00:00it's kind of cool i don't know how to judge it because i also don't know how
00:03to we're not going to judge that one what are you doing with this guy
00:09what oh iron man iron man what is this i love you three
00:13three thousand what what okay so we're making a diy iron man
00:19mask okay well in this video apparently there's going to be a lot more
00:23diy masks so let's see what uh what comes up it's one of them right
00:27if it doesn't have the robot like opening i don't want anything to do with
00:31it yeah okay i won't say i would still wear
00:34it though it's cool let's see oh so so far it kind of looks
00:38cool it's like way instead of iron man it's
00:41wood man we should make wood cardboard man
00:45cardboard man nice okay it's funny because iron man isn't
00:51made of iron right he's made of like you know titanium or some crazy some
00:56crazy metal yeah iron's not strong enough for iron man
01:05what kind of material would you use if you were making
01:09a superhero outfit you know what do you know
01:13especially for me vibranium i guess vibranium that's not real
01:18i don't think that's a real one no there is there is
01:21in the candor oh yeah
01:26yep this is weird that was like it looked like nightmare before christmas
01:30but now i'm not sure where we're going with this
01:32wait a second we missed the iron man mask i didn't miss it you
01:36i missed it oh man i've totally forgotten let me just tell you it was
01:43cool okay i was right guys was it automatic i mean
01:46it wasn't automatic you have to move it up and down so it's it's okay
01:50so okay it looks like we have either a tyrannosaurus rex
01:54or venom which was my favorite uh comic book character when i was
02:00younger oh yeah because my dad got me a couple
02:02comics like original comics with venom in them so
02:05i like that okay why do you like him um because he's like an anti-hero he's not
02:10like he's not a good guy but he's also not like horrible he's
02:14not a horrible person so he only does things that
02:16are going to help him or people he love but he doesn't really care about like
02:20everyone else
02:26the reason why i love him also it's he's he looks cool
02:29you know uh yeah for me anyway it's scary scary yeah he's a little scary
02:35it's a little bit yeah but i'm not and because i'm not a fan of scary
02:41things okay okay i love scary things guys let us know down below are you a
02:45fan of scary things is venom too scary or is archie you know
02:55yeah that wasn't very nice that last one what are we doing with the sausage
02:58uh i have crazy idea it's a tongue oh my gosh
03:05it is i hope no why are they using a sausage it's not gonna last
03:10it's a waste of food yeah i mean they're gonna probably eat the pieces
03:15afterwards though but i wouldn't
03:19what's happening with you nasty that i wouldn't eat
03:23oh okay there's only one thing in the world i wouldn't eat and it's that
03:26okay they just it's so bad it looks so bad why the eyes so high up they have
03:33to be like oh no it's a kid draw you know yeah it looks
03:37like a kid drawing yeah okay five minute crafts try again please
03:41next one i hope we gotta be there yeah iron man was like
03:457.5 out of 10 this is like maybe five four this is minus five minus five out
03:50of ten all right we have batman so this is
03:52gonna be interesting wow okay batman also one of my favorites
03:55oh it's cool because he has no powers but he's just you know
03:58a wealthy dude with some some krav maga skills
04:01yeah yeah this is the same with uh with tony stark iron man yeah exactly yeah
04:07they're not super powered people but they just have billions of dollars
04:10genius millionaires genius millionaires detectives
04:13won't batman is anyway it's like elon musk if he were a little cooler
04:19sorry elon want to collaborate
04:25a good try but you know who could do this is mr beast
04:30wink wink wink wink wink come on mr beast i know you see our videos probably
04:34maybe i don't know for sure he's probably mr
04:38beast has probably scrolled through and seen one of our videos and then
04:41immediately scroll past it i hope he just uh on the second watch
04:46something yeah we're gonna have to start one of our
04:49videos with mr beast and then see if we can
04:53listen we have something important to offer yeah
04:56by the way the other dude who also do the did the same he give the like
05:02one door our mystery gift yeah yeah and i saw that
05:06he actually convinced mr beast to do it yeah so we are
05:09we should start we're next mr beast we're coming for you yeah
05:13yeah okay oh poor batman head geez all right so we're vacuuming up this
05:18okay so i'm doing a nice mold what are we going to make the mold with though
05:22is what i'm wondering it's a metal oh it's gene okay
05:28okay that's not the strongest metal no that's not going to protect you from
05:32evil villains trying to punch your head
05:36okay what is the original batman mask was made of it's like
05:43carbon fiber all right guys let us know if
05:48archie was a superhero what would his superhero name be
05:53okay yeah and what's super power and superpowers yeah
05:56i think it's something along the lines of like just instantly looking at
05:59something and making a worst craft version of it
06:04yeah you look at a car and you just zip it
06:07zap it and then it becomes like a cardboard diy car
06:10okay this is my superpower right it's what do you think about
06:14oh my gosh i thought you okay anyway yeah right it's your option
06:20it's not a bad thing five minute craft man
06:25i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i'm ready
06:28i'm in trouble now it looks like we have a
06:33batman looking thing for your gear gearbox excuse me yeah a gear stick
06:40oh except it's really ugly so far it looks terrifying actually yeah it
06:44looks like one of those cats the egyptian cats without any hair oh
06:48yeah yeah no i mean the cats itself are cute yeah
06:54yeah but uh this thing this is ugly isn't it yeah
06:57oh what the heck it kind of looks like me too from pokemon a little bit
07:02oh my gosh what are they doing to batman batman stop
07:07oh this is so horrifying i hate it oh if i would see such a man i would
07:14you know run away i would ask him if he wants to hang out oh what are
07:20they doing but it doesn't work because it's the
07:24same level like i hate it so much
07:29bad i mean uh there is something some style or something it looks horrible
07:35but there is true it's true you're right
07:37it's like a horror film i can see the talent of the the fact that
07:43the fact that the horns are also skin is just
07:46terrifying it's so bad uh it reminds me one of the style
07:55okay okay is it like um claymation no no there is a style when they took
08:00popular characters and and change them into the
08:04this kind of kind of uh and they put the cape around them
08:09scary choice nice choice
08:18no way i am the night i am the stick shift it's so bad
08:26it wouldn't even be comfortable to change you just stab yourself on the
08:30thing every time you want to change yeah just go through just imagine if you
08:34need to go i don't i don't like that one that one
08:38probably they put a lot of effort and it looks
08:41good in a way like a certain style so i would give it like for effort i would
08:47give it a 6.5 wow yeah but six in my car no way five
08:52no way out of ten i'm burning down my car if i see that my car yes
08:56yeah i'll give it six point five wow it's a lot
08:59what would you guys give it i just maybe it's just us you know maybe
09:03there's you know it's it's beautiful no for me it's a four out of
09:07oh okay sorry this is interesting there is a
09:11potential but ethnic oh wow okay ethnic mask
09:16it's kind of cool i don't know how to judge it because i also don't know how
09:19to we're not going to judge that one is it a man it is a man i believe i mean
09:24that's better i mean just who knows all right it looks like he has a large
09:28nose they knows uh no it looks like one of
09:31those uh doctors from um yeah medieval times not
09:35medieval times is it i guess so it's where they would
09:38put um flowers in their beaks to protect them
09:41from the black plague but they have the bigger nose i mean
09:45yeah it is longer yeah usually longer than this one yeah
09:48so but you know yeah black plague throwback
09:56we had one of those recently
09:59okay so it has gold rims that's a little fancy for a doctor
10:03oh that's it okie dokie no