THE CELLAR Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Prepare for a claustrophobic nightmare in 'THE CELLAR,' the award-winning psychological horror from acclaimed director Jamie Langlands. A young girl wakes up in a dim underground cell, with no memory of how she got there. As she fights to escape, sinister secrets resurface, blurring the line between reality and her own buried traumas.
Short filmTranscript
00:00I would like to say the Lord's Prayer of sacrament in remembrance of his flesh
00:10and blood that he sacrificed for us Oh God the Eternal Father we ask thee in
00:22the name of thy son the Lord Jesus Christ to bless and sanctify this bread
00:29to the souls of all those who partake of it that they may eat in remembrance of
00:40the body of my son Jesus Christ and witness unto him Oh God the Eternal
00:46Father that they be willing to take upon him the name of my son and always
00:54remember him and keep his commandments that he has given them that they may
01:00always have his spirit to be with them. Amen.