• vor 2 Monaten
Die dreiteilige Doku-Serie Surviving Black Hawk Down erzählt die wahre Geschichte hinter Ridley Scotts Blockbuster Black Hawk Down, der die Schlacht von Mogadischu am 3. und 4. Oktober 1993 zum Thema hat, die ein tragischer Höhepunkt des Bürgerkrieges in Somalia war.


00:00October 3rd, 1993, Somalia.
00:09Long time ago.
00:15It was the most violent thing I've ever witnessed.
00:20Destruction everywhere.
00:22I took my camera and I pressed record.
00:27There's no way I'm going to live through this.
00:29I'm thinking this is it.
00:34Just slowly.
00:36Over the horizon.
00:41That black hawk was down.
00:51Every corner we would turn and there was just a whole slew of people shooting at us.
01:00These guys were Delta Force and if they're still getting shot.
01:05What does that mean for us?
01:09They chained me up. There was an interrogator.
01:12I thought there's no way out of here. Death is on its way.
01:18It's my home.
01:20You wouldn't ever do this.
01:29You can't put humanity in a war.
