• 2 months ago
Roger Cook and Libby Mettam have traded barbs over the presence of the Aboriginal flag at government press conferences. Ms Mettam says she'll ditch the flag, prompting swift condemnation from both the Premier and a former colleague.


00:00The Premier's morning was all about football and political football.
00:08What a sad and desperate, cynical approach to try to attract a few miserable votes.
00:16Roger Cook seizing on the State Liberal Leader's decision to not stand alongside Aboriginal
00:20and Torres Strait Islander flags.
00:23We support a united country behind one national flag, the Australian flag.
00:30Mirroring a move from her Federal Leader.
00:32She's jumping on the Peter Dutton bandwagon, the bandwagon which is about sowing division
00:37and hatred in the community rather than uniting the community.
00:41A view shared by a former Liberal Party colleague.
00:44Aboriginal people were the first people on this continent.
00:48You cannot ignore them and by not wanting to stand in front of their flag, you're fundamentally
00:52wiping them aside, you're pushing them aside.
00:55I have deep respect for the oldest continuing culture, which is the Aboriginal people.
01:02But this is an attempt by Roger Cook to distract from his own failings.
01:08The debate distracting from the Liberal's announcement, a suite of regional health policies
01:13including more paramedics and increased support for those who need to travel to Perth.
01:18This is about addressing cost of living pressures for those living in regional Western Australia
01:24but also it goes a long way to improving health outcomes.
01:29Meanwhile Labor's promised $30 million for women's community sport.
01:33Most of the money is earmarked for upgrades to change rooms.
