• 2 months ago
Let the recitation of the verses of the Quran soothe your heart and guide your soul. šŸ•Šļø Listen to Murottal today and feel the peace.

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#AlhamdulillahAllah #Allahuakbar #Al-Quran #AlQuran4K #Good Deeds #Astaghfirullah #Today's Verse #Belief #Calming #Serenity #Religious Lecture #Da'wah #Da'wahDa'ir #OnlineDakwah #Dhikr #Prayer #DailyPrayer #Education #Eid al-Fitr #EveningDhikr #Guidance #Guide #Today'sHadith #HajjAndUmrah #HalalLifestyle #Heart #Allah'sGuidance #BlessedLife #Hijrah #Eid al-Adha #Sincere #IslamicInspiration #Inspiration #Islam #IslamIsBeautiful #IslamicContent #Islamic Knowledge #Islamic Lectures #Islamic Morals #Islamic Motivation #IslamicNew Year #IslamicQuotes #IslamicReminder #IsraMi'raj #Istighfar #JumuahMubarak #KebaikanInIslam #Knowledge #LaIlahaIllallah #LearnIslam #Learning #Life #Lifestyle #LoveToAllah #MakkahLive #MasjidAlHaram #MaulidNabi #Meaning #Memorization #Message #MorningDhikr #Muharram #Murottal #Muslim #CommunityMuslim #InspirasiMuslimah #Prophet #Peace #IslamDamai #Online Pengajian #Practice #Praise #PrayForPeace #Prophet #Quran #QuranSeumurHidup #RecitationofAlQuran #VersesAlQuran #Ramadan #KareemRamadan #Recitation #Remembering #Patience #Sharing #Prayer #Sholawat #Sholawatan #Cooling #Spiritual #SpreadingIslam #StayHalal #Research #SubhanAllah #Prayer #SurahAl-Kahf #Tafsir #TafsirQuran
