• 2 months ago
Full Video: How to remain unaffected by the opposite sex? || Acharya Prashant (2017)
00:00You are saying that you step out and you look at the opposite sex and you feel attracted and you are calling it a problem
00:06To deal with a problem, first of all, there must be a problem. The man is charming. How is that a problem?
00:12The woman is beautiful and attractive. How is that a problem? The flower is aromatic. Nature is so very seductive
00:19Are these problems? Please go into the real problem
00:22You find somebody's face beautiful and it is a problem for you
00:27Would you rather have ugly faces around you? If beauty is a problem, then surely the solution is ugliness
00:33Is that what you want? Does the problem not lie in one's incapacity to respond to beauty?
00:40Or does the problem lie in beauty? If the beautiful flower is a problem, crush it. Is that what you want to do?
00:46We do not know how to deal with beauty because to deal with beauty
00:51You must know how to deal with God, how to deal with yourself
00:55Because God, the Self, is the only source of all beauty
