Weil ihre Mutter Ella sich in den reichen William verliebt hat, zieht die 18-jährige Noah mit ihr von Amerika nach London. Vor Ort lernt sie Williams Sohn Nick kennen und zwischen den beiden funkt es sofort gewaltig. Culpa Mia - Meine Schuld: London (OT: My Fault: London) ist das britische Remake von Culpa Mia - Meine Schuld, die auf der Bestsellertrilogie Culpables basiert.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/my-fault-london
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/my-fault-london
00:01Everyone kept telling me that London would be a fresh start
00:06But I had no idea
00:09What brings you here then my mom married this British guy?
00:13You get to meet Nick tonight at the gala complete strangers living together. I think you're gonna like it
00:20Hey, you know, it's just us so the big entrance wasn't necessary
00:25Call it as I see it
00:27You're a spoiled daddy's boy. I hate to not live up to your expectations
00:30You're just gonna leave me on the sidewalk in the middle of a city. I don't know. No, I'm gonna leave you on the pavement
00:35How's it going? It's a feeling of mutual loathing
00:45Nick fights and races any other bad boy cliches
00:57Who the hell is living in my house
01:00Nick what is going on with you? I
01:04Just need to stay out trouble
01:09And I'm trouble
01:15What are you doing to me?