• le mois dernier
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00:00All around the world, consumers are calling for greater environmental responsibility from producers and manufacturers.
00:09Global cotton merchant Olam Agri, partnering with its farmers and processors, has embraced sustainability improvements for more than 15 years.
00:18So overall that plant there looks very healthy.
00:22The industry leadership has delivered positive benefits.
00:26Research has found and ground experience has found that cotton grown in a more sustainable way,
00:32minimizing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, minimizing water use and maximizing organic inputs,
00:42can have benefits for yields, can have benefits for farmer incomes and for net profits of the farm and have huge benefits for nature.
00:54The company works closely with end users to understand their needs and nurture better processes for more ongoing improvement.
01:02As a whole, Olam Agri is now more than ever connecting with the brands and connecting with retailers to understand what the consumer preferences are.
01:12And then of course visibility to that information is what is helping us drive that change at a production level.
01:19In central Queensland, Australia, their growing variety is resistant to pests, dramatically reducing the use of pesticides.
01:27Ground moisture monitoring and timely irrigation has reduced water use by up to 50%, even allowing for some fun.
01:36Solar electricity powers the water pumps and maintenance workshops.
01:41Off-season planting of hay crops adds organics to the soil and improves water holding capacity.
01:49And by feeding natural bacteria in cotton trash, they've produced a high-performing fertilizer.
01:57Cost effective and better than chemicals.
02:00All the micronutrients that are involved in this, to buy synthetically, you'd have to mix probably 15 different nutrients together to get something which would cost thousands.
02:13The streamlined and sustainable practices have over the years helped cotton yields increase in some cases by up to 30%.
02:22The value of sustainable farming is also recognised on the other side of the world, in the crops of the Ivory Coast, West Africa.
02:30Farmers here rely on simple methods like oxen to prepare the fields, manual labour and rainfall rather than irrigation.
03:01Despite weather challenges, the farmers have recorded improvements.
03:06They give credit to the training and expert sustainability advice provided by Olam Agri.
03:13L'idée c'est qu'ensemble nous puissions mettre en place des techniques de production durable, et c'est ce que nous faisons depuis plusieurs années,
03:21qui fait qu'aujourd'hui Olam est l'un des leaders en termes de proposition de coton durable sur le marché.
03:27Here Olam Agri provides soil analysis along with advice on soil correction and fertilisation.
03:34It has shown farmers how to reduce the use of pesticides, and as it has done elsewhere, taught them to make natural fertiliser.
03:43Olam Agri advises on machinery suited to the farm's conditions,
03:48and provides a call centre for accessing rainfall data to help farmers plan their planting.
04:13Environmental improvement and increased productivity and profitability
04:18are all rewards for Olam Agri's commitment to sustainability globally, and to the farmers' livelihoods.
04:43That traceability also helps satisfy manufacturers and their consumers,
04:48who want to feel confident that their spending supports the environment.
04:53When they look back on traceability where we are, and see what we're doing and how sustainable we try and grow it, I suppose,
04:59it creates a really good picture for the cotton industry.
05:03Long term, I think it's, you know, it's a really good picture for the cotton industry.
05:09Olam Agri