• 2 months ago
हरिद्वार में मोबाइल प्रिंटर और एप के जरिए चलने वाली मशीन खूब चर्चा में है. यहां वोटिंग स्लिप हाथों-हाथ काटकर दी जा रही है.


00:00There was a time when even the noise of drums and drums outside the house could be heard
00:15while the leader gave a speech on the microphone in high pitch.
00:19When small, big election caravans passed through the streets, it was known that there was an
00:26election and the leader was on the road.
00:29But now the times have changed.
00:31Techniques have changed.
00:34It has become very easy for the leaders to reach the supporters of the propaganda.
00:41In Haridwar, the leader is very easily removing the supporter's card through machine and app.
00:47What used to be the work of pen and paper, is now being done by pressing a button.
00:53In these elections, the machines that run through mobile printers and apps are also in high demand.
00:59These machines print the voter's ballot by hand and give it to the voters.
01:05The voters are very happy with this.
01:08Definitely, this is the benefit of new technology.
01:12As you can see, this is a printer.
01:14These ballots are coming out.
01:16As you must have seen in the past, the list had to be checked by handwriting.
01:21There were many voters whose names we could not find.
01:25Their vote was made, but through this app.
01:28We just put the name of the voter, and the whole history of the family comes out.
01:34We can easily give this voter slip.
01:37And through WhatsApp, we can also send him the list.
01:41Definitely, it has been very beneficial.
01:43New technology has come.
01:45Definitely, every candidate will get the benefit of this.
01:49And the public will also get it.
01:51He will get his vote easily.
01:53Where did you get the machines and how does it work?
01:55Definitely, you must have seen, the list comes out through the printer.
01:59And we also send it on WhatsApp.
02:02There is a team from Delhi, who has come to Haridwar.
02:06And they are reaching people through their app.
02:09And they are getting this machine at their office.
02:12Congress candidate Rajiv Bhargav says that with the help of the machine and app,
02:17the voter can easily get his list.
02:20Many times, the voter's list is sent on WhatsApp.
02:24In the state, the election atmosphere and the shopkeepers of Haridwar are also getting along well.
02:30New shops have opened to sell election goods.
02:34Here, flags, caps, cats and all election propaganda items such as flags are being sold a lot.
02:41During the elections, this is the atmosphere.
02:44And these are the election propaganda items.
02:47Wherever there is an election, we put up shops there.
02:50And during the elections, these items are sold.
02:53How many classes are there?
02:55Mostly, there is a flag, a small wrapper, a badge.
03:02There is a demand for these things.
03:04The shopkeepers who sell election goods keep the party goods ready.
03:09But if the candidates ask for the propaganda items, the shopkeepers do not disappoint them either.
03:15Within two to three hours, they make the propaganda items and hand them over to the candidates.
03:22In order for the items to be sold, there is a demand for flags, caps and all election propaganda items.
03:27So, everyone has to show their strength.
03:30There is a demand for flags, caps and all these things.
03:38Do you make them on order or do you make them and bring them?
03:41We keep the party goods regularly and hand them over to the candidates in two to three hours.
03:47Murali Manohar, the senior politician of Haridwar, believes that in the age of modernity,
03:52it takes less time to use mobile apps and machines in elections,
03:57but it becomes easier to convey your message to people.
04:00But now, in the age of modernity, their place has changed.
04:05Machines have taken up their place, but people's attachment to elections and propaganda has reduced.
04:12All the changes have come.
04:14In the 60s, 70s and 80s, when elections were held,
04:17all the work was done by hand.
04:22The workers had to do it themselves.
04:24All the elections depended on the workers,
04:26whether it was to fill the ballot, to write the walls, to do the hoarding, to do anything.
04:31All the work was done by the workers.
04:34Even the announcements were done by the workers.
04:36But gradually, the system is changing.
04:39All the work is done on machines.
04:41Yesterday, I saw an app.
04:43It said, how many votes did you get? 7,000.
04:45In that, you go to the voter's house and fill his name and his slip.
04:49He will get it.
04:50I found it very strange that we used to work so hard.
04:53People used to sit all night.
04:55Then they used to write the walls at night.
04:57After that, in the morning, they used to have meetings.
05:01But today, everything has changed.
05:03Today, they call the workers for weddings.
05:06Come, sit, eat, have breakfast.
05:09Just listen to the speech and go.
05:11There is no work left.
05:13In this election, they will have to give the ballots,
05:16which are being contested in our elections.
05:19But in other elections, the VLA comes and gives the ballots.
05:24The system has become such that you can hire companies.
05:28Companies will work.
05:30What are the benefits and disadvantages of this?
05:32There is one benefit.
05:34We see that people have a shortage of time.
05:39Earlier, one person used to earn for the house.
05:41Everyone used to eat.
05:42Our economic system was like this.
05:44Today, all the work is done.
05:46Even then, the house is not being completed.
05:48So, looking at the shortage of time,
05:50it is clear that you don't have to get involved.
05:53But one thing is bad.
05:55The commitment that you used to do with your hard work,
05:58that commitment is also over.
06:00In the morning, a man is roaming in Congress.
06:02In the evening, he is seen in the BJP.
06:04In the night, he is seen in the other party.
06:06There is a loss in its change.
06:08Along with the app and machines,
06:10Bluetooth, loudspeaker and mic are also in great demand these days.
06:14Because Bluetooth speakers are attached to mobile phones.
06:18They also have a microphone.
06:20Whether it is a speaker road show or a regular meeting,
06:24it is very useful anywhere.
06:26This also makes the work of the audience easier.
06:30ETV Bharat ke liye Haridwar se Sumesh Khatri ki report.
