• 2 months ago
A young man called Freddie Osbourne from Enville, Stourbridge aged just six will be competing at Crufts this year as he turns just old enough to enter a few weeks before the event.
00:00So we're here in Enville and a very smartly dressed young man, what's your name sir?
00:05Freddie. Freddie and who's with you Freddie? My dog called Penny and my mum.
00:11What's mum's name? Kim. Kim, hello Kim and Freddie and Penny.
00:16What type of dog is Penny? Smooth fox terrier. Now a little bird tells me you're taking
00:29Penny to a rather special dog show coming up, is that right? What's it called, the dog show?
00:39Crofts, the big one. Wowzers. So you're showing off Penny, aren't you? You're going there to
00:46compete, yeah? And actually, are you in a competition today? Yeah. Yeah, where have
00:52you got to go today? Do you know? Do you remember? You've got to get to Stafford.
00:58Manchester dog show today, isn't it Freddie? Yeah. It's the last qualify before Crofts,
01:02isn't it? So he's a young lad, isn't he mum, to be competing at Crofts?
01:06He's not old enough to do young kennel club. You've got to be how old?
01:10Six. And you're nearly? Seven. Nearly six. Nearly six. So what's the story then mum,
01:17how long's he been involved in the world of dogs then? You came when you were, what,
01:22two weeks old? You came to Crofts for this? Yeah. And you've got come everything and you've been
01:29doing the dogs with us, haven't you, and helping, but you just haven't been old enough to compete.
01:33And next year I'm going to be doing more dog showing. Yeah, you can do young kennel club
01:39next year, can't you? Yeah. So you're involved in the world of breeding now, aren't you mum?
01:46Yeah, we, in a partnership with a lady called Margaret Hughes, who's got a lot of years
01:51experience with the breed, which is what introduced us and she's given us a lot of
01:54support and help to get to where we are. Now these, these gorgeous dogs like Penny,
01:59which you were saying in the 1930s, they were one of the most popular dogs in the country,
02:04is that right? Yeah. And believe it or not, they're classed as an endangered species,
02:08are they? Endangered breed? They're a vulnerable breed in the kennel clubs list, yeah.
02:12But what, what, what are they like, Smooth Fox Terrier, as a, as a kind of a family dog?
02:17They've been great for us. Yeah. They need about an hour of exercise a day.
02:22So helpful if you've got a little five-year-old.
02:25And they're just, they're just really loving. We call Penny the cat, don't we?
02:29The cat? The cat, because she's, she's, um, likes to curl up and, and give lots of cuddles.
02:35So what, what do you like about having your dog then? See, I haven't got a dog. I've only
02:40literally got a cat. So tell me about some of the fun things you do with Penny.
02:45She likes to lick people and sit on your lap and stuff.
02:51She likes, likes a cuddle, does she? Yeah. And she likes to lick her, his brother.
02:57Yeah. She likes to play, doesn't she? Yeah. Yeah. She likes to go on walks. Yeah.
03:03On the beach. Yeah. On the beach, in the sand, she likes that.
03:06Or run on the beach. It's her favourite thing. Yeah. Do you run with her then?
03:10She's been on a kayak for this, hasn't she? Yeah.
03:13On a kayak? What? She's like a stunt dog.
03:19I bet there's not too many dogs competing at Crufts that have been on a kayak.
03:23I bet you, there should be a special category, I think, for you, for that.
03:28So the best thing in my whole life, and I love doing dog shows,
03:33is like doing dog shows, getting prizes, rosettes. So I like it because I know my dogs,
03:41my dogs sometimes are good. But when they're, I don't really like it when they lick that much.
03:50But I know dogs are really sensitive to people because they love people. Because they,
03:59dogs have never, the dogs are really active to people because the people love the dogs
04:07and the dogs don't know what the people are. So I kind of like my dog because she's,
04:13I like the word Penny because I love the word pup.
04:22What about you saying about Penny, how she's your best friend and that she looks after you?
04:29I like my dog because I take her for walks on the deck of my ride. I like it when I take her for
04:41walks because it's fun and it's nice to get fresh air. Do you want to ask him some questions?
04:54Don't speak funny, she's speaking funny.
05:00Do you know what Penny's show name is? It's a hard one, isn't it? It's Forgevale Quadril.
05:09So the dogs are all named, aren't they, after each year when they're breeding. So they have
05:14a different, you have to start with a different letter, don't name the alphabet. So Penny was Q,
05:22so she was Quadril, wasn't she? And then our other dog, Charlie, it was S and he's Supremo.
05:30So all the dogs are called Forgevale, aren't they? And what about Charlie? Is he up to showing or is
05:36he a bit less? He's our champion stud dog. How is he? Freddie will be showing him next year,
05:41won't you? He'll be showing Charlie next year because Freddie's a bit small to handle Charlie
05:45at the moment. So that's why you're handling Penny, aren't you? I would want to hold him. You
05:50can hear him, can't you? He hurt me with her dog toes.
