• hace 2 meses
Estos videojuegos clásicos aún se conservan. Hoy vamos a repasar nuestra selección de videojuegos que han envejecido como el buen vino.


00:00In 10 minutes, Migs will come and bomb the hell out of this place.
00:04If you can beat me in less than 10 minutes, you'll be able to escape in time.
00:08Hola y bienvenidos a Watchmojo Español.
00:11Hoy vamos a ver un recuento de los videojuegos cuya jugabilidad, gráficos y calidad en general se mantienen hoy en día.
00:18Hey Sharpie, love what you've done with the place.
00:23Número 30, Mega Man X.
00:30En general, la franquicia Mega Man tiende a ser bastante atemporal, pero la primera entrega de la serie, Mega Man X, posee el estándar de oro.
00:38Los juegos de Super Nintendo tienen un aspecto atemporal, de 16 bits, y es tan limpio.
00:44El modo de juego de desplazamiento lateral es entretenido hasta la saciedad,
00:48enfrentando a X a ocho jefes Maverick, en fases que puedes afrontar en cualquier orden.
00:54La historia es minimalista, pero se transmite de maravilla.
00:57Además, todas y cada una de las pistas musicales del juego son absolutamente geniales.
01:02Tanto si eres nuevo con el bombardero azul, como si vuelves a jugarlo por enésima vez,
01:07Mega Man X es un juego que sigue pegando como a un tiro de X-Buster.
01:17Número 29, Bioshock.
01:19¿Serías tan amable de escucharnos ensalzar las virtudes de este juego?
01:29A pesar de haber sido lanzado a mediados de la década de los 2000, Bioshock sigue teniendo un aspecto increíble.
01:35Ambientado en la ciudad submarina de Rapture, el juego rebosa, a veces literalmente, de atmósfera e inventiva.
01:42El combate tiene una gran mezcla de armas y superpoderes potenciados por Adam.
01:47El sistema moral no es complejo, pero da mucho juego.
01:50Y por supuesto, la historia y los temas de Bioshock siguen siendo actuales y están excelentemente escritos.
01:56Puede que Rapture no haga honor a su nombre para sus habitantes,
01:59pero jugar Bioshock es una experiencia maravillosa, incluso hoy en día.
02:09Número 28, Burnout 3 Takedown.
02:11La mayoría de los juegos de carreras que se esfuerzan por ofrecer gráficos realistas tienden a quedar relegados a un segundo plano con bastante rapidez.
02:24Sin embargo, Burnout 3 Takedown se distingue del resto no solo por su nitidez visual, sino también por su increíble jugabilidad.
02:31El énfasis del arcade en la conducción agresiva y altamente destructiva es tan entretenido ahora como lo fue en su lanzamiento.
02:38Las ralentizaciones cinemáticas aumentan la espectacularidad de cada choque.
02:42La variedad de modos y una banda sonora que es una cápsula del tiempo de su época ayudan a hacer de Burnout 3 Takedown un juego de carreras difícil de quemar.
02:58Número 27, Grand Theft Auto Vice City.
03:00Muchos de los primeros juegos de GTA se conservan sorprendentemente bien, y ninguno de ellos tanto como Vice City.
03:12Ambientado en los años 80, el juego sumerge perfectamente al jugador en la época y en el entorno de Miami.
03:18Su historia se inspira en algunas de las mejores películas de gangsters de la historia, y cuenta con un reparto de estrellas como Ray Liora y Burt Reynolds.
03:26Y claro, los gráficos no son precisamente geniales para los estándares actuales, pero Vice City sigue siendo un sólido juego de mundo abierto, dado que ayudó a abrir el camino para los juegos modernos del género.
03:43Número 26, Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater.
03:46Todavía estamos en un sueño, Snake Eater, y no queremos despertar.
03:57Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater lleva a nuevos niveles la presentación cinematográfica y la apasionante y laberíntica historia por la que es conocida esta franquicia.
04:07Considerado a menudo como el punto álgido de la serie, Snake Eater trae de regreso el juego de acción y sigilo a la Guerra Fría, e introduce elementos mejorados de combate y supervivencia.
04:19Aunque sus efectos visuales son algo anticuados, si realmente quieres la historia y jugabilidad con mejores gráficos, siempre está el remake.
04:26Personalmente, el original nos sigue haciendo vibrar.
04:33Número 25, Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal.
04:37Aunque hay mucho debate sobre cuál de los primeros juegos de Ratchet & Clank se mantiene mejor, nuestra elección es el tercero, Up Your Arsenal.
04:52El juego de plataformas por el que es conocida la serie no se enfatiza tanto, y la mecánica de disparo es una de las más satisfactorias, con una gran progresión de mejoras a lo largo del juego.
05:02Además del modo para un jugador muy rejugable, también introdujo el modo multijugador en la serie, lo que le da a Up Your Arsenal aún más razones para volver a él.
05:12La estética caricaturesca y humor bobalicón confieren al juego un atractivo atemporal, mientras que su historia contiene algunos elementos sorprendentemente maduros. Es un título realmente sólido.
05:24Número 24, Batman Arkham Asylum.
05:37Este juego lo cambió todo para los videojuegos de superhéroes.
05:41Batman Arkham Asylum cuenta una historia original y envolvente del Caballero Oscuro, atrapado en la prisión con algunos de sus mayores enemigos.
05:49Con la actuación de voz de Kevin Conroy y Mark Hamill en inglés, algunos nombres legendarios de la animación de Batman.
05:55Este juego presenta un combate increíble y hace hincapié en el sigilo y la exploración.
06:00Tantos aspectos de su jugabilidad han influido en títulos posteriores que parece prácticamente moderno.
06:06A pesar de haber dado lugar a una franquicia, Arkham Asylum se sostiene bien por méritos propios, y no hace falta ser el mejor detective del mundo para darse cuenta de por qué.
06:20Número 23, Uncharted 2 Among Thieves.
06:28Los juegos de Uncharted se cuentan entre los más célebres de acción y aventura, y con su segunda entrega han dado en el clavo.
06:35Uncharted 2 Among Thieves tiene una trama espectacular, con una historia increíble tras otra.
06:41Los personajes son divertidos, atractivos e inolvidables.
06:44Entre el combate de las plataformas y los puzzles, el juego nunca se queda demasiado tiempo en un solo modo.
06:50El juego siempre pasa a lo siguiente, lo que ayuda a mantener fresca la experiencia, sin importar cuántas veces lo hayas jugado.
06:57Con lo bien que ha envejecido, Uncharted 2 Among Thieves está entre buena compañía.
07:09Número 22, Gears of War.
07:15El progenitor de la exitosa franquicia de shooters en tercera persona que comparte su nombre,
07:20Gears of War sigue siendo tan bueno hoy en día como cuando se lanzó por primera vez.
07:25La serie no ha cambiado el modo de juego principal desde que debutó este juego.
07:29¿Y por qué cambiar este tipo de perfección?
07:31Los disparos a cubierto y las motosierras siguen siendo increíblemente satisfactorias y sangrientas.
07:38La historia, aunque no es nada especial, sigue siendo apasionante y fascinante.
07:42El modo cooperativo y el multijugador también son fantásticos,
07:46y hacen que recorrer la campaña con amigos o enfrentarse a ellos sea entretenimiento puro.
07:52Puede que la maquinaria de Gears of War requiera un poco de aceite,
07:56pero aún así hace que nuestros motores funcionen.
08:09Número 21, Super Metroid.
08:20Super Metroid, uno de los ejemplos definitivos del género Metroidvania,
08:24hablaremos de ello más adelante,
08:26sumerge al jugador en una epopeya de ciencia ficción en dos dimensiones.
08:30Explorar los claustrofóbicos entornos alienígenas es hoy en día una experiencia tan maravillosa como angustiante,
08:36ya que desbloquear cada nueva zona trae consigo nuevas armas y mejoras, pero también nuevos peligros.
08:42Los gráficos de 16-bit son magníficos, el combate es divertido,
08:46los jefes son enormes y desafiantes, y la música es icónica.
08:50Incluso después de todos estos años, puede que aún queden nuevos secretos por descubrir,
08:55o al menos nuevos récords que batir en speedrunning.
09:00Número 20, The Secret of Monkey Island.
09:09Los juegos de aventuras donde señalas y haces click tienden a envejecer bastante bien,
09:14ya que la jugabilidad en general se ha mantenido prácticamente igual a lo largo de los años.
09:19The Secret of Monkey Island es uno de los reyes del género.
09:24Siguiendo las aventuras del pobre aspirante a pirata Guybrush Threepwood,
09:28el jugador debe resolver acertijos a través del diálogo y realizar diversas acciones.
09:34El aspecto retro ciertamente le da al juego un toque clásico, pero nunca pasa de moda.
09:39El mayor atractivo aquí es la historia y los personajes, los cuales son divertidísimos.
09:44The Secret of Monkey Island ha envejecido mucho,
09:48Número 19, Left 4 Dead.
09:59Uno de los títulos más recientes de nuestra lista, Left 4 Dead,
10:03es un juego de terror centrado en el trabajo en equipo.
10:06El juego se basa en la historia y los personajes,
10:09y el juego se basa en la historia y los personajes.
10:12El juego se basa en la historia y los personajes,
10:15un terror centrado en el trabajo en equipo.
10:18Un grupo de cuatro sobrevivientes debe navegar por el apocalipsis pasando de un refugio a otro,
10:23mientras evita las hordas de zombies, incluidos algunos con habilidades especiales.
10:34Las imágenes aún se mantienen más de una década después de su lanzamiento,
10:38pero es el juego central lo que realmente ha mantenido a los jugadores
10:41interesados en Left 4 Dead y su secuela.
10:45La necesidad de cooperar con tus compañeros, así como el peligro constante,
10:49hacen que la experiencia sea emocionante cada vez que juegas.
10:52Es como estar en una película de zombies, pero sin riesgo de infección.
10:56A diferencia de sus zombies, Left 4 Dead no ha decaído ni un poco.
11:08Número 18, Tekken 3.
11:16Tekken 3 was graphically impressive to be a PlayStation 1 game,
11:21but while it may not be comparable to the modern installments of the franchise,
11:25it is still a very solid competitor.
11:28The third entry in the series took things to the third dimension,
11:32with fighters capable of moving in more directions
11:35than to the left or right and up or down.
11:39The variety of characters is remarkable, and they all feel different from each other.
11:44It is necessary to get used to playing as a bear or a dinosaur with boxing gloves,
11:49but these unconventional fighters really add to the experience.
11:59Number 17, Half-Life 2.
12:10A very beloved shooter, Half-Life 2 was such a great success
12:15that even a decade and a half after its launch,
12:18it remains the standard by which other similar titles are judged.
12:23Its graphic engine allows new levels of interactivity with the environment
12:27through the impressive gravity gun.
12:40It immerses players in the dystopian narrative of science fiction
12:45by omitting cut scenes and keeping it in the action.
12:49It is simply an excellent gaming experience.
12:52While it may not seem revolutionary today,
12:55that is only because all other games of its kind have been inspired by Half-Life 2.
13:01If Half-Life 3 ever comes out, it will have many expectations to meet.
13:10Number 16, Chrono Trigger.
13:16Chrono Trigger is more than just a role-playing game about time travel.
13:21The world and the characters are made brilliantly,
13:24and they change according to the actions you do in the past and the future.
13:29Its captivating story flies by,
13:31however it feels richer and more detailed than some games that double its length.
13:37Combat is based on shifts, but with timed meters,
13:41and allows team attacks.
13:43There are no random encounters either.
13:45Basically, you don't waste time.
13:47Chrono Trigger could be made today and still be acclaimed as a masterpiece.
13:52It is a timeless idea.
13:55Simplicity often translates to a game that age well,
13:58and there is nothing simpler than Pac-Man.
14:19It's a game that ages well, and there's nothing simpler than Pac-Man.
14:23Make your way through a labyrinth, eat the balls, avoid the ghosts,
14:27or eat them after using a power pill.
14:37It's a repetitive game loop, but it's so fun and satisfying
14:41that it's been remade and remixed countless times.
14:45You can search for it on Google right now and play it directly on the search engine.
14:49That's how it is.
14:51Pac-Man has never lost his appetite for pills,
14:54and players have never lost their appetite for Pac-Man.
15:15Racing games tend to age better than other titles,
15:18and Mario Kart 64 is no exception.
15:21The game still handles very well and has a lot of fun tracks to run on.
15:26While the elements and pre-rendered 2D runners certainly date the game,
15:32the main challenge is as fun as any of the new entries in the series.
15:38Mamma mia! Mamma mia! Mamma mia!
15:43If you have it, going with some friends to play in battle mode
15:46or competing in the grand prize is still a wonder.
15:50And of course, being hit with a blue shell can cause some anger.
15:55But it's not as if that was restricted to 64.
16:00I'm Luigi, number one!
16:04Number 13, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, New Age of Heroes.
16:18Fighting games come and go, but Marvel vs. Capcom 2 will never die.
16:23Marvel superheroes and villains face Capcom video game characters
16:28in massive 3-on-3 matches.
16:31What could be better?
16:33This is one of the most striking and broken games that exist,
16:36and it's much better for it.
16:48Enormous and malicious movements fill the screen,
16:51and the whole experience is pure.
16:54Hype without adulteration.
16:56The game is still seen frequently in tournaments,
16:59and it's because both professionals and casuals
17:02can appreciate the absolute madness that occurs in the matches.
17:05In addition, the animated artistic style and the soundtrack
17:08create a perfect combination in any decade.
17:17Number 12, Diablo 2.
17:20Diablo 2
17:26Decades after its launch, people still play Diablo 2.
17:30It's one of those undisputed kings of action RPGs.
17:34Part of the reason behind its longevity is addictive gameplay.
17:39Sure, a lot of that is just clicking the mouse,
17:42but the progression of defeating the next enemy
17:45or finding the next loot that will help you defeat the next enemy
17:49is incredibly satisfying.
17:59The degree of customization of your avatars
18:01also ensures that you'll be playing for a long time.
18:14Number 11, Donkey Kong Country.
18:17The Super NES trilogy.
18:27We usually like to restrict our entries to individual games in a series,
18:32but the Donkey Kong Country games of the 90s were so good
18:36and were released so close together that we couldn't choose just one.
18:40The trio has pre-rendered sprites that still look good.
18:48With a barrel full of levels, a lot of secrets and iconic music,
18:53the Donkey Kong Country series has aged better than Cranky Kong.
18:57Whether you're looking for challenging platforms or something fun to spend time on,
19:02the first three Donkey Kong Country games will surely drive you crazy,
19:07in the best possible way.
19:10Number 10, Halo Combat Evolved.
19:22The original Halo was revolutionary for its time,
19:25bringing a fast-paced shooting game to consoles,
19:29while offering an epic and addictive multiplayer.
19:33Although some aspects of the game are a little different,
19:36most of the game has done it.
19:44Combat Evolved was really up to its name,
19:47proving to be incredibly influential in the First-Person Shooter genre,
19:52a reason why it may still resist much better than its contemporaries.
19:57Playing the campaign or the multiplayer mode of the game
20:01is still as fun as ever,
20:03and that epic soundtrack will never age.
20:21Number 9, Final Fantasy VI.
20:37The Final Fantasy titles are the standard of RPGs,
20:40and their sixth installment has aged like good wine.
20:44The last of the series for Super Nintendo, Final Fantasy VI,
20:47presents a story that subverts many of the tropes by which the franchise is known,
20:52while handling mature themes.
20:55It also features one of the largest cast of playable characters in the series,
20:59which allows for a great variety in the way battles are tackled.
21:11The 16-bit graphics have a lasting appeal,
21:14and still manage to make things like the opera scene moving,
21:18or Kefka's laughter terrifying.
21:21It is possible that Final Fantasy VI does not have the lasting popularity of some of its successors,
21:27but it could be said that it has remained better.
21:42Number 8, Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
21:51These days it may be easy to forget that Sonic
21:54was once one of the most important names on the platforms,
21:57and he had earned it.
21:59While all his games from the Genesis era are excellent,
22:03the second installment is our choice as the best.
22:13The title introduces Tails to the franchise,
22:16while presenting a more branched level design,
22:19as well as improved movements such as the rotating board.
22:23In general, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 has a fast challenge,
22:26good enough for any low point to be easy to overcome.
22:37Number 7, Castlevania Symphony of the Night.
22:52Castlevania Symphony of the Night was not the game that started the non-linear approach of the series
22:57with interconnected maps and role-playing elements,
23:00but it popularized it.
23:02Symphony of the Night presents an extensive and detailed castle to explore,
23:06fun and creative battles,
23:08and one of the most famous musical scores of video games.
23:20The magnificently detailed pixelated graphics still look excellent.
23:25Like any good musical piece,
23:27Symphony of the Night will give you a different experience every time you return to it.
23:32The voice acting is quite embarrassing at times,
23:35but the depth of the title and the absorbent gameplay
23:38have helped it to remain as eternal as Dracula...
23:42or Alucard.
23:53Number 6, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.
24:03Most of the Zelda games have aged incredibly well,
24:07but there is one entry that fans keep coming back to,
24:10it's Ocarina of Time.
24:12It is widely considered as one of the best and most influential 3D games ever created.
24:18The feeling of adventure and satisfaction you get when exploring Hyrule
24:22in your quest to save the kingdom are difficult to overcome.
24:31The characters and the world overflow with life and charm,
24:34and the music is absolutely unforgettable.
24:37Of course, there are some clumsy elements, and the graphics are no longer avant-garde,
24:41but despite that, Ocarina of Time is a timeless masterpiece.
24:53Number 5, Doom.
25:01Since it practically invented the genre of first-person shooters,
25:07or at least popularized them,
25:09one would think that Doom would be incredibly outdated.
25:12And without a doubt, there are some aspects of this game that are products of its time.
25:16From the images in most of them in 2D,
25:19to the focus of the game on the story, Doom shows its age.
25:23But these are not necessarily bad things.
25:31Demons even do some things that modern shooters don't do,
25:35but they should do more.
25:37Like allowing you to face enemies with each other.
25:40Doom is a constant wave of enemies, incredible weapons and progressive metal music.
25:45Killing demons on Mars will never cease to be great.
25:56Number 4, Supersmash Brothers Melee.
26:07The Supersmash Brothers franchise has had some great titles,
26:10but few of them have the lasting popularity of Melee.
26:15Its graphics have aged with more grace than even some of its successors,
26:19but where Melee really shines is in its gameplay.
26:30While of course it is a party game that almost anyone can learn and enjoy,
26:35facing famous Nintendo characters with each other,
26:38it is misleading in its simplicity.
26:41Hidden beneath its accessible appearance is a surprisingly rich challenge,
26:45whose precise controls have given it a lasting popularity in electronic sports.
26:50Whether you are a casual player or an unconditional player,
26:54Melee will never die.
27:04Number 3, Resident Evil 4.
27:12A singular entry in this horror franchise, Resident Evil 4 is fantastic.
27:18The action leads the player to a rollercoaster of exciting scenes, one after another.
27:23The story is linear, but offers the players options on how to approach the encounters.
27:29Of course, QTEs are a headache for some,
27:32and it can take a little time to get used to the inability to move while shooting,
27:37but the game is based on it, so it's fine.
27:41However, Resident Evil 4 influenced so many third-person shooting games,
27:46that, honestly, it is a shame that it was never released.
27:51Number 2, Tetris.
28:01Of course, Tetris has aged well.
28:04It is a game that has been around for a long time,
28:07and it is a game that has a lot to offer.
28:10It is a game that has been around for a long time,
28:13and it is a game that has a lot to offer.
28:17Of course, Tetris has aged well.
28:20It is Tetris.
28:21It is the puzzle game.
28:23Align blocks of different shapes in rows to eliminate them until they pile up too much and you lose.
28:29Its addictive challenge stings our brains as it increases the rhythm to keep us involved.
28:41A simple concept, but it is thanks to this simplicity that Tetris has been copied, remixed and remade for decades.
28:48It may not be our number one, but Tetris will probably last longer than the rest of our entries.
29:00We are not yet at the end.
29:02Remember to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
29:07Very well, let's see the number 1 position.
29:12Number 1, Super Mario World.
29:23We could have chosen almost any Mario game for this list,
29:27but Super Mario World is possibly the most timeless title in this franchise.
29:32It could be said that Mario games had already reached the top of the 2D platforms,
29:37but Super Mario World polished it to perfection.
29:44The expansive world has a lot of levels, and even if you beat the final boss,
29:48there are still a lot of secrets to discover.
29:52The images and music jump from the screen and are as attractive for the senses today as they have always been.
29:59Super Mario World, like Mario's mustache, will never go out of fashion.
30:13What classic video games are you still playing?
30:15Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of Spanish WatchMojo.
30:22What classic video games are you still playing?
30:24Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of Spanish WatchMojo.
