• 2 months ago
पौड़ी में मूलभूत समस्याओं के समाधान करने की स्थानीय लोगों ने मांग उठाई है.


00:00Our main issue is water, the main problem is water, two times water used to come here 10
00:20years ago.
00:21If there is no water here, where will tourism come from?
00:26The second main issue is the road and parking.
00:29We are saying from outside that this is Paratak Nagar Pauri.
00:32You can see such a big Himalaya from Pauri.
00:34You go to Kandola, you can see such a big sunshine.
00:38People can't even see it from the land.
00:41But the main issue here is that in Paratak Nagar Pauri, there is a problem of water,
00:48there is a problem of parking, there is a problem of road.
00:51In addition to this, there is no facility of the Civil Line here.
00:59There is no facility of garbage disposal.
01:01The tourist who comes from our Srinagar, first of all, he gets bad breath in Chopra Ghat.
01:05So he has to think why he will stay in Pauri.
01:10And here, our respected MP said for the rest house in Taramandal and Ranshi.
01:22If that rest house was also built, if our tourists come from outside, the rest house
01:27that has been built in Ranshi, which has a completely high roof, if they come there,
01:31if you see the whole view of Pauri from there, I think foreign tourists will also come here.
01:36But the misfortune is that our leaders come and go here, but they try to stay behind in the development of our Pauri.
01:46Because of which our Pauri does not develop.
01:48I just want that at this time, the head of our municipality should become such a capable and capable woman.
01:56The government has also created women's seats to encourage women.
02:01So that we become such capable and capable women, so that the intellectuals, the senior citizens of Pauri
02:08can listen to us and can solve the problems of Pauri.
02:13The main thing for Pauri is that there is a big problem of roads here.
02:18Because when the municipality builds a house, the municipality does not see the problem of roads.
02:27That this house is being built, whether they have left the road or not.
02:30The second thing is that people are fleeing here.
02:33The main reason for this is that the problem of monkeys is the biggest problem for us who want to live here.
02:40So, to drive away the monkeys, this forestry cannot be done.
02:44We also have very good suggestions in that.
02:47That the kukat trees that are kept here, such as Khali Kua or other trees,
02:51should be cut by the municipality or district administration itself.
02:55Because if we cut them, they are becoming very expensive.
02:58Because of which we are not able to cut them.
03:00And the monkeys are facing a big problem.
03:03They are also cutting people.
03:05And we also have a farm here.
03:07That is why we are not able to do farming.
03:09The monkeys are facing a big problem.
03:11So, to drive away the monkeys, they will run away on their own.
03:15If there are no trees, then we will not cut the fruit trees.
03:18The kukat trees are also being cut.
03:20All the land is also being destroyed.
03:22The leaves and everything.
03:24I have my own land here.
03:26There are three to three and a half gutters in the city.
03:29I stay there day and night.
03:31But still, I have to get up.
03:33It is not possible because of the monkeys.
03:35And apart from this, we want that the municipality should become such that
03:40they should think about the city with their own discretion.
03:45They should not interfere in politics.
03:50And they should think about the city.
03:52What should we do here?
03:53What happened before this?
03:54How much happened?
03:55That is why I will say more.
03:57On these two or three points, it will be necessary that
03:59there should be cleanliness and pollution here.
04:04And the biggest issue for the monkeys is
04:07that there should be a strict policy for the monkeys.
04:10So that we can stay here.
04:13We will not migrate.
04:14Otherwise, we have already done it.
04:16As you are aware, the elections for the ward members of the municipality are going to be held here.
04:25And all the governments have issued their announcements here.
04:30But I would like Kauri to be known as a tourist city, a cultural city.
04:36So first of all, I would like the health system to be good here.
04:42So that every citizen can get good medical facilities here.
04:47So that they can not migrate.
