• 2 months ago
Tobin sits down with UFC Star Renato Moicano ahead of UFC 311 and his fight vs Beneil Dariush, the main event between Islam Makhachev and Arman Tsarukyan, how he'd fair in bout vs Islam, what he learned from Dustin Poirier, Gilbert Burns comeback fight and Jorge Masvidal back in the gym.


00:00But he very excited to talk to our next guest money more conno I mean like this guy is just one of the one of
00:05The rising rising stars that is going on right now in the UFC. Everybody loves here
00:10What money more conno has to say he's taking on banil dar use your old shame in the money, man. What are you doing?
00:17Well, like what's what you're just trying to stir it up here on the fight week. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm good. I'm good. You know, I
00:25Respect that you wish but I will be his ass
00:30What have you like money? What have you thought about this this this run that you're on right now?
00:35Everybody's so captivated by you. You've been in the game for a long time, obviously
00:41But it has something flipped like is it is something that has been different you would say over these last handful of fights
00:46Or do you feel like it's just captured more people's imagination? I don't know
00:51I think I start to talk a little bit more right my English got a little bit better. So more people like I
00:57Recognize in me, so I'm feeling very good about about my career right now
01:01I feel I am on prime and I have been doing good performance in to like my last one. So I'm in a good place
01:07I'm happy and I'm ready to go
01:10do you do you feel like the the
01:13The run to the title is like is is it feel as close as has ever been because we've seen guys your age
01:19You know like a hurry Moscow change at your gym like it kind of was around this age. We're like boom
01:24He's in the UFC forever. But all of a sudden they got going people started Karen and then all of a sudden bang
01:29He's in title fights. He's you know, main eventing again. Yes, I think so. I think so, but to be honest with you. I'm not
01:37Thinking too much about that, you know
01:38I'm thinking about winning fights and making some money if if I can fight for a belt, of course, we'll be good
01:45I will I will get way more money, but it is what it is
01:49You know, I'm ready to beat that ocean Saturday and get the double check
01:54From your standpoint like do you do you find this fun?
01:57Now that people are so captivated about what you you say like your performances have obviously been incredible
02:01We've seen like these these thrilling bonus worthy performances, but not only that but like people are just captivated
02:07Like what the hell is this guy gonna say once once Rogan or whoever's doing the interviews is is there in the winner's circle?
02:13Yes, 100% everybody keep talk
02:17Like asking me what you're going to say after the fight is I don't know I come up with with the stuff on the moment
02:24You know, I'm not trying to I'm not trying to
02:28To act, you know, I just react so but people are saying man, please we I want to see you talking
02:34I say, okay, I will
02:36Trust me. I will has a we're down here in South Florida as life has it has it changed at all?
02:42I mean even with it with a to T
02:43But like have have you noticed like people down in the streets here or whatever just not noticing you and wanted to stop with you
02:49And you know, just just get some more time because fame is growing for you
02:54I think I think it's pretty pretty much the same because my life is very
02:59It's very boring. There is nothing special. You know, I go home. I go training. I don't hang out much
03:04You know, I don't go to the places. My life is about family and training. So
03:10For me is the same, you know
03:12But sometimes when I come here like a big city like a Los Angeles
03:16And then I woke up on the street and some people recognize me. It's nice, but down in South Florida
03:22It's pretty much the same. You know, we have a lot of Brazilians. We have a lot of fighters
03:26So everybody it's kind of in the same community. So I don't feel I don't feel nothing different
03:33You're your guy Gilbert Burns who you do a podcast with it was revealed or it's rumored out there that he's gonna be fighting on
03:39The Miami card, which is it's kind of rumbled around April. What do you think about Gilbert?
03:44What do you think you think about this upcoming matchup is he's taking on a tough young guy and he's obviously, you know
03:50So talented but uh, but you look at a bounce back
03:54Gilbert is in a tough spot right now because he lost a couple fights, right and he's not young anymore
04:01He's a little bit older. So that's going to be a very tough challenge for him
04:06But this guy Michael Michael Michael Morales, he's very good striker, but I don't think he was tested
04:13yeah, so Gilbert Burns will be the test and I
04:17Think he knows that he needs that we and he will train and he will beat beat Morales, you know, I think so
04:24Would that intrigue you at all if there was a spring card down here? Would it would it intrigue you to fight in South Florida?
04:30Yes, 100% I want to fight in Florida if they if they offer me a fight for Miami 100% I will fight
04:38Even like that's a because like I guess the the thought is in April like would that be too quick a turnaround or you feel?
04:43Like you could make that happen. No, I can make it the happy, you know
04:47Depends right is it's tough to rely on on this because I have to wait to Saturday
04:55I have to be here and I have to be recovered right like my body if my body is not too
05:01Broke like if I don't have anything broken if I'm fine, I will be able to fight for sure in Miami
05:07But let's wait and see
05:09What's the what's the vibe in the gym with Masvidal making a comeback? Has there been?
05:13How is he looking at it because it's supposedly he's gonna be making the comeback pretty soon, too
05:18Yeah, I have seen the gym couple times like a couple months ago and I say hey something's going on
05:23This guy's training. So probably he will get a couple more fights in UFC and I'm really happy
05:30I like to see him at the gym. He's a very good guy helps everybody out like dusting for you and
05:38I'm happy that he he's coming back of the retirement and I hope we can see a couple more fights of him
05:45You mean like that gym is so is so interesting because you guys are such a powerhouse
05:49There's so many people that come in and out like what do you like about that?
05:53the idea that you know
05:54You have the dozen poor is in the Horry Masvidal
05:56But you also have guys kind of come in and get a lot of new blood because they want to test the waters of that
06:01Can you give us a little insight into like what the the culture is like at ATT and and how that all vibes
06:08ATT is a huge team is very big and
06:13What is good is we have a lot of Brazilians. We have Russians. We have people from Poland
06:19We have people all over the world and that's good because these people is always bring all the fighters or the people to train
06:25so you you never
06:28you never have like a
06:31Empathy gym, you know always full of people always different people so you can train so can you can compare yourself?
06:38So you can learn new techniques. So I really think the best thing
06:45In America top team is the amount of talent we have over there
06:49What is what are your thoughts on the main event this this this weight class that you're rising up quite fast
06:55Who do you think is gonna walk home with the belts on Saturday night at UFC 311?
07:00I think
07:01Unfortunately for ATT, I think Islam Makhachev because Islam Makhachev is the champ. He's bigger
07:08Very good wrestler, but look I watch
07:13Armand training camp and he did very well. He is ready. You can see for the
07:19For the the pictures he's in shape
07:23He's ready. And I think the odds should be closer than they are right now. The odds are kind of
07:29Favoring too much
07:32Islam I agree. He's the favorite but I think the odds should be not that much because
07:38Sadok is a huge challenge for
07:42Maka check. I sure though you gotta have the eye like money
07:46I know you got to think that like hey, you just want to make the dough and all that
07:49But I know you have to be thinking about hey when I get my shot at Islam
07:53Like what are the things that you have that would make you successful in a matchup like that? I
07:58Think I
08:01Man, I think he will try to take down all the time and I will stop the takedowns
08:08You know at dusting did a really good job last time, you know, and I don't know I think
08:14Of course, he's the champion, but I would love to fight him and I think I like my my chances against Islam Makhachev
08:22Did you uh with with your training with Dustin like do you ask him about that particular fight and knowing that like hey that could
08:28Be in the future for you. Like do you do you pick a brain or would you wait until?
08:32That fight was actually booked and and that's when you would you know, kind of get that insight
08:36Yeah, not yet. I didn't talk to me about that because
08:39That's not my focus right now. I have so much to climb yet
08:43I have so much to do to fight for the belt and and that's what I'm doing
08:48You know, I want to go over there on Saturday make my case and then let's see what happened when the the time comes
08:55I will be ready and then I will ask for advice against Islam Makhachev
09:00From from your standpoint, man. Is there anything what about but Neil's game like worries you the most?
09:06Like what have you prepared for the most to to take him out? I think his has a
09:11serious knock of power and
09:13He has a lot of submission
09:16Threats, right so
09:19He's he's well-rounded complete
09:23He's a veteran he's good
09:25And this is the fight game. Everything can happen, but I like my chances. I like I like my strategy and
09:34Pretty sure that I'll be here on Saturday. I gotta ask before you get out of here, man
09:39How in God's name did you come up with turtle in the tree that was we were playing that on the radio show for a week?
09:44That was the most hilarious description. I've ever heard of my life
09:49It's because it's true, right how how can we see the hook on the top five is like to see a turtle in a tree
09:55My brother that was fun. Oh, bro. It was it was it was a classic all time
10:00Like it you feel is like you still see he fell at six. So many people were listening to you
10:05They're like, you know what top five was. Yeah, it was
10:07yeah, no, but
10:10It is what it is, you know
10:11I think props to him that got on the top of the tree and let's see if he can keeps over there
10:19Maybe her not to my counter gets the axe out. He starts chopping it down and gets to that one, man
10:23That'd be a fun fight to 100% 100%
10:26All right. Thank you for the time. I really appreciate you. Thank you my brother. See you
