• 2 months ago
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 65 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 66 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 67 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 65 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 65 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 65 Completo HD
00:00I'm not going to defend myself.
00:03And before I give you my verdict,
00:05I came to tell you that the only thing I care about
00:08is the betterment of my children.
00:10If Lila and Emiliano really will have a better quality of life
00:14and my son Emi will have a remarkable progress in his health
00:18and in his condition because of the treatment there is in the United States,
00:22I'm willing to give them custody and custody of Lila and Emiliano.
00:34When it comes to the well-being of children,
00:36no matter how much it hurts to not see them every day,
00:39it's better to know them well than to have them close.
00:43Can you tell me what he told you to scare you so much?
00:48He told me that if I didn't do everything I asked him,
00:55he would blow up the bomb in my chair.
01:13How could he hurt you so much?
01:21Where was I to not realize and protect you, son?
01:29It's just that...
01:35I don't have the face to ask you for forgiveness
01:40and open the door to someone who mistreated you.
01:43And I'm sure everything he did to you affected your health.
01:47And I never realized.
01:50Son, I swear I didn't know any of this.
01:53I didn't even imagine it.
01:55I know you didn't, Dad.
02:04I was a fool.
02:06I trusted Federica when I barely knew her.
02:12And I let myself be taken away because she saved you in the pool.
02:17That's where it all started, Dad.
02:19I fell into the water because I wanted to hide.
02:22Why did you want to hide?
02:24So they wouldn't catch me.
02:26Because I accidentally saw Federica and Facundo kissing.
02:36I don't understand what happened between my dad and Emi.
02:38Mom, what was the problem?
02:40Why did my dad want to be alone with Emi?
02:43I ask you to be patient.
02:44It's best to wait for Tino to come
02:46and tell you what's going on.
02:49Or what do you think?
02:55And now?
02:56Why is everyone here?
02:58Oh, Virgen, that's over.
02:59Don't tell me it got worse again.
03:01No, no, no.
03:02No, Mrs. Berta, don't worry.
03:04Emiliano is fine.
03:05I'm glad you're here.
03:06I need you to please take the kids home.
03:08But I came to see my grandson.
03:10I promise I'll explain everything later.
03:12Don't worry about Emi.
03:14Emi is fine.
03:15It's just that something came up at the last minute
03:18and it's best if the kids aren't here.
03:20Oh, well, if you say so.
03:22Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
03:24Did you hear that, kids?
03:26Guys, let's all go to the car.
03:40You're the only one to blame
03:41for Tino not taking me out of the caravan room.
03:44Damn doll face.
03:54I've met bad people,
03:57rotten hearts,
04:00and you.
04:02I don't want to see you again in my life.
04:05And I forbid you to get close to anyone in my family.
04:14It won't be easy facing Guzman, right?
04:18But this time we're going to do it differently.
04:20Because we're together.
04:25That Silvana and her selfishness changed our lives.
04:29Do you think she imagined that this whole Pipe thing
04:31would unite us as parents?
04:37No, no, no, right? No.
04:40Whatever happens, we can't let Guzman separate us from Pipe.
04:43He's our inheritance.
04:45But there must be some legal option for Pipe to be with us.
04:48I don't know which one, but we're going to investigate.
04:51For now,
04:52we just have to keep fighting,
04:55with love.
05:01And they're dating.
05:04They're dating.
05:06Like Danielita and Martincito.
05:14What I'm...
05:16curious about
05:18is that Rudolfo acted like he didn't know anything.
05:21But what I didn't notice,
05:22he's such an idiot,
05:23is that I saw something
05:24that tells me that Papo
05:27is there.
05:28What did you see, Silvana?
05:30A child's sock.
05:32Guzman, that doesn't mean anything.
05:34No, no.
05:35I'm sure Rudolfo is covering for Clara Luz.
05:39it even looks like he's covering for Guzman.
05:42It even looks like you're covering for your nephew.
05:45Well, I'm glad it sounds like that.
05:47Because I've been rehearsing for when I have to fight
05:49for him in court.
05:51But what's your plan with all this about Pipe?
05:54He's going to help me get rid of the four people
05:57I have in my sights.
05:59And then,
06:01I'll keep all the money my cousin left me.
06:07Don't you realize that my cousin put all those things in Emiliano
06:10to separate me from you?
06:12Believe me, Moto Papi.
06:13Stop getting people involved with your stories.
06:16Admit that you're wrong.
06:18That you're a cruel woman.
06:20You embarrass me.
06:22You tortured an unprotected child.
06:24No, no, no, no, Tino.
06:25My Cherubino is confused.
06:27Maybe his condition makes him hallucinate things
06:29that aren't real.
06:30I swear it's not.
06:32I was so blind
06:34that when that idiot Facundo confessed that they were lovers,
06:37I defended you, Federica.
06:39But I know who you are.
06:41And if you say one more stupid thing like the one you just said,
06:45you're going to meet me.
06:50No one gives such an expensive gift without asking for something in return.
06:54Guzman didn't ask me for anything.
06:56Besides, what do you say if when I complained to you
06:58that he was being affectionate,
06:59you said no, no, he was unable to do something.
07:02You put your hands in the fire for him.
07:04And now, why so much distrust of your soul friend?
07:07Let's see, tell me.
07:08Let's see, yes, he's my friend.
07:10And what you like, you send.
07:11But that he gives you something so expensive,
07:14I don't like it.
07:15Well, I do, look.
07:17I do like it because Guzman does go for me.
07:20He does see that I have made a good effort to the student.
07:23He gave me this cell phone as a prize
07:25for studying so much.
07:26Not like you, who treats me like a vile rat.
07:29Whatever it is, but you give me that cell phone
07:31until I clarify that with Guzman.
07:33Give it to me.
07:35No, I'm not going to give it to you.
07:37I'm not going to give it to you.
07:38And now that you have come all the way,
07:40so quiet like graves,
07:42is it possible to know what happened in the hospital?
07:46Well, we really don't know.
07:47Everyone was very happy that Emi had woken up.
07:50Aunt Fede arrived and everything changed.
07:54Emi got upset, Aunt Fede too.
07:56And everything was super random.
07:58Well, maybe my dad could have gotten mad at her.
08:01But no idea.
08:04But I have no idea.
08:06What's wrong?
08:07Pulgui, why are you crying? What happened?
08:09Are you okay?
08:12It's not that. She... she heard everything.
08:16Something bad could have happened.
08:20Let's see, Escarlet, Escarlet.
08:22Speak more clearly, we don't understand you.
08:24Breathe, breathe.
08:25What do you know you haven't told us?
08:29Maybe if you tell us, we can help you.
08:32Emilia was very afraid of Aunt Fede,
08:37and that's why she saw her and she got sick again.
08:43But why fear?
08:45Let's see, what does Aunt Fede have to do with all this?
08:48She was torturing Emiliano.
08:57He has suffered enough all his life
08:59for a heartless woman like you to come and tell me
09:02that my son has problems and hallucinations
09:06and that kind of stupidity.
09:08It's the truth.
09:09Shut up!
09:10I'm his father and I know my son better than anyone.
09:13He's an intelligent child, he's noble, sensitive,
09:18and you took advantage of him.
09:20Federica, what you did will have very serious consequences.
09:24As a lawyer, you know you're going to pay for everything you did to Emiliano.
09:27No, no, no, you don't have to go that far.
09:30No, of course I do.
09:32I'm going to report you.
09:34You're going to pay for everything you did to my son.
09:37It's all a misunderstanding, Tino.
09:39You're really confused.
09:42Get out.
09:45I don't want to see you ever again.
09:48You have to listen to me, Tino, please.
09:50What did you hear?
09:51Get out or I'll call security.
09:54Get out.
10:08I don't know how I allowed you to hurt my son.
10:14How did I not notice? How did all this happen?
10:18If you didn't have anything wrong, why did you hide it
10:20and didn't tell me from the beginning that Guzman gave it to you?
10:23I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, Mom.
10:26No, no, it's just that he didn't do right.
10:28He should have asked me first if he could give you a gift
10:31and something so expensive.
10:33What's that about asking you? It's from 1844.
10:36Don't be old-fashioned.
10:37No, no, no, I'm not old-fashioned.
10:39It's just that you're a minor and that kind of thing
10:41has to be discussed with the parents first, period.
10:43Well, isn't Guzman like my uncle?
10:45He's been super cool with us.
10:47Don't make a mess where there isn't one.
10:49But there is a mess, Chavis.
10:51See why I didn't want to tell you anything?
10:53You always exaggerate everything.
10:55Why did you want a new cell phone if you already have one?
10:58You were going to take away my chance of having something cool.
11:00Like you always do, Mom, always.
11:02No, no, Chavis, it's not like that.
11:04But if your dad finds out...
11:05No, no, no.
11:06Please, please, please, don't tell my dad.
11:09It's going to get worse.
11:10Don't tell my uncle Guzman either.
11:12I don't want to disappoint him.
11:15We'll see, Chavis. I'll think about it.
11:17While you're thinking about it,
11:19can I stay?
11:24I can't believe
11:26she bothered a child like that!
11:29She's an adult!
11:30What's wrong with her?
11:32How can she bother such an indefensible child?
11:34No, well, I'm going to go with that witch
11:37and I'm going to destroy all her horrible dresses
11:40and her long boots!
11:43I'm going to do the same.
11:45I feel like it's my fault.
11:48Because I told you many times
11:51that the lawyer was a very good person.
11:54And I thought she loved Emiliano.
11:57Calm down, Bertita.
11:59Look, the good thing is that we already know the truth.
12:02How many times did I take care of my grandson with that woman?
12:06Instead of taking care of him,
12:08I'm his grandmother.
12:13I feel so guilty
12:17for having left my son
12:20alone so many times with her.
12:23You couldn't guess her intentions.
12:26Not even I, who knows her all my life,
12:29knew she had that bad temper.
12:32I swear I can't believe it.
12:34And surely the anguish that Emi felt
12:37every time she saw her
12:39made her lower her defenses.
12:42And that affected her.
12:44I'm responsible.
12:46I allowed all this to happen.
12:49I mean, I tried to avoid her suffering.
12:54I was the idiot who trusted the wrong person.
13:00I'm the worst dad.
13:04I'm going to tell you something I heard by accident.
13:10I heard you're not Emiliano's biological father.
13:16I'm sorry.
13:17It was a coincidence that I heard it.
13:21But that made me admire you even more.
13:26Because you're willing to sacrifice so much for a child
13:31you never had.
13:34But to whom I have a stronger bond than blood.
13:38Because you've done everything out of love.
13:42Without asking for anything in return.
13:44No, honey.
13:46You know that children are not asked for anything.
13:50You just give them your whole heart and that's it.
13:56You know,
13:58the possibility of losing Emi weighs on me so much.
14:02He's my son.
14:05No matter what, he's my son.
14:07And he's part of me.
14:09Don't be afraid.
14:11It's a fact that Paulina doesn't want to live with him.
14:13I know, I know.
14:15But I also know that she's willing to keep him
14:17just to keep having Jason with her.
14:22Aide, Tino just sent me a message.
14:26Emi just got out of the coma.
14:28Thank God.
14:30God heard my prayers.
14:32It's the best news of the day.
14:34And the best thing is that she got out of the coma very quickly.
14:37Let's go.
14:38Let's go see her.
14:41Are you okay?
14:42Yes, yes.
14:43I'm fine.
14:44I'm fine.
14:45I'm fine.
14:46I'm fine.
14:47I'm fine.
14:48I'm fine.
14:49I'm fine.
14:50Yes, yes.
14:51I'm just...
14:52I'm so dizzy.
14:53Are you sure?
14:54Are you okay, honey?
14:56I'm all black.
14:59Look, don't worry.
15:01Now the most important thing is to see Emi.
15:03Let's go.
15:04No, no, no, no, no.
15:05You're feeling very bad.
15:06You can't go like this.
15:08I'll stay here with you until you recover.
15:10No, no, no.
15:12You know what?
15:13You go, please.
15:14It's important that he sees that we're taking care of him.
15:17As soon as I feel better, I'll go.
15:19Are you sure?
15:21If you need anything, call me right away.
15:24Yes, yes.
15:25I'm fine.
15:26Go, honey.
15:39Paulina knows that Jason is in love with Emiliano.
15:42She is capable of taking my son away from me just to make her husband happy.
15:47And what scares me is that she's going to end up mistreating my son,
15:51even worse than Federica.
15:53Do you think that because right now you're upset about what happened to Federica?
15:57Paulina is not the best person.
16:00But Jason wouldn't allow something like this to happen.
16:04It scares me to think that I told Jason and Paulina myself
16:09that I was willing to give them custody of my children
16:13just so that Emi would have a better quality of life.
16:18Don't lose sight of the important thing.
16:20If you considered that possibility,
16:22it was thinking that your son would be treated by the doctors over there,
16:26in the United States.
16:28What happened to Federica can't make you doubt something fundamental
16:32for Emiliano's health.
16:35Yes, for my cousin,
16:36it's my son's health.
16:39And you're absolutely right.
16:41What happened to Federica put a lot of doubts in my head
16:44because, I swear, I don't understand how I trusted the wrong person.
16:52But not everyone is like her.
16:54At least I trust Jason, not Paulina.
16:58But I know that he, like us, will do it for Emiliano's sake.
17:02I hope so.
17:03I hope so.
17:08In spite of all that, if my children leave with Jason and Paulina,
17:14I would leave with them.
17:18I couldn't live without them.
17:23Of course.
17:26I'm not going to leave them alone with strangers,
17:29do you agree?
17:33It hurts so much to see you like this.
17:38I'm going to leave you alone for a moment so that...
17:44I understand.
18:03What are you doing here?
18:05As soon as I saw your message, I came to know how Emiliano is doing.
18:09Luckily, he's better.
18:11I can see that your blood pressure is very low.
18:14What's wrong? I don't like to see you like this.
18:17In the midst of everything that happens to me,
18:20I just felt a new...
18:22I don't know if fear or pain.
18:28I'm so afraid that you won't leave my life and my children's.
18:36Don't worry.
18:38I'm here for you.
18:43There's a darkness that wants to absorb you.
18:46But I'm not going to let that happen.
19:04I promise to help you recover that light that is only yours.
19:12I'm going out at night.
19:14I need to talk to you-know-who.
19:16She wants to tell me something.
19:20I don't know if she's a good company right now.
19:22Because she's very close to...
19:26I'm going to tell her.
19:27You better meet her here.
19:29In one of those vests.
19:30She's lurking.
19:32Don't go out.
19:33If I ask you-know-who to come, I'm going to involve her in...
19:39I don't want her to think that I'm ungrateful for leaving her house without warning.
19:42And since things are going well, we could need the support of...
19:45You know, of everyone.
19:46What are you talking about?
19:50I have to run for my cell phone because I forgot it in the bathroom.
19:53Go ahead.
19:54Help me.
19:56Come on, baby.
20:00Run, we need you.
20:04We don't know if the Cervantes or Guzman brothers
20:07reported Pipe's disappearance.
20:10And if they did, we're suspicious.
20:12Especially you.
20:16Yes, it's me again.
20:18And I'm under attack because now I'm afraid that I'll be sued for child abuse.
20:22So apply and look for a shield or something to counteract that lawsuit
20:27that won't take long to fall on me.
20:31Constantino Guevara Barajas.
20:33That's the one who's going to sue me.
20:35And from lawyer to lawyer, I beg you to hurry up to beat him.
20:40Yes, I'm on my way.
20:44How could you do such despicable things to Emi?
20:47Are you crazy or what?
20:49Oh, baby, don't listen to those lies.
20:52No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
20:54Don't try to fool me.
20:55Because I don't believe you anymore.
20:57How could you torture Emi, the best kid in the world?
21:01It hurts me that you give credit to those gossips you made up.
21:03If I believe it, it's because I realized that all the advice you gave me
21:07wasn't for my own good, but to make me look bad.
21:10You're a horrible person.
21:13But I'm not a stupid rich girl who...
21:16Oh, no.
21:17Rather, a stupid poor girl.
21:20Because you have nothing rich anymore.
21:26Apply and get this bitch out of here.
21:29But now!
21:30Sit down.
21:33Sit down.
21:46Aiden told me that Emiliano had woken up
21:49and he's running to see this champion.
21:51And Paulina?
21:53She's a little weak.
21:54That's why she couldn't come.
21:56But she sent you her regards.
21:58As soon as she recovers, she'll be here with you.
22:00She'll come to see you.
22:01And I hope it's before she goes to the United States, right?
22:06What happened, son?
22:07Jason told me you were going to let me go with them
22:09so that a doctor would take me there.
22:11Yes, that's right.
22:13So that they treat you with a much more advanced technology.
22:17Very good.
22:18Because even so, they don't even cure my tumors
22:21and they don't have to operate on me again.
22:24I was already talking to the person in charge of a hospital in Seattle.
22:28He said there are very good results with the treatment they would give you.
22:32Would you come with us, Dad?
22:36I would do everything possible to be close to you and your sister.
22:41But I don't want to lie to you.
22:44I can't assure you.
22:45Why, Dad?
22:50She's your aunt and you owe her respect, Chata.
22:52Is this how you show the education they gave you?
22:55No, Tino and Aydeucha are going to be very close to you.
22:58If you don't know, don't give me an opinion.
23:00I think my parents will congratulate me for what I did.
23:03Federica is a woman of the worst.
23:05And please, even if she's a dad from the Czech Republic,
23:07don't meddle in what you don't care about.
23:08Chale, Chale, Chale, Chale.
23:09Stop it, okay?
23:10If you don't respect your family, I do.
23:13Because I'm an adult.
23:14And because I don't see a reason for you to come
23:16and make a big deal out of me, Miss.
23:19And who are you?
23:20An employee who makes deals and makes copies.
23:23You're never going to leave?
23:25Poor guy.
23:26Having a dad like you is awful.
23:32I swear I'm going to do everything I can to be with you in the United States, okay?
23:36But first, the most important thing is that you are healthy, son.
23:40I don't know, I'll see what I can do to get there, okay?
23:45If not, don't worry.
23:47I'm going to see what I can do to help your dad
23:50so that he's close to you and your sister.
23:54I couldn't be away from you, Dad.
23:56Not from my grandma, not from Lina, not from my siblings.
24:04May I?
24:07Excuse the interruption.
24:09I was just passing by to say hello to Emi.
24:12May I?
24:16How do you feel, son?
24:18Much better, thank you.
24:19That's good.
24:20I have to go back home to talk to the kids.
24:24They must be very upset with everything that happened to Federica.
24:27Okay, thank you.
24:29I'm very happy that you are so well, Emi.
24:32And that everything had already happened.
24:34You're very nice to worry about, to support Aide.
24:39Because you're going to take her home, right?
24:41I mean, because now you're her help, her light, her driver.
24:47Everything, right? Everything.
24:49Yes, son.
24:54Answer, Mom, please answer me.
25:02Lila, what happened, my love?
25:04What do you think? Emi just got out of the coma.
25:07She's already awake.
25:08Yes, I found out a while ago.
25:10But I couldn't go to the hospital to see him because I felt very bad.
25:14Take some medicine and see.
25:16Something horrible happened.
25:18Right now is when Emi must know that we love him very much.
25:22Why are you crying, my love? What's wrong?
25:24I can't tell you because I'm jealous.
25:27But something horrible happened that Federica did.
25:29My dad's silly friend.
25:31What could be so terrible? What did that woman do?
25:34I need to see you.
25:36I want to hug you and you hug me.
25:39I want to be with you, Mom.
25:41Come on, don't cry.
25:43Right now I'll pick you up at Tino's house and then we'll go to the hospital.
25:48Even if I have to take several pills to feel better
25:51and not feel bad again on the way.
25:53No, I don't want you to get sick.
25:55No, I don't care.
25:57If something so serious happened to your brother,
25:59my duty as a mother is to be with you.
26:01Thank you, Mom.
26:03Emi and I need you.
26:05And I need you to do me a favor, sweetie.
26:14I thought my grandfather wouldn't give me permission.
26:16But when I told him we were going to see Emi,
26:18he changed his face.
26:20That's good, because he wasn't in the mood to argue with her.
26:23And even less after knowing everything that Federica did.
26:27I don't understand how that woman dared to do something like that
26:30to my beloved child.
26:32I still can't believe it, Mom.
26:34I assure you that I will do something for that woman to pay
26:37for all the bad things she did to such an innocent being
26:40like your brother.
26:42Just imagining how bad she was, I feel horrible.
26:46And I didn't help her.
26:48It's not your fault.
26:50I'm the oldest sister and I didn't do anything to take care of him.
26:54But it wasn't your responsibility, sweetie.
26:56That's a task for the elders, not yours.
26:59Tino and your grandmother shouldn't feel bad.
27:02They neglected Emiliano and allowed that woman to hurt him so much.
27:06Well, what was so important that I had to do for you?
27:10Look, honey, Jason is calmer now,
27:13but a few days ago he was very angry with me.
27:17Well, for several reasons.
27:19The point is that I need you to support me.
27:22Because he always wanted to have a daughter first.
27:26Could you do it?
27:28And what do I have to do, Mom?
27:30It's very simple, honey.
27:32Just don't get mad at him.
27:34Don't argue with him.
27:36Be sweet.
27:38All that will help me a lot, honey.
27:41I love Jason and I don't want to lose him.
27:46And you can support me so that he continues to be happy with me.
27:51Do you promise you will do it?
27:52Yes, Mom.
27:53But I promise.
27:58Paulina, as soon as I saw your message,
28:00why did you leave the hotel?
28:01Did you feel bad?
28:03I found out about something horrible that happened to my son.
28:06And I had to see him.
28:08He just went to his room and he's asleep.
28:11We'll be back in a little while so you can see him.
28:14Jason, don't get mad at my mom.
28:17She's so nice that she didn't mind being very sick
28:20just to see my brother.
28:22I miss him.
28:29And since Lila told me that Mom took her to the hospital,
28:32I let her go.
28:33That's good.
28:34And I was going to be very happy.
28:39I know it's been a difficult day.
28:41But is there any other reason for everyone to be so quiet?
28:44Did something happen?
28:45I do have something to tell you.
28:48I'm very proud of what I did.
28:51But I was so angry that...
28:54I hate injustices.
28:56And what my ex-aunt Federica Emiliano did to her was that.
28:59A super mega injustice.
29:01What did you do, daughter?
29:03I went to Maxi Click to see my aunt Federica.
29:06I complained about all the things Emiliano did to her,
29:09for the terrible advice he gave me before,
29:11for all the times he tried to put me against you,
29:14and he threw a jug of water in her head.
29:16Oh, how cool.
29:18Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
29:20I understand that you had reasons to be very angry,
29:23but that was not correct.
29:25So please don't celebrate it.
29:27I respect your mother's opinion a lot, Circe,
29:29but as Emi's grandmother, of course I understand you.
29:33And I would have done the same.
29:35Because that damn lawyer,
29:37she deserves a beating.
29:40But the punishment should be given by the law, not us.
29:43That's why I hope you don't report it as soon as possible.
29:46I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry.
29:48I don't regret anything I did to Federica.
29:52What was fatal, and I shouldn't have done,
29:55was to be so rude to Chico's father.
29:59And that's how Pancho ended up making Circe my daughter.
30:03Damn kid.
30:05What I don't understand is why he behaved like that,
30:07if he gets along with your aunt.
30:09Who knows?
30:10But what he did has no name.
30:12Federica is his aunt.
30:14It's obvious that that bitch Circe
30:16doesn't know how to respect her elders.
30:18That's why I'm going to ask you not to see her anymore.
30:22No, you're exaggerating. Calm down.
30:26No, Chico, look.
30:28I'm telling you the truth.
30:30I don't want you near her.
30:31Because in addition to the mischief she did to her aunt,
30:34with me, she was also very...
30:36She was also very rude.
30:39And I'm not even going to tell you,
30:41because she really offended me a lot.
30:44So if you want me to stop seeing her,
30:46tell me what she told you.
30:52I'll tell you later.
30:53I'm just going to get another sugar-free Coca-Cola
30:55and I'll tell you.
32:37It's andRed.
32:39of Thank you for coming, friend.
32:41I know you took a risk, but..
32:43Oh, come on now.
32:44Don't you worry.
32:45I took extreme precautions to get here.
32:47And I'm not that ugly.
32:51I know how to defend myself!
32:52Hey, have you forgotten how security guard I was?
32:54I know several techniques to subdue any bastard who tries to.
32:57No, no, no, no, no, no.
32:59No, just sit down.
32:59I'm going to get som-
33:01Hey, really, thank you for coming by.
33:05Really, thank you for coming.
33:06No, man. Thanks to you.
33:09The truth is I wanted to see you in person too
33:11to apologize for the way I disappeared.
33:14I did it so as not to get you involved in my problems.
33:17Even if you hadn't come, I would have understood.
33:20Well, yes.
33:21Don't forget that I'm a mom
33:23and I understand what one is capable of for their own.
33:26Thank you, Litchi Oaks.
33:28And I hope you mean it.
33:30Don't run off to tell the rat Guzman I came to see you.
33:34Don't even think about it.
33:36But sooner or later he's going to tell you
33:38and things will get complicated.
33:40I know.
33:41But you said it.
33:44You're a mom.
33:45You understand I couldn't stay without seeing my son.
33:47Because Guzman...
33:48Wait, wait, wait.
33:50I don't even know what to think about him right now.
33:54I'm going to show you what I told you to bring me, okay?
34:01And that cell phone?
34:03It's broken, isn't it?
34:06How's my brother doing?
34:07He's resting.
34:09Don't wake him up, okay?
34:14Lizzo told me you weren't well.
34:17I didn't know you were with Lila.
34:19I went to look for her
34:20and she told me what happened to poor Emiliano
34:23and that Federica.
34:25And although I don't feel very well,
34:26I wanted to come see my son.
34:28I can't believe how low that woman is.
34:31It's incredible that a woman
34:33can be so ruthless with a child in defense, isn't it?
34:36It's also incredible that no one noticed.
34:40The important thing here is that she's never
34:42going to be near Emiliano again.
34:45I'm going to report her for misbehavior.
34:47You can do it tomorrow,
34:49taking advantage of the fact that it's the final hearing.
34:51Because I guess she's not your lawyer anymore.
34:54Of course not.
34:57She's not going to be near us anymore.
34:59Never again.
35:00Oh, my love, my baby.
35:03Although some may doubt it,
35:05you are very important to me.
35:09Well, there you go.
35:11And I promise you that this has nothing to do
35:13with the mess I have with Guzman.
35:15No, I really need a friend's advice
35:17because I don't even know what to do anymore.
35:19Well, I think that maybe first
35:22you should investigate with Guzman.
35:25Ask him directly why he gave Chofis
35:27such an expensive gift.
35:29Because, I'm sorry,
35:31but even if he believed in the role of uncle protector,
35:33it's not normal for a man of his age
35:35to spend a penny on a gift for a girl.
35:39You're a mom. You're a woman.
35:41Use your instinct.
35:43I'm not telling you to make a drama out of it,
35:45but find out.
35:47And in case they're jokers or scams,
35:49you know what to do.
35:51Yes, I'm going to do that.
35:53Don't think I want to influence you in a bad way.
35:55No, I'm not going to take it personally.
35:57It's what I needed to hear, really.
35:59Thank you, Clara López.
36:01I'm glad I brought you some light.
36:05I'm leaving.
36:07I'm leaving.
36:09I'm leaving.
36:11I'm leaving.
36:13I'm leaving.
36:15I'm leaving.
36:17I'm leaving.
36:20I'm leaving.
36:22Please, don't tell Guzmán you talked to me.
36:24No, no, no. Don't worry about that.
36:26You haven't seen me.
36:28I wasn't here.
36:34When I saw the mask,
36:36I remembered a lot of things.
36:38Poor Poli got scared.
36:40I imagine it was a very painful memory.
36:42If it weren't for therapy,
36:44my dad's support,
36:46and for you,
36:48I don't know how I'd be right now.
36:50Being able to talk to the three of you
36:52about this secret
36:54that used to make me feel
36:56like I was drowning,
36:58makes me feel calmer.
37:00It changed my life.
37:02It gives me so much peace to hear you say that.
37:04And I know that the one who has supported me
37:06has given you destiny.
37:08I'm very grateful to your dad for that.
37:10And I want you to be very clear
37:12that now more than ever
37:14you count on him and me.
37:16Because a difficult part is coming.
37:18But it's very important
37:20to report Facundo.
37:22Mom, I remember how things were.
37:24But I can only report Facundo
37:26because he has a mask just like the one I remember.
37:28I know.
37:30Just like you, I know it's a very serious accusation.
37:32But I think we should consult
37:34a lawyer to guide us
37:36and represent us.
37:38It's a very delicate issue for the family
37:40because your aggressor
37:42is Scarlett's father.
37:45I know.
37:47Poor Pulgui.
37:49I don't want your sister to suffer.
37:51We have to be prudent for her.
37:53But you still have my support
37:55to report her
37:57because a crime like the one they committed with you
37:59cannot be left unpunished.
38:09I didn't tell you, Aire,
38:11but my mom stayed to take care of Emi in the hospital.
38:13I'll go there as soon as the hearing is over.
38:17If you don't mind, we'll start the final hearing.
38:21But I don't see your lawyer, Mr. Guevara.
38:25No, we had a problem.
38:27So, with your permission, I'll represent myself
38:29with the support of a lawyer
38:31and Mr. Morales.
38:33Are you sure?
38:35Absolutely, ma'am.
38:37In fact, I've made a decision
38:39that could change the course of this trial.
38:41Excuse me for interrupting.
38:43Your Honor,
38:45Ms. Paulina,
38:47the mother of the children, would like to speak.
38:51It's irregular,
38:53but I'm surprised that she wants to speak.
38:55So, you have the floor.
38:57I wouldn't interrupt, Tino,
38:59if what I have to say wasn't important.
39:03Don't play with mysteries.
39:05For reasons that I have witnessed,
39:07that my own daughter has told me
39:09and that stand out.
39:11What I want to tell you
39:13has a lot to do with Lila's custody.
39:19Before, I didn't like having a brother
39:21with his disability and in a wheelchair.
39:23Or sometimes I just did it
39:25because I was jealous
39:27that my dad would only pay attention to him
39:29and not me.
39:31Let's see, Lila.
39:33About Emi and her disability.
39:35It's very ugly that you say it
39:38because Emi is much more than a wheelchair.
39:42And about your dad and attention.
39:44Your brother needed a lot more time than you.
39:46But your dad adores you.
39:48I know.
39:50And now I understand
39:52that he felt that I was very strong
39:54and that I didn't need
39:56as much protection as Emi.
39:58That you need more care.
40:02Besides, Emi is smaller.
40:06And now,
40:08with what happened to Federica,
40:10I feel horrible
40:12for what she did to my brother.
40:14My dad feels worse.
40:16I'm a terrible sister.
40:18If something had happened to Emi,
40:22I wouldn't forgive her.
40:24Let's see.
40:26What happened?
40:28It's over.
40:30Now talk to your dad
40:32and tell him how you feel about Emiliana.
40:34This will help you and him.
40:40Congratulations, Chulis.
40:42Guzman got everything right by giving you an opportunity.
40:44You are, as I say,
40:46a diamond in rough.
40:48But with a little shine,
40:50you will shine.
40:54More than me, thank Guzman.
40:56Has he always been so generous with everyone?
41:00Especially with those I see who have potential.
41:03I ask because
41:05here among us
41:07he gave my daughter a very expensive cell phone
41:09and it made me think.
41:11What's wrong with that?
41:13I'm not telling you that he is mega, ultra generous.
41:15In fact,
41:17you are an example of what I say.
41:19Yes, right?
41:21Don't be silly.
41:23Don't look for trouble.
41:25If Guzman put his eyes on your Bendy,
41:27surely it's because Chofi is a good student.
41:29In one of those, they support her in her career
41:31and when she finishes college,
41:33surely this gives her a job.
41:35Apply yourself.
41:37Don't let it go as a godfather of your daughter.
41:39That's why,
41:41now that I have lived more with my children,
41:43I have realized the special needs
41:45that Emiliano has.
41:47But that does not justify that Tino
41:49had Lila in total neglect.
41:51My daughter is an intelligent,
41:53sweet girl
41:55who has had to become hard,
41:59because her father condemned her to oblivion.
42:03with Jason and me,
42:05Lila could have a comfortable life,
42:07full of love, of care.
42:11my husband always wanted
42:13his firstborn to be a woman.
42:15Did you hear the word, Your Honor?
42:17Mrs. Dorado has not yet finished her statement,
42:19Mr. Guevara.
42:21I know, but just what I want to tell you
42:23will help you determine.
42:26As far as I'm concerned,
42:28I don't think you have any way
42:30to defend yourself from what I'm saying.
42:32I'm not going to defend myself.
42:34And before I give your verdict,
42:36I came to tell you
42:38that all I care about
42:40is the betterment of my children.
42:42If Lila and Emiliano
42:44really have a better quality of life,
42:46and my son Emi
42:48will have remarkable progress in his health
42:50and in his condition
42:52due to the treatment there is in the United States,
42:54I am willing to grant you
42:56custody and custody
42:58of Lila and Emiliano.
43:18Oh no, these are not Circe's photos.
43:24Here I come.
43:35The contracts have been signed
43:37with two audiovisual distributors
43:39and we started a new business
43:41with a content creator
43:43to upload them to Maximax.
43:45Great, Lilla!
43:47The next week we will have a meeting
43:49with two influencers who are keen to collaborate.
43:53If you keep this up, you're going to rise very soon.
43:56Because it's clear that your growth isn't stopped by anyone.
44:01You just need to prepare a little more.
44:04You speak English, so I recommend you take a course.
44:08The company pays for it, of course.
44:10You know that I've always been very generous
44:13with the staff that responds like this, as well as you.
44:17I want to talk to you about something very important
44:18that doesn't check me out.
44:20And I can't keep it any longer.
44:22What is it about?
44:24Did your attitude change?
44:26I won't give him another chance.
44:29I spoke to Clara about us.
44:33Facu isn't here. He's in Spain.
44:36When did he leave?
44:38I'm sorry, who are you? What are you doing here?
44:41I'm Iker. Iker de la Vega.
44:47I've moved in with Facu because we're doing a swap.
44:52Excuse me, a what?
44:54A brand sponsors us to meet a challenge.
44:57I've come to live at his house, and he's gone to mine.
45:00So he'll be living in Spain for a month.
45:05Please stand up. I'm going to give the sentence.
45:10The youngest, Emiliano Guevara Dorado,
45:15will remain under the custody of his father,
45:19Constantino Guevara Barajas.
45:23As for the youngest, Lila Guevara Dorado
45:26will be subject to psychological tests
45:29before making a statement about her decision.
45:34Because of her age, she can freely decide
45:37who she wants to go with.
45:39Either her father or her mother.
