• 2 months ago
रतलाम में कैबिनेट मंत्री विजय शाह ने कांग्रेस सहित प्रदेश कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष जीतू पटवारी पर दनादन शब्दरूपी बाण छोड़े.


00:00Today, you all know that our Prime Minister has done what Jeetu Patwari and his father
00:14never thought in the 77 years of the independence of the country that the respect of a poor
00:21person, the education of his child, his house and if he gets a loan to educate his children,
00:27then the house will be built.
00:29The people whose leaders never worried about the poor for 77 years of independence,
00:36today they are going back to their villages.
00:39Save the constitution.
00:41If they have not done anything, I will answer your question.
00:44But today, people like Jeetu Jalati and his father should be grateful to the Prime Minister.
00:51The decision that the Prime Minister has taken today,
00:54there is happiness on the faces of millions of people.
00:56Look at the faces of those people who never thought that their house will be built.
