• 2 months ago
Witness a wildlife first: two cheetah mothers unite to raise nine cubs in South Africa’s Karoo, overcoming danger, los | dHNfWVpFTUpQaE1yMzQ


00:00From Africa, something never seen before, two mothers, nine cubs, one enormous family.
00:16No cheetah mother has ever had nine cubs.
00:26But no cheetah cub has ever had two mothers.
00:41A chance encounter, or evolution in action.
00:48A world first.
00:56Cubs with two mothers have a great advantage.
01:00Mothers with nine cubs have a great challenge.
01:05Can they keep them all alive?
01:19Africa has many challenges and many dangers.
01:26A true saga of family strife.
01:37Mother's love.
01:39And the relentless struggle for survival.
01:45A story impossible to believe had it not been captured on film.
01:52This is A Cheetah's Pride.
