• 2 months ago
Martin Javier is in Sacramento, USA where he talked to Philippine basketball icon and Sacramento Kings player development coach Jimmy Alapag about his coaching journey and the lessons he got along the way.
00:00Hey guys, what's up? We're here with player development coach of the Sacramento Kings and our very own coach Jimmy at a pod coach. What's up?
00:08Thank you so much for taking the time and you know accommodating us here is so proud that you're representing us on this stage
00:14How are you? How are you? I'm great. It's good to see you guys. It's been a while
00:18Going back to the ABL days, but welcome to Sacramento speaking of a beer. That was the last time I saw it
00:25I was way back
00:262020, you know season got cut short, you know, I'm not sure if people know the story already
00:31But can you tell us briefly the story of how you went here? How did you know the opportunity came about?
00:37Well, if you know going taking you back a little bit to 2020 during during the whole pandemic
00:43There wasn't any sports at the time in Metro Manila. So
00:48You know, I think it was it was two reasons one, you know with with the pandemic, you know
00:52Wanting to be close to the family, you know, my parents are older now and have had health issues
00:57Even even before 2020 so that was a big reason and then at the same time once the ABL opportunity
01:04Kind of went away because of because of the season being canceled
01:09you know talking to my wife and the family we felt like this was a great opportunity to try to explore and see if I
01:15Might get this chance to be in the NBA and you know, it's been a huge blessing, you know, five years later
01:20And then here we are
01:21This is the real deal coach. And again, we're so proud of you that you're representing us on this stage
01:27I think you started with the Stockton Kings
01:30It does a little bit more about that. And you know, how did the opportunity open up? So after my second year in the ABL
01:37you know, we we were eliminated in the semifinals and I was searching for a way to continue growing as a coach and
01:45You know thankful for the opportunity at the time. Vlad a Divac was here with the Kings
01:49And you know getting a chance to connect with him through the years through FIBA, you know
01:55He he extended an invitation to spend the summer here. So I was here in
02:002018 for for the entire summer. I was here about eight weeks
02:03And it was an amazing experience just being around the team
02:08and really just seeing how the NBA worked to a certain degree because it was summer league, but
02:14coach Bobby Jackson and I who I spent that summer with
02:18We became really close
02:20And even when I went back to Manila to coach the ABL him and I stayed in contact. So when we moved in 2020
02:27I reached back out to him and told him that my the family and I were we're now based here in the States and
02:34You know as luck would have it
02:35It was right around the time that he was gonna be named the G League head coach
02:38and so that that turned into
02:42him invited me saying hey, you know, I'd love for you to be the lead assistant on my staff and
02:46About you know less than six months later, you know, the family and I were here in Sacramento. So
02:51Huge huge blessing Wow. So pretty much everything aligned at that moment, right coach
03:00Okay, so from Stockton how many years did you you know spend time there and how did you get elevated to
03:08The main team the Sacramento Kings. So I spent two years with Stockton and then after our second year
03:14We're the number one team the G League
03:16Coach Bobby got an opportunity with the Philadelphia 76ers
03:19So at that time, I really wasn't sure
03:23What was gonna be the next step? I was hopeful that I would get an opportunity with the Kings
03:28and you know, thankfully I had a you know, a lot of conversation with coach Brown coach Mike Brown and
03:35You know, he had me he had me start working with Davey on Mitchell
03:39And after about two or three weeks working with Davion, you know, he he called me and said, you know
03:44You're gonna you're gonna be on my staff for for
03:47You know the upcoming season and so that was last year
03:50And even now, you know going on year two
03:54You know being on on coach Doug Chrissy staff, you know, it's it's been amazing
03:58You know being around the the best basketball minds and the best players in the world. It's a it's it's it's an incredible experience
04:05Coach I don't know if you saw one of the interviews in the podcast of a
04:12Few former pro players Ray Parks actually mentioned when he was asked who's the best coach for you?
04:17Like in all of your years going playing basketball
04:21He told everybody it's coach Jimmy Alapakas. You're a players coach that being said
04:26How much of that approach is being used here as a player development coach of the Sacramento Kings because I feel I feel like that
04:34That's crucial. No, absolutely
04:35I think I think the relationships that you build with the players that you work with it is a huge
04:41Component to helping them be successful
04:43Because I think I think the connection goes beyond basketball because you're with the guys all the time
04:48And so getting a chance to know them and really building on that relationship
04:52I think helps, you know with their performance on the court. So now when you're breaking down film or
04:58Or you know, you may have something to say to them during the game while the game was going on
05:02You know, you you've built that rapport and you built that relationship and I think it it helps, you know create a
05:09Successful space for the guys coach your thoughts and Ray Park saying that before we move on your point raised my guy
05:17You know, we had we had an incredible year in the ABL together obviously win the championship and and he was the MVP
05:23You know, he's a big-time player and and I'm not surprised at all by his success in Japan. I know he's newly engaged
05:31So he's doing big things but you know, we still exchange messages every now and then and I'm I'm happy for his success and
05:37You know, I only wish him even more
05:40With this career in Japan coach, you know, you work with different players here. You got vets. You got stars. You got young players here
05:49first off how's the experience so far and
05:52What have you learned through all like maybe a thing or two in in this role so far?
05:58You know, it's it's it's a blessing every day
06:01Because that you know at the root of it. I'm still a huge basketball fan, you know
06:05Even you know being a former player, even though I never played in the NBA
06:08Just my experience back home
06:11And and now being here in the coaching space, you know, you know again
06:14You're around the best minds and the best players in the world
06:17so getting a chance to see them work and being able to interact and
06:21Try to do whatever you can to help them be successful both individually and as a team. It's it's amazing
06:27What have I learned
06:29Man so much, but I think I think one just the attention to detail
06:35You know the coaches that I've had a chance to work with coach Brown
06:39Coach Doug coach Bobby Jackson, you know, their attention to detail is incredible
06:45And it's something that I want to take with me as I continue on my on my coaching journey
06:52And I think just the relationship part, you know and how valuable it is
06:56you know because these guys the best player in the world and to be able to build that rapport and build that relationship to where
07:03You know at the end of the day you want them to be successful out here and it's you know
07:07There's a lot of talent and you know, the the competition the the competitions at at its highest level
07:12So to be able to play a part in that it's it's pretty cool coach. You mentioned working on Davey on Mitchell
07:19Maybe last year when he was still part of the Kings in relation to that. How does a young player?
07:25Let's say they come in 18 19 20 21
07:29How does a young player elevate their game and become, you know, one of the household names of the league?
07:34You know Martin
07:35I'll share I'll share something that coach Bobby Jackson used to tell all of our G League guys
07:39And I think it not only applies to the G League, but it also applies here in the NBA
07:44He used to always encourage our guys to build build a routine for yourself
07:49You know here in the NBA. There's there's such a huge
07:53Balance between recovery and and being on the court and he used to always encourage our guys develop a routine come early
08:00Get your work done on the court
08:02You know get in the weight room get your lift in and then get on the table if you need treatment and and try to build
08:08a consistent routine
08:10Because whatever you build the G League you're gonna need out here
08:13You know compete against these guys and and that's something that resonated with me because no matter if you're in the G League or you're
08:19Here in the NBA, you know the work never stops, you know, you're constantly trying to improve you're constantly trying to find an edge
08:26Because these are the best players in the world. And so everyone's trying to find something that will hopefully
08:32Help them have success out here. So coach from your personal experiences here in the league so far
08:38I know we're still hoping for a homegrown Filipino to be, you know
08:42Drafted in the NBA or at least you know get signed here in the NBA
08:46First question with the level of talent that we have right now in the country
08:50I'm pretty sure you're still, you know updated with with the recent. Yeah
08:55Okay, so the reason that we have can we play here in the NBA?
09:02It's not gonna be easy
09:04It's it's far from easy
09:06But I look forward to the day that a local Filipino is out here on this court
09:12And I hope to still be in the NBA to see it in person
09:14But you know, we have so much talent in our country
09:17You know, it's it's a part of catching a break a little bit
09:21But at the same time it's again continuing to grow your game
09:24you know because these these guys here in the NBA are the best of world for a reason and
09:29You know
09:30They're their work ethic and and their attention to detail whether it's breaking down film
09:35Taking care of their body or or coming out here and getting getting their work in it's it's all very very precise
09:42And and detailed so I think I think that's probably my biggest advice to all the young
09:49Filipino players who you know, hopefully we'll see out here real soon
09:54Coach, it's not it's not just you know, the players who are inspired in the country
09:58But the coaches as well with this new path that you've you know laid out for them. You're the first one here
10:06Familiar face in the Philippines a legend of Philippine basketball and now in the NBA for the coaches first off
10:14Can can Filipino coaches actually do it here on this level, of course, of course
10:20And I hope to be a great example of that
10:23Because I knew when I left Manila I was trying something that had never been done before
10:28you know, there was definitely a lot of doubt and
10:31you know a huge amount of challenges along the way but
10:35You know, I'm thankful for you know, the support I have
10:38obviously at home with my wife and my kids and just my family and my close friends who
10:43You know on those days where I didn't think I would be here and and and have this opportunity with the Kings
10:49they they encouraged me to keep pushing and keep going and
10:52You know, obviously with with with God's grace, you know, I've I've I found an opportunity here, but I think
11:00Absolutely Filipino coaches can can make it here
11:03And again, I hope I hope to be able to continue to lay that foundation that will encourage other organizations to
11:10Take a chance on another Filipino
11:12So what will it take though for Filipino coaches to get here or what they what can they learn from the NBA mentors NBA coaches?
11:20Which you've you know acquired from your your stay here
11:24What can they learn from them that they can apply to Philippine basketball to further elevate the game over there I
11:31Think one just to continue to grow and learn continue to study the game
11:37Just just as a player. I think the same thing applies as the coach, you know, you want to continue studying the game
11:44And just sharpening up your knowledge on on both sides of the ball offensively and defensively and then at the same time
11:50You know continuing to network continue to build relationships
11:53I wouldn't I wouldn't be in this position, you know here with the Kings organization without Vlade without
11:59without coach Bobby coach Mike Brown and and even now with with coach Doug so
12:04You know those those relationships that I've been able to to fortunately build
12:10Have helped lead to where I am now, so I'm thankful. Oh, it's
12:16Just a message for the Filipino fans who are you know, who are still amazed by you know, what you're doing right now
12:23Especially for Philippine basketball to to all of all the Filipino fans back home
12:30But I mean when I'm Islam it for for all the love and the support
12:33I feel it from from Manila all the way here to Sacramento and it means a lot
12:38Seeing all your messages and and all the encouragement as the season goes on here in Sacramento
12:43It means a lot to my family and I so I hope to continue to to represent the Philippines
12:49Here in the NBA the best that I can so I appreciate all you guys
12:53Coach, thank you so much. Appreciate it
