all these years.
00:39:47I know
00:39:48you love me.
00:39:49Didn't we agree
00:39:50to live together
00:39:51in peace?
00:39:52You can't do this to me.
00:39:53You can't do this to me.
00:39:55When I married you,
00:39:57you were a good woman
00:39:59who loved my daughter
00:40:00and took care of my family.
00:40:02But I didn't expect
00:40:03you to be
00:40:04such a cruel mother-in-law.
00:40:08I'm not like this.
00:40:09If I hadn't met you today,
00:40:10my father would have
00:40:11been cheated by you
00:40:12and committed adultery with you.
00:40:16I really know I was wrong.
00:40:18I'm not like what you said.
00:40:20I'm usually very gentle.
00:40:22Lin Xiaomei,
00:40:23don't struggle.
00:40:24If there was another girl
00:40:25here today,
00:40:26would she still be alive?
00:40:28Do you think it's useful
00:40:29to beg for mercy now?
00:40:30Today, not only you,
00:40:31but also your relatives,
00:40:33and everyone involved,
00:40:34can't escape.
00:40:36I feel sick
00:40:37when you say one more word.
00:40:38The law will punish you
00:40:39as it should.
00:40:42You can't do this to me.
00:40:43The marriage is over.
00:40:44Wait for the lawyer's letter.
00:40:45Let's go.
00:40:49Don't cancel the marriage.
00:40:52I'm pregnant.
00:40:55I'm pregnant with your son-in-law's baby.
00:41:00My son-in-law,
00:41:01Xiaomei is now
00:41:02pregnant with your baby.
00:41:03The baby is
00:41:04your son-in-law's baby.
00:41:05You can't deny it.
00:41:07No way.
00:41:08Every time,
00:41:09there is a safety measure.
00:41:10Safety measure?
00:41:11It's not absolute.
00:41:13Do you think the rich
00:41:14don't recognize people
00:41:15when they put on pants?
00:41:16Don't they even recognize
00:41:17their own children?
00:41:18Old Wang,
00:41:19Xiaomei is now
00:41:21There is no innocence.
00:41:22You can't
00:41:23do this to them.
00:41:24You have no responsibility.
00:41:25The boss in the city
00:41:26is heartless.
00:41:27Old Wang is right.
00:41:28The rich
00:41:29don't recognize people
00:41:30when they put on pants.
00:41:36Since you are pregnant,
00:41:37why didn't you tell me
00:41:39Why didn't you tell me until now?
00:41:41I just gave birth
00:41:42three months ago.
00:41:43I'm not stable yet.
00:41:44I thought
00:41:45I would tell you
00:41:46after the marriage
00:41:47to give you a surprise.
00:41:49Mr. Jun,
00:41:50I am now
00:41:51pregnant with
00:41:52our baby.
00:41:53Let's finish
00:41:54the wedding,
00:41:56I will live with you
00:41:57in peace
00:41:58in the future.
00:42:05you are my
00:42:08I know
00:42:09I was wrong
00:42:10this year.
00:42:11You beat me
00:42:12and scolded me.
00:42:14If you still don't give up,
00:42:16I will be your slave
00:42:17for the rest of my life.
00:42:18I will make it up to you.
00:42:19I just beg you
00:42:20to persuade your father
00:42:21not to push me away,
00:42:23I will definitely
00:42:24be a good wife
00:42:25and a good mother
00:42:26in the future.
00:42:28I treat you
00:42:29as my baby
00:42:30in my belly.
00:42:31We are the same.
00:42:32I beg you
00:42:33to give me
00:42:34another chance.
00:42:35I beg you.
00:42:36I beg you.
00:42:37I beg you.
00:42:41it's not good
00:42:42to push away
00:42:43the baby
00:42:44in your belly
00:42:47the marriage…
00:42:49she is pregnant.
00:42:51This is her only child.
00:42:52We can't
00:42:53ask for the truth.
00:42:54If you want to verify it,
00:42:56call the doctor
00:42:58and confirm it on the spot.
00:43:02Qin Song,
00:43:03you can't call the doctor.
00:43:04Are you not pregnant?
00:43:06Are you lying to us?
00:43:07Since you said
00:43:08you were pregnant,
00:43:09I will call the doctor
00:43:10to explain it to you.
00:43:12Why are you panicking?
00:43:14I am really pregnant.
00:43:17I have a pregnancy report.
00:43:18Qin Song,
00:43:19how could I
00:43:20lie to you
00:43:21about my pregnancy?
00:43:22I only believe
00:43:23the doctor's report
00:43:24when he comes
00:43:25instead of
00:43:26your lie.
00:43:28He even gave him
00:43:29the pregnancy report.
00:43:30Why doesn't he believe it?
00:43:31He is really unreasonable.
00:43:38the doctor is here.
00:43:41if she is pregnant.
00:43:52what is the result?
00:43:53The pulse is similar.
00:43:54We can confirm
00:43:55that she is pregnant.
00:43:58you heard it.
00:44:00is pregnant.
00:44:01My daughter
00:44:02did a great thing
00:44:03for the Wang family.
00:44:06You found the doctor
00:44:07by yourselves.
00:44:08You can't
00:44:09suspect us.
00:44:12this marriage
00:44:13must take place today.
00:44:20Director Wang,
00:44:22Xiaomei is pregnant
00:44:23with your child.
00:44:24The wedding
00:44:25will be held
00:44:26on the wedding night.
00:44:27Isn't it?
00:44:30I think
00:44:31the wedding
00:44:32will take place as usual.
00:44:34take Xiaomei
00:44:35to the wedding venue.
00:44:37She is pregnant
00:44:38but she didn't tell her father
00:44:39in advance.
00:44:41her father wants to cancel the wedding.
00:44:42He is threatening her.
00:44:43There must be
00:44:44a ghost
00:44:45in it.
00:44:47you have to be responsible
00:44:48for me and the baby.
00:44:49I told you
00:44:50to be responsible
00:44:51for the baby in your belly.
00:44:52But I also said
00:44:54this marriage
00:44:55must take place.
00:44:57You want to separate
00:44:58me and the baby?
00:44:59Wang Junze,
00:45:00how can you
00:45:01be so heartless?
00:45:04she is pregnant,
00:45:05we can't be sure
00:45:07the baby is yours.
00:45:10can I
00:45:11be your relative now?
00:45:13How dare you
00:45:14suspect me?
00:45:15I love your father
00:45:16with all my heart.
00:45:17The baby in my belly
00:45:18is your father's baby.
00:45:19You can't
00:45:20misunderstand me
00:45:21and hurt me
00:45:22just because of that.
00:45:24I was not the only one
00:45:25who bullied you.
00:45:26I am also a victim.
00:45:27I also listened to
00:45:28other people's gossip
00:45:29and misunderstood you.
00:45:31Besides this baby,
00:45:33did anyone bully you?
00:45:36are all Lin Xiaomei's accomplices.
00:45:38How dare you bully
00:45:39my daughter, Wang Junze?
00:45:40Don't you want to live?
00:45:44We didn't mean to bully you.
00:45:46You deliberately hurt,
00:45:47violently beat others
00:45:48and committed serious crimes.
00:45:50I will send you to the police.
00:45:56we are doing this
00:45:57for you.
00:45:58You can't leave us alone.
00:45:59You hit others
00:46:00by yourself.
00:46:01I can't help you.
00:46:03You, you, you,
00:46:04you are doing this for others.
00:46:05Let go of me.
00:46:07Since you are so heartless,
00:46:09don't blame me
00:46:10for showing
00:46:11all your ugliness.
00:46:12Mr. Hua,
00:46:13in fact,
00:46:14when she went to save you,
00:46:15it wasn't an accident.
00:46:16She planned
00:46:17all of this.
00:46:20That car accident
00:46:21was planned by her.
00:46:23She knew
00:46:24you were the Diamond King,
00:46:25so she
00:46:27that car accident.
00:46:29She wanted to
00:46:31that she had a chance
00:46:32to save you
00:46:33and move you.
00:46:35she asked you
00:46:36to spend a lot of money on her
00:46:37and even
00:46:38marry her.
00:46:41Lin Xiaomei,
00:46:43you have been
00:46:44lying to me all the time.
00:46:46Lin Yun,
00:46:47what are you talking about?
00:46:49Let go of me.
00:46:50Am I right?
00:46:53Are you pretending
00:46:54that you don't dare to admit it now?
00:46:55Lin Yun, Lin Yun,
00:46:56don't talk nonsense.
00:46:57She is lying to me.
00:46:59She is only one year older than me.
00:47:00She is just jealous
00:47:01that I married better than her.
00:47:02She wants to
00:47:03destroy our relationship.
00:47:05I have evidence.
00:47:11That Diamond King
00:47:12is really stupid.
00:47:13I just
00:47:14used a little trick.
00:47:15He is just
00:47:16obedient to me
00:47:17and doesn't care about me.
00:47:19why did you
00:47:20make him
00:47:22That day,
00:47:23I asked someone to drive a car
00:47:24to hit him on purpose.
00:47:26I rushed over
00:47:27and pretended to save him
00:47:28in front of him.
00:47:29He really believed it.
00:47:31I even asked him
00:47:32to say hello to me.
00:47:33He couldn't say hello to me.
00:47:39Lin Xiaomei,
00:47:41you are really
00:47:42a good trick.
00:47:45this is how you planned
00:47:46to deceive my father.
00:47:47Your father
00:47:48has been lying to you.
00:47:49Zheng Zuo,
00:47:51listen to me.
00:48:02I don't need you to explain.
00:48:04I think
00:48:06you want to lie to me again.
00:48:08It's not
00:48:09what you think.
00:48:10You evil woman.
00:48:12I know
00:48:13what you are doing now.
00:48:14Do you know
00:48:15you are still deceiving me?
00:48:16You are trying to kill me on purpose.
00:48:18You are committing a crime.
00:48:19Send her away.
00:48:20She will never rest in peace.
00:48:22Zheng Zuo,
00:48:23you are wrong.
00:48:24I know I am wrong.
00:48:25I have been
00:48:26taking care of you
00:48:27and making up for you.
00:48:29You have a smile
00:48:30and a fake head.
00:48:32Do you really
00:48:33think I am a fool
00:48:34to deceive you?
00:48:36I am just confused.
00:48:38I won't do it again.
00:48:39I won't do it again.
00:48:43I won't do it again.
00:48:46Don't forget
00:48:47the baby in my belly
00:48:48is your flesh and blood.
00:48:51Do you want him to die?
00:48:53Yes, Jun.
00:48:54For the sake of
00:48:56the baby in your belly,
00:48:57please let me go this time.
00:48:58Go, go, go.
00:48:59How dare you
00:49:00threaten my father with the baby?
00:49:03You are shameless.
00:49:05I know you hate me.
00:49:07But I was so nice to you just now.
00:49:09I didn't
00:49:10hurt you.
00:49:11I am not alone.
00:49:15are the ones who really hurt you.
00:49:17Why do you
00:49:18leave me alone?
00:49:21They did it to you.
00:49:22How did they hurt you?
00:49:23Tell me.
00:49:24I will make an excuse for you today.
00:49:27They humiliated me
00:49:28because of those dirty words.
00:49:31I can't even
00:49:33let those men
00:49:34see my clothes
00:49:35with my bare feet.
00:49:43Do you want to die?
00:49:47You guys
00:49:48really make me
00:49:49look down on you.
00:49:50You are so rude,
00:49:51greedy and ignorant.
00:49:52How dare you do such a thing
00:49:53to my daughter?
00:49:56They and their families
00:49:57are all sealed up.
00:49:58None of them will stay.
00:50:00From now on,
00:50:01you are not allowed
00:50:02to step into Jiangcheng.
00:50:04You are going too far.
00:50:05Even if we did something wrong,
00:50:07you can't let
00:50:08our innocent families
00:50:09get involved.
00:50:11I don't believe
00:50:12you have the ability
00:50:13to stop us
00:50:14from staying in Jiangcheng.
00:50:15Since you want to try,
00:50:17I will show you
00:50:18whether you can do it or not.
00:50:23Let go of Chen Li
00:50:24and his family
00:50:25in Xiagou Village.
00:50:26None of them will let go.
00:50:27You can do it
00:50:28with a phone call.
00:50:29Do you think we are that easy to scare?
00:50:30The people in Xiagou Village
00:50:31are not scum.
00:50:36Hello, hubby.
00:50:37Gu Wei.
00:50:38I told you to find a proper job.
00:50:39I told you not to talk to him.
00:50:40I told you to listen to me.
00:50:41I told you to listen to me.
00:50:42Do you know
00:50:43I was fired by the government?
00:50:44I told you to come out
00:50:45if you don't want to be fired.
00:50:46Now all the people
00:50:47are in the front line.
00:50:48You are fired.
00:50:49I am not fired.
00:50:50I am not fired.
00:50:51I am not fired.
00:50:52I will make you
00:50:53die in the battlefield.
00:50:54Gu Wei.
00:50:55How can this be?
00:50:58I am leaving.
00:50:59I am leaving.
00:51:00I am leaving.
00:51:01I am leaving.
00:51:02Take her away.
00:51:05Take her away.
00:51:06I am leaving.
00:51:07I am leaving.
00:51:08I know I am wrong.
00:51:09I am leaving.
00:51:10I am leaving.
00:51:11I am leaving.
00:51:14I am leaving.
00:51:16I am wrong.
00:51:17I won't do it again.
00:51:18I beg you.
00:51:19Please forgive my family.
00:51:21Look at the Lin family.
00:51:23I am so unlucky.
00:51:25I am leaving.
00:51:26I will cut off all relations
00:51:27with the Lin family.
00:51:29Cut off all relations?
00:51:31You chose the Lin family.
00:51:33You chose the Lin family.
00:51:34You chose the Lin family.
00:51:35Now you are in trouble.
00:51:36You are so easy to break off relations.
00:51:37You are so easy to break off relations.
00:51:38You are mistaken.
00:51:39Lin Xiaomei
00:51:40won't listen to me.
00:51:41But I assure you.
00:51:42I am on good terms with her.
00:51:43I am on good terms with her.
00:51:44I told you.
00:51:45It is impossible.
00:51:46I will prove
00:51:47Lin Xiaomei
00:51:48is not a good person.
00:51:49Lin Xiaomei is not a good person.
00:51:50She has been lying to you
00:51:51since the beginning.
00:51:52She has been lying to you.
00:51:53She has been lying to you.
00:51:54The baby in her belly
00:51:55is not yours.
00:51:56Tang Yun.
00:51:57Tang Yun.
00:51:58Stop talking nonsense.
00:51:59Shut up.
00:52:00Shut up.
00:52:01I don't care.
00:52:02I have a family.
00:52:03I can't just
00:52:04Do you really want to see my husband and child end up like Chen Li?
00:52:09Fang Yu!
00:52:10I'm telling you, if you dare to slander me, I will never forgive you!
00:52:13Fang Yu!
00:52:15Pull her away!
00:52:19Fang Yu, can't you see that I'm not the father of the child?
00:52:23Mr. Wang, Li Xiaomei is someone else's child.
00:52:26She's not yours!
00:52:27The child's father is someone else!
00:52:29If I tell you the truth, can you give me a chance to make amends?
00:52:38I'm just asking you to let my family go.
00:52:41Don't waste time. Hurry up and say it.
00:52:43Who are you wasting your time on?
00:52:44Miss, I just said it.
00:52:46As long as Mr. Wang agrees, I'll say it right away.
00:52:48If what you said is true, I can consider letting your family go.
00:52:54The child is the husband's.
00:52:59Fang Yu!
00:53:00Li Xiaomei!
00:53:01Ever since she started dating you, she's been calling him two boats.
00:53:03This husband...
00:53:07is a thief!
00:53:09Fang Yu!
00:53:10You fucking liar!
00:53:12Mr. Wang, don't listen to her.
00:53:15I clearly know that Li Xiaomei is your woman.
00:53:19Even if I dare to slander her, I wouldn't dare.
00:53:22Even more so if I were to steal her from you.
00:53:25That's right.
00:53:26Gao Wei and I are just a team.
00:53:29That's all.
00:53:30That's right.
00:53:31You're a good woman.
00:53:32Think about it.
00:53:33You have such good conditions.
00:53:35Xiaomei isn't stupid.
00:53:36How could she be so stupid that she took such a huge risk
00:53:40to date a thief?
00:53:43Fang Yu, what's going on?
00:53:45Mr. Wang, they're all lying to you.
00:53:48No, no.
00:53:49It's not like that.
00:53:51She's lying to you!
00:53:52She's just jealous of me.
00:53:54She's jealous that I'm cheating on you.
00:53:56She's so desperate that she wants to throw me into the water.
00:53:58Don't let her fool you.
00:53:59I'm not lying!
00:54:01You and Gao Wei are both in my phone.
00:54:15It's not like that!
00:54:17It's not like that!
00:54:18That video is fake!
00:54:19It's not fake!
00:54:20I'm not lying!
00:54:22You posted it in the group chat.
00:54:24Would it be fake even if you recorded it?
00:54:26You're bullying my father-in-law.
00:54:28Arrest her!
00:54:33Mr. Chen, I was just confused for a moment.
00:54:37I just made a mistake that all women in the world would make.
00:54:40You know I love you.
00:54:42My heart for you has never changed.
00:54:44And even if I cheated on you,
00:54:46the baby might not be yours.
00:54:48Don't you want to be responsible for the baby?
00:54:51Shut up!
00:54:52Lin Xiaomei,
00:54:54you're so shameless!
00:54:58What if?
00:54:59What if the baby is really yours?
00:55:02Fine, I'll wait.
00:55:03I'll pray that the baby in your belly is mine.
00:55:06If not,
00:55:07I'll make sure you two are doomed.
00:55:11Arrest her!
00:55:16Mr. Wang,
00:55:17I have something else to say.
00:55:18Lin Xiaomei is a vicious woman.
00:55:20She not only wants to wear a green hat for you,
00:55:22but she also did something worse.
00:55:26I still have the video.
00:55:27But it's not with me.
00:55:29But I've already sent a message.
00:55:30I'll send it to you right away.
00:55:32What's the video?
00:55:35It's a video of Lin Xiaomei and Gao Wei
00:55:38fighting for their daughter's life.
00:55:44You're a vicious woman.
00:55:45How dare you hurt my father-in-law?
00:55:46I know.
00:55:47He just said
00:55:48there was no video.
00:55:50Yes, Mr. Wang.
00:55:51I didn't dare to hurt you.
00:55:54I didn't.
00:55:56I don't want to believe
00:55:58anything you say now.
00:55:59If you have evidence,
00:56:01then wait for it.
00:56:03But before that...
00:56:06Gao Wei,
00:56:07I'm warning you for the last time.
00:56:10If you want to get away from Lin Xiaomei and Lin family,
00:56:13get out of here now.
00:56:15But I'm warning you.
00:56:16If I find out that the baby in Lin Xiaomei's belly
00:56:19has nothing to do with us,
00:56:21then you'll end up
00:56:22in a lot of trouble.
00:56:24Go, go, go.
00:56:26Don't run away.
00:56:28Xiaomei is innocent.
00:56:29The baby in her belly must belong to the Wang family.
00:56:32Why are you running away?
00:56:33Good son-in-law.
00:56:34What are you doing?
00:56:36Is this necessary?
00:56:38If you do this,
00:56:39how can we be human in the future?
00:56:41It's not my fault.
00:56:43It's your good daughter's fault.
00:56:47Lin Xiaomei,
00:56:49Everyone around you
00:56:50is suspicious of your character.
00:56:52What else do you have to say?
00:56:56No, Junze.
00:56:58They're not questioning me.
00:57:00They're afraid
00:57:01that I'm a tyrant.
00:57:04you and I love each other.
00:57:05You should know my character best.
00:57:08Maybe we didn't meet before,
00:57:09but so much has happened today.
00:57:11But now I really can't see
00:57:13what the hell you are
00:57:15behind this human body.
00:57:21The evidence is here.
00:57:26don't say that about me.
00:57:28I really love you.
00:57:30Can't our love
00:57:32even stand this test?
00:57:34Lin Xiaomei,
00:57:36you really want to kill yourself.
00:57:41I knew it.
00:57:43Mr. Wang,
00:57:44this is the video
00:57:45of Lin Xiaomei
00:57:46and Gao Wei
00:57:47working together.
00:57:48At that time,
00:57:49she was recorded
00:57:50in my car.
00:57:51It can't be fake.
00:57:55This is my child.
00:57:57You are Mr. Wang?
00:57:58I'm sorry.
00:57:59My baby.
00:58:01I love you so much.
00:58:03What about you and Wang?
00:58:06From now on,
00:58:07your child
00:58:08will be the heir
00:58:09of Long's Group.
00:58:11As long as Wang dies?
00:58:13Then I'll be the richest man's father.
00:58:15I'm also the richest man.
00:58:17No, I can't wait.
00:58:18I want Wang Junze to die.
00:58:20I want him to die now.
00:58:22Don't worry.
00:58:23I've already
00:58:24paid him 100 insurance.
00:58:25As long as he dies,
00:58:26all his property will be mine.
00:58:28He even thought
00:58:29it was the insurance
00:58:30I bought for him.
00:58:31What a fool.
00:58:32What a fool.
00:58:34I don't know how
00:58:35such a person
00:58:36can be the richest man.
00:58:41You evil woman.
00:58:43I love you,
00:58:44that's why I believe you.
00:58:45How dare you
00:58:46say such kind words
00:58:48to me?
00:58:50Arrest them all
00:58:52and put them in prison.
00:58:57Wang Junze.
00:58:59You are the only family I have.
00:59:02You are the only family I have.
00:59:04You are the only family I have.
00:59:06No, no.
00:59:07I don't want to go to prison.
00:59:09Wang Junze.
00:59:10You can't do this to me.
00:59:11Wang Junze.
00:59:12You can't do this to me.
00:59:13Wang Junze.
00:59:17I just wanted to
00:59:18give you a surprise.
00:59:19I didn't expect
00:59:20the wedding
00:59:22would be like this.
00:59:25It's not your fault,
00:59:26my daughter.
00:59:28If it wasn't for this,
00:59:30we couldn't
00:59:31see her face clearly.
00:59:33It's better to
00:59:34know the truth
00:59:35than to
00:59:36put too much emotion into it.
00:59:38I don't care about
00:59:39anything else.
00:59:40As long as you are healthy
00:59:41and safe,
00:59:43that's all I care about.
00:59:45It's all my fault.
00:59:47Why do I have to find a girlfriend?
00:59:50Don't say that, Wang.
00:59:52It's normal
00:59:53for a man
00:59:54to marry a woman.
00:59:56I won't leave
00:59:57this time.
00:59:58I found you
01:00:00a beautiful
01:00:01and virtuous
01:00:02new wife.
01:00:03It's not just
01:00:04to find you a wife.
01:00:05I also want
01:00:06a stepmother.
01:00:08You are
01:00:09worrying too much.
01:00:11I told you
01:00:12you can find one.
01:00:13Anything else is fine.
01:00:15But the only condition is
01:00:16I want to be nice to you.
01:00:17I can't let you
01:00:18feel wronged.
01:00:19Don't worry.
01:00:20I can
01:00:21take care of myself.
01:00:23It's been a long time
01:00:24since we
01:00:25talked like this.
01:00:28Stop dreaming.
01:00:30I won't leave
01:00:31this time.
01:00:32There will be
01:00:33more opportunities like this.
01:00:37It's been a long day.
01:00:39I haven't eaten anything.
01:00:42I'm hungry, too.
01:00:43Come on, little princess.
01:00:46Let's go eat hot pot.
01:00:47With Wang,
01:00:48I can eat anything.