• 2 months ago
There's already a recipe for the relationship.
00:00Helium, natural gas, both are part of the global energy supply.
00:05So what kind of relationship I want to do expect between the US and say OPEC over the
00:10next four years?
00:11You know, that's a great question.
00:13I think, you know, we well, we've had a little bit of a I guess we get a crystal ball that
00:19we're seeing President Trump, obviously, with a prior administration to work with OPEC,
00:23you know, pretty, you know, pretty diligently to under, you know, to get pricing under control.
00:28I think right now, since the Trump administration previously, I think there's been a really
00:34solid shift from the shale drillers to really understand that, hey, let's drill out of cash
00:42Let's not take on additional leverage.
00:44You know, a lot of the tier one acreage within the Permian, per se, is it's it's getting
00:49down, right?
00:50So then we have to go to what they call tier two acreage.
00:53And so it's typically tier two acreage needs a little bit of a higher price to justify
00:59the economics of drilling those wells.
01:01So I think, you know, obviously, there's going to be a fine balance of the Trump administration,
01:05you know, working with with OPEC, with, you know, with China specifically, you know, with
01:11India, some of the larger, you know, emerging markets that rely on, you know, hydrocarbons
01:17at the end of the day.
01:19That's why our that's why the world is where we're at.
01:22It's cheap energy.
01:23And if we can do it sustainably and do it responsibly, I mean, that's what we're tasked
01:30to do.
01:31And I think the administration coming in is going to is just going to focus on that and
01:35make it more more efficient, more dynamic.
