• 2 months ago
00:00Junior! Junior! Junior! Junior, you didn't happen to see the... oh, thanks, Shnooki.
00:21Happen to see any sign of the birthday boy?
00:24Did someone say cake? Mmm, cherry meringue sugar-stuffed power pellet à l'orange? You
00:32shouldn't have.
00:33Well, you only turn 25 once.
00:36It just sounds so... old.
00:39Aw, sweetie, you're only as 25 as you feel.
00:43Thanks, honey. You and Junior are the best presents I ever had. And you're right, I look
00:50Is something wrong?
00:54Honey, my PAX sense is tingling.
01:07PAX, get down from there. You're not 24 anymore, you know.
01:12But I'm not doing anything!
01:16So, work with me, you spark-showering excuse for microcircuitry.
01:24Okay, honey, it was funny once.
01:29Don't panic! Everything's under control. I don't think it'll happen...
01:46Oh, well, at least this birthday's still better than my 20th.
02:02Happy birthday, dear.
02:29Pac-Man, can you hear me? Alpha Code Yellowfella, repeat, can you hear me?
02:35My pectrometer! Who's there?
02:41The signal's bad here. Some idiot teleported me into a pit.
02:46Is that clear? You shouldn't rush the judgment, Pac-Man. Teleportation is not so easy.
02:52Orson? Is that you? Are you by any chance the idiot of whom we speak?
02:57I had pinpoint control of the porter until you squirmed. I would port you again, but
03:03I can't lock on. Where are you?
03:05I'm in some sort of landfill pit. There's green goo, some trash-looking junk, and
03:11it smells really bad in here. Really!
03:14Oh, you're down there! Eww! Rather you than me. Make your way upwards.
03:21I'll try to think of some way to help.
03:23What about the monsters? There's usually monsters at times like this.
03:36Orson, why am I here?
03:39Would you believe me if I said the whole world was in danger?
03:42Let me get back to you on that, buddy.
03:59So, what's this Irwin guy up to?
04:02It's bad, Pac-Man. Let's just say he threatens Pac-Land, the Spectral Realm, the rest of
04:07the world, and everything else as well.
04:11Uh-oh. I'm detecting a rise in energy in your sector, Pac-Man.
04:15Details of my sector's energy should be between me and Miss Pac. Thank you very much.
04:21Freeze, Pac-Man. Do you see a swirly thing?
04:25Yeah, yeah. Mr. No Fun Swirly Thing. Check. Spewing ghosts. Check.
04:31Not ghosts. Spectral monsters. Tougher than ghosts. You'll need a power pellet.
04:38Whoa. Of all the ghostly things I ever ate, those are the least pleasant. I need a mint.
04:44The Spectral Monsters come from the Spectral Realm, which is being siphoned by Irwin, which
04:50is why they're in a seriously bad mood.
04:53The Spectral Realm? Don't you ghosts have something to do with that?
04:57It's our home, too. Now can you see why I need your help? I don't know exactly what
05:03Irwin's up to, but it involves my home, which is why I'm in a seriously bad mood.
05:09Come and find me at the outpost. It's just a little bit further.
05:13Orson, I thought you were going to teleport me.
05:15The, um, I can't calibrate, Pac-Man. Atmospheric, uh, interference from the, uh, radiation.
05:24Oh, just keep following the path. I'm not far away at all.
05:30Orson, you say that this Irwin guy is messing with the Spectral Realm. No wonder the Spectral
05:35dudes are upset. Not only are they outcasts themselves, but now their home isn't even their own.
05:41Yes, but they're vicious little creeps anyway, so don't feel too sorry for them.
05:47Hmm. This looks arcane. Irwin's work, Orson?
05:51Indeed not. This has been here for, well, my instruments suggest, a very long time.
05:58Anxious didn't want just anyone wandering around here, I guess.
06:01So, a millennia-old puzzle, huh? My speciality.
06:07There's weird techno stuff here, Orson. Yours?
06:11Heavens no. Shoddy craftsmanship like that. It all belongs to Irwin. He's building spectral
06:17siphons all over the place. Keeps stockpiling raw materials. I'd like you to disrupt, distress,
06:24and otherwise blow up anything of his you see. Please.
06:38Orson, I'd claim to be pleased to see you, but you messed up my party and threw me into
06:43a trash pit where lots of things with big pointy teeth tried to turn me into lunch.
06:47This is serious, Pac-Man. Irwin is so hungry for power that he's siphoning energy from the spectral realm.
06:54So what can I do?
06:56For starters, Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde have disappeared. I fear the worst.
07:01I want you to go to the spectral realm and check things out.
07:04A trip to a doomed place that's full of ghosts and spectral monsters.
07:09Hey, count me in.
07:11Good. But before that, I want you to help me calibrate Talk-Man.
07:15Talk-Man? You have a new Talk-Man? A new big giant robot Talk-Man?
07:20More than a normal giant robot, Pac-Man.
07:23Fifteen tons of the most state-of-the-art bad-guy smooshing technology ever balanced on legs.
07:31Just try not to break this one, huh?
07:35Hmm. The red wire or the blue wire? Red wire or blue wire?
07:45For the last time, make up one of your minds!
07:49Ask Blinky. He's the clever one.
07:52Zip it, Inky! Don't tell him nothing!
07:57Ah! I didn't hear you come in.
08:00What do you want this time?
08:03You ever heard of Pinky and Clyde?
08:07No, he hasn't!
08:09No one's heard of Off-Red's Pinky and Clyde.
08:12You two want to give me a break back there?
08:15Aside from those last two ghosts, the spectral realm is almost empty.
08:20It's ready for the siphons to begin.
08:23Ah, yes. Well, thanks. It's been real. Off you go.
08:26What about the new problem? The new Talk-Man?
08:31The new Yellow Problem.
08:34If you're talking about Pac-Man, our paths have already crossed.
08:40The Yellow Noah?
08:42He'll munch us all! We're all doomed, I tell you! Doomed!
08:46I don't want to be doomed. I just want to go home.
08:53Anyway, Nefarious Scheme 57 is a big fat go.
08:57Nothing can stop me now!
09:01Say something about two other ghosts.
09:05They'll be dealt with.
09:08And if Pac-Man tries to interfere, he shall rue the day he ever tried to interfere!
09:15Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
09:25I'm warning you two!
09:32Whoa! Um, wow.
09:36What is this place, Orson? It's... weird.
09:41If my calculations are correct, and they are, you're in the spectral realm just as planned.
09:48Hmm. So this is where all you ghosts come from. Not very homely, is it?
09:54Remind me what I'm doing here?
09:56I've lost contact with my friends, Pac-Man. I need you to track them down.
10:01Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde? I'm sure you remember.
10:05Yeah, first they chase me, then I chase them, then they chase me.
10:09Tracking them down will be just like old times. I'm on it!
10:19Get your game face on, Pac-Man. I'm detecting a surge in spectral activity in your area.
10:29What's with the spectrals?
10:33Unhappy souls. They usually hide in the darkness of the caverns beneath the spectral realm.
10:38Erwin's siphoning seems to have stirred them up, though.
10:45Hmm. This brings back memories.
10:49Nasty smoke to clear fog, Pac-Man.
10:52Ah, then I've got plenty of time to... Oh!
10:57This sure is a weird place.
11:00You weren't brought up here, Pac-Man. Now, get after those ghosts!
11:05I hear ya, buddy.
11:06Any idea where I should be heading?
11:09Well, my last received contact from Pinky came from right at the top of this realm, so head there.
11:15Looks like that's where I need to be.
11:20Watch out behind you, Pac-Man!
11:23Pac-Man, my reading suggests a nearby ghost to rescue. Either that, or I have spaghetti sauce in my monitor.
11:30Great, so you couldn't just port me straight to it, could ya?
11:33Oh no, it's much more fun to see poor Pac-Man bounced around like a big yellow ball.
11:39Sorry, Pac-Man. I'll give the teleporter a bit of a tweak. Now, track down that ghost for me.
11:47End of the road. Scenic, anyway.
11:51Now, if only I could find a friendly ghost to tell me which way...
11:58Eureka! I guess.
12:01Help me!
12:05Help who?
12:08I said, help me!
12:13Pinky? What are you doing here?
12:16Being chased? What are you waiting for? Pull me up before It gets here!
12:22It? What It?
12:25Me, It.
12:28What's your deal?
12:31You may refer to me as your worst nightmare.
12:35Pac-Man, quick! Pull me up!
12:39Be right with you. You won't push me over the edge or anything if I help Pinky up, will you?
12:45No. Scout's honor.
12:48Don't trust him. He's small, evil, and wants to plug me into a giant energy-sucking machine.
12:55Any truth to that, Mr. Nightmare?
12:59If I said yes, would you hold it against me?
13:04Nah. Look down.
13:10Well played, my cunning yellow friend.
13:14Less chit-chat, more pulling me up sometime today.
13:18Don't worry, Pinky. I haven't lost a ghost yet.
13:23Hold on!
13:27Let the games begin.
13:34Wow! Solid ground! I recognize that stuff.
13:39I'm guessing I'm miles away from where I actually have to be, right?
13:44Frankly, you could do with the exercise, Pac-Man.
13:47You're starting to look even more spherical than usual.
13:51Hey, Ms. Pac-Man likes me cuddly, okay?
13:55So what's with the big tower?
13:57The first spectral siphon is somewhere within that structure. Find it and shut it down.
14:03Hiya, Pac-Man. If we're gonna beat this Irwin guy, you're gonna need all the help you can get.
14:11I can see things you can't. Spectral things. Including platforms.
14:16If I'm charged up at a spectral fountain, I can make those platforms solid enough even for you.
14:22Hey, fella, I'm in a jam here, buddy. Little bit of monster trouble.
14:26You look like you got a mean butt bounce on you, so, uh, you know the drill.
14:31Sure thing, pal. Consider these monsters as good as flat.
14:41Wow. No kidding. You made short work of them guys.
14:45How long did they have you pinned down?
14:47Only a week or two. No huge problem. Except this tower tends to fall down without too caring attention.
14:54That's what you do? Fix up Go-Gekka?
14:57Sure. That's what I does. I know it back to front, up and down, in and out, all around.
15:02Say, I'll give you a buzz if you're looking lost. How's about that?
15:06Sure. I never turn down help. And I do look lost with alarming regularity.
15:12Hey, yellow fruit guy. What is it you're doing here, eh? Just out of curiosity, you understand.
15:18You know a guy named Erwin? He's planted an energy siphon here in Go-Gekka, and I'm here to pull him right back down.
15:24Oh, yeah, I know the bozo. Kind of funny-looking.
15:28Listen, I ain't happy about that siphon, don't that's.
15:31So you'll be doing me another favor to get the thing off my building.
15:35This place is dangerous enough as it is.
15:37It's not safe?
15:39There's no part of Erwin's venture that is safe, Pac-Man. Take it from me.
15:52I... I think I found the giant siphon horse.
15:57And I think I found the guys who are guarding it.
16:00Oh, boy!
16:10Gee, it doesn't look any prettier close up.
16:13Blow it up, then! Take out all the guards and find an access terminal.
16:18You need to hack the machine to shut it down.
16:21Kinda hard to type with boxing gloves on, horse. Got a plan B?
16:25Good point. How about we try something a little more exciting?
16:29Get ready for Virtual Pac-Man!
16:34And... bye-bye, mega-siphon!
16:37Aw, thanks a lot, fella!
16:40Dang it, I gotta get back to work now.
16:42Sure, but be careful.
16:44Pac-Man, we have to move on now.
16:46I have a lot on my mind. Meet me in the spectral realm.
16:49Sure thing, horse. See you later, construction guy!
16:55Ooh, my eyes are so red.
16:58I think I found the giant siphon horse.
17:02Ooh, my eyes are spinning, so I'm guessing I'm back in the spectral realm.
17:07It's a nice surprise, horse, and thanks!
17:11I've located Clyde, Pac-Man. He's being held somewhere in this realm.
17:15It'd be better to find him before this place collapses entirely.
17:19Clyde? Hey, it's been a long time since I traded witticisms with old Red.
17:24I really do feel almost nostalgic, horse.
17:27But me? Rescuing ghosts?
17:29I tell you, it's just not natural.
17:32Natural or not, Pac-Man, you need to do it.
17:35Clyde's a fighter, and he'll be vital in our war against Erwin.
17:39It's so sad to see this place falling apart.
17:42I had a fine life here as a young ghost.
17:45I learned basic levitation, scaring and surprising, spooky noises.
17:51We're all here. Oh, great times!
17:55Uh, excuse me, uh, Munchy?
17:59Did I hear something? A tiny squeak?
18:02Yeah, yeah, the big red ghost gets himself all caged up so the yellow fella gets to mock.
18:08Go on then, Munchy. Mock away.
18:11Aw, don't take it like that. It's not like I find it funny or anything, Clyde.
18:16Well, not much. Only a little.
18:18Are you okay, Clyde?
18:21All right, that's it. I don't need rescuing.
18:26Leave me here. I'll take dignity over freedom any day.
18:31Aw, you're just no fun. Hold on a sec, I'll be right there.
18:35Thanks, Munchy. Looks like you have your uses after all.
18:40Hey, less of the Munchy, okay?
18:43Easy now, I don't mean nothing by it.
18:46I'm just a little on edge because my boys Inky and Blinky have gone AWOL, and I'm betting the freak that caged me up has them too.
18:53Right now, I'm just trying to get rid of some spectral siphons to stop this realm collapsing around our ears.
19:00Siphons? Like machines? I ain't seen nothing like that. Just a big ol' swirly thing.
19:07From within the spectral realm, a siphon's effect would be seen as a quasi-pseudo-distortion of its atomic fabric.
19:14In layman's terms, swirly. Pac-Man, find that swirliness!
19:20You seem awfully fond of the spectral realm, Horace. I guess it looks different to ghosts.
19:26It looks different to everyone who comes here, Pac-Man. It reacts to expectation, you see. It's really a sea of potential.
19:33Which is probably why it makes such a tempting target for that power-hungry Erwin.
19:41That looks like the siphon vortex ahead, Pac-Man.
19:45That's just a swirl. I can't hack that!
19:49Actually, in the spectral realm, siphons are much more vulnerable.
19:53If you can knock something suitably large into the vortex, it should knock it out completely.
19:58Sounds like when Ms. Pac sucks up one of my power pellets in the vacuum cleaner.
20:04A no-power pellet? I hate to admit it, but I need help!
20:09Hey, that's him! The freak that tricked you into that cage!
20:14Yeah, we met before.
20:16He's an idiot.
20:18You're entitled to form your own subjective opinion of my intellectual faculties, Pac-Man.
20:26I'll subject your onions to an integral fraggle-ty, you cunningly conniving constant!
20:34I have no idea what a fraggle-ty is, but I'd like to see his onions subjected to it.
20:39Go get him, Red.
20:44Are you gonna tell me what you've done with my boys, Inky and Blinky?
20:49Hmm, let me think.
20:51No, I'm gonna say no.
20:54Sorry about that.
20:57Maybe we should enter a period of, uh, negotiations.
21:01You know what I mean by that, don't you, Clyde?
21:04Oh, I guess not.
21:07So, that's an integral fraggle-ty.
21:12Better still, Clyde's timely bi-glotation destroyed the siphon.
21:16It seems that hurling a huge chunk of rock into a siphon nexus causes a huge feedback surge.
21:21That's something to remember.
21:23No one can lock the Big Red in a cage and expect to remain untrown in a squirrely vortex thing, no sir!
21:31Whoa, we shouldn't have messed with him.
21:33No, sir!
21:35Whoa, we shouldn't have messed with you, Clyde.
21:38And magnificently, that seems to have deactivated the siphon as well.
21:42High fives all around! Slap skin!
21:58New and exciting place. Same risk of being eaten.
22:01Welcome to Pac-Life.
22:04Well, I can't say that was the friendliest welcome I've ever had, Ors.
22:08Sorry, I don't know why those guys didn't turn up on my radar.
22:11Anyway, carry along this path, Pac-Man. There should be another siphon in this area.
22:16Where am I, by the way?
22:18High up in the Cragstone Mountains.
22:20I've no idea why Erwin would want to build siphons here.
22:24The one in Go-Gekka made a kind of sense, as the fabric between real and spectral worlds is thin there.
22:30But why here? I'm flummoxed.
22:33Never mind, Orson. I've been flummoxed from the start, and I'm doing okay.
22:41I'm going to be doing a lot of this, aren't I?
22:43Think of it as a valuable learning experience.
22:46Wow, so quiet.
22:50Is this a ghost town?
22:52The last registered inhabitants were a group of archaeologists who were apparently studying some local caverns.
22:59But I've no life readings now.
23:01Maybe Erwin's autonomic policy enforcement mechanoids, his robots, I mean, scared them away.
23:07It looks like some of these windmills are rather dilapidated, Pac-Man.
23:10It looks like they provide power for the ropeways, so you'll have to fix them to get around the village.
23:15Okay, Pac-Man, there's the siphon.
23:18My scan suggests a heavy hostile presence this side.
23:21Maybe you should sneak around the back.
23:23You're the brains of this team, Ors.
23:25Initiating zero-identification tippy-toe protocols for undetected siphon insertion.
23:32That sounded nothing like me.
23:39Man, oh man, I love doing that.
23:41Don't be yelling at me, Pac-Man.
23:43I'm getting reports of a bigger siphon.
23:46Erwin must have hidden it inside the mountain.
23:48Looks like I'm going underground, then.
23:56These must be the caverns those archaeologists were exploring, Pac-Man.
24:00Erwin's desire to siphon here must have something to do with these ancient catacombs.
24:13Those things are scary.
24:15Can I go home now?
24:17Yes, they are.
24:19No, you can't.
24:55My Gigatron!
25:08My Gigatron!
25:10You destroyed my Gigatron!
25:13I love that Gigatron!
25:15I remember when it was just a Millitron!
25:19You may be evil, but at least you love your giant robot.
25:22How dare you pity me!
25:24Who do you think you are?
25:26And who are you calling giant?
25:28Don't make me summon my Pterodacahydrotron.
25:31My stepfather made me summon it once.
25:36Give it up, Erwin.
25:37Conquering the universe never works for shrimpy megalomaniacs with mittens.
25:41It's a known thing.
25:44That's the last straw.
25:46I've a good mind to have my army of loyalty-crazed minions dis-entomographicate you.
25:53Sorry, Erwin.
25:55Zero's my limit.
25:58This wasn't part of the plan!
26:06Okay, I'm in.
26:08Where to now, horse?
26:10Looks like you're going to have to go right through the mountain.
26:12But keep on your toes, Pac-Man.
26:14Somehow I don't think Erwin's going to make this easy for you.
26:17Good heavens, you gave me quite a fright.
26:19I haven't seen another living soul down here for months.
26:22Not from the Ancient Guardians.
26:24They just hiss at me.
26:25Are you lost, my little yellow friend?
26:28Not exactly.
26:30I'm looking for a spectral siphon.
26:31Have you seen one?
26:33A siphon, you say?
26:36Very interesting.
26:37I'd love to help you.
26:38But unfortunately, my excavation rig suffered a mechanical trauma a few minutes ago.
26:43And I contrived to drop one of the keys to this door into that pit.
26:48One of the keys?
26:51The door requires two, and one of them is down there.
26:56And I'm guessing you want me to get it back for you.
27:00Could you?
27:02I say that would be splendid.
27:04When you've located the lost key, I'll drop a ladder down for you.
27:09I heard a bit of a rumbus down there.
27:11I hope you didn't get hurt.
27:14There were monsters in the pit.
27:16It's a good job you didn't try to retrieve the key yourself.
27:20What sort of a silly head climbs into a pit he knows to be full of monsters?
27:25You knew about them?
27:26Why didn't you tell me?
27:28Are you a silly head?
27:30My, my, and you look like such a nice boy.
27:33Anyway, at least we can open the door now.
27:38Ah, there's still so much to learn about the ancients.
27:41I know nothing about their lives, only their deaths.
27:44Even the most intelligent people can be dumb as a duck egg when the mood takes them.
27:48Oh, yes, they can.
27:51Oh, if these caverns could talk.
27:53My, my, my, what stories they'd have to tell.
27:56Now all they say to me is, don't go messing with forces you don't understand.
28:00Mysterious forces?
28:02Do you mean the spectral realm?
28:04Is that why Erwin is siphoning down here?
28:06To repeat the attempts of the ancients?
28:09Enough history already.
28:11There's work to be done.
28:13Give it up, Pac-Man.
28:15You're never going to defeat me.
28:17So why even bother?
28:19You're messing with forces you don't understand, P-Brain.
28:22The ancients wiped themselves out interfering with the spectral realm.
28:27I know what I'm doing.
28:29The ancients were just rank amateurs.
28:31Can stone temples compare to my technology?
28:34Can forgotten rituals match the power of giant robots of doom?
28:39That's one more siphon out of commission, Morse.
28:41Good timing.
28:42There's troubling. Go get them.
28:44Hold on to your dots.
28:47I'm on it.
29:00Orson, are you finally trying to finish me off?
29:02You've ported me into the middle of an inferno!
29:05Sorry, Pac-Man.
29:06But it seems as if Erwin has changed tactics.
29:09He sent fire to the Kogeka Towers.
29:11No doubt to create a diversion.
29:13He has a sick mind, Pac-Man.
29:15This is a nightmare. I can't fight this.
29:18Hey! Hi, fella!
29:20Anything I can do?
29:22You're going to have to find the emergency sprinkler controls.
29:25Get some water on that, please.
29:27And quickly! That tower could come down at any moment.
29:30Nice going, boss.
29:32You should be able to get through now.
29:38Nice one, Pac-Man.
29:40Say, while you've been fighting these fires,
29:43I haven't seen any...
29:45No empty boxes, marks, explosions, nothing like that.
29:50No, no, just making sure.
29:52Orson, um...
29:54Orson out.
29:55Pac-Man, the ticking...
29:57You can hear the ticking now, right?
29:59Must be in your head, Orson.
30:01I can only hear a sort of high-pitched ringing noise
30:04with muffled explosions behind it.
30:07Right. Good. Yes.
30:09Well, um, be ready for...
30:11I don't want to panic me.
30:13Panic you! Sorry.
30:15Orson, you're panicking me.
30:17Please stop being odd and get back to being helpful.
30:23Oh, no! It's a huge, immense, gigantic bonus!
30:26I mean, bomb!
30:28It's a good job you didn't warn me about this, Orson.
30:30I'm panicked!
30:32Pac-Man, I found this online schematic of a bomb right here.
30:35It's probably a completely different type of bomb,
30:38and the diagram is in a language I can't read,
30:40but it's keeping me sane.
30:41You need to get on top of it.
30:43Use the pistons.
30:44The activation switch is on the left.
30:46Don't think you'll be getting out of here in one piece, Orson.
30:49I'm new to interior decoration, I know,
30:51but I think the walls will look just fine painted Pac-Man.
30:58He... did it.
31:00He did it!
31:02Well, I did get an early heads-up and all
31:04from my faithful support team.
31:06Well, anyone can defuse a bomb.
31:09I was defusing bombs in my diapers, Pac-Man,
31:12but I promise my next challenge won't be so easy,
31:15you pellet-popping peon.
31:27You should be able to see the outpost from there, Pac-Man.
31:30What's the rush, Ors?
31:31Maybe I want to enjoy the view.
31:33I'm guessing that you can't see the approaching horde from there.
31:36Erwin's army is on its way, Pac-Man.
31:39And if you're not here by then, Munchy,
31:41I'll have to take them on by my lonesome.
31:44Wouldn't be right to let you have all the fun, Red.
31:46It's been a while since I defeated an army.
31:48Actually, I've never done it.
31:50Do we have a plan?
31:52Not so much of a plan, Pac-Man,
31:54as a giant robot fitted with arms that go
31:58Plus a gun that goes
32:00I'd better get a chomp-a-chomping.
32:03Whoa, indeed.
32:07What's up with this?
32:09This machinery was built a long time ago, Pac-Man.
32:13Even I don't understand it all.
32:15You probably have to activate something else first.
32:18I've got a bad feeling about this.
32:24Oh, dear.
32:26The spectral realm really isn't holding up very well.
32:29I guess maybe I should stop siphoning soon.
32:34Yes, stop now before it's too late for us all, you madman.
32:39Soon is when I make it, spooks.
32:42And for now, I want more power.
33:04Quit your daydreaming, Munchy.
33:07Come on.
33:08Orson needs you pronto-like.
33:18You're just in time, my pastel friends.
33:20There's no time to lose.
33:22You better be right about him being our only hope for survival.
33:25Because dragging him all the way in here
33:27was a real hassle, chump.
33:30What can I do for you?
33:32We're in one tight spot, Pac-Man.
33:35Irwin's evil army has almost reached this very outpost.
33:38And if it goes, the entire planet will soon follow.
33:42Yeah, so get in this thingamabob.
33:47Clyde, Talkman is a Model 420
33:49tri-cylinder micro-tolerance combat mechanoid.
33:52And if it didn't need a pilot to be functional,
33:54I'd adopt it as my very own son this instant.
33:57In you go.
33:59And don't mess this up.
34:03Never thought you and me
34:05would both be on the same side of a power pellet, Munchy.
34:08Guess this is pretty historic.
34:10I'm happy for you.
34:12Keep your eyes on the road there, Pokey.
34:16Don't worry about your whatchamathingy, Orson.
34:18I'll go easy on her.
34:20Good luck, Pac-Man.
34:22And try to bring Talkman back in one piece.
34:25Two at most.
34:46Close, but no cigar, Orson.
34:48At least I can actually see the siphon.
34:50And I guess this is preferable
34:52to being teleported inside Solid Rock or something.
34:57It simply wasn't safe to port you right next to it, Pac-Man.
35:00The auxiliary gyro-toid is acting up,
35:02and Asma, the third ulterior exoprobe,
35:04is going to have to deal with it.
35:06I'm sure you can handle it, Pac-Man.
35:08I'm sure you can handle it, Pac-Man.
35:10I'm sure you can handle it, Pac-Man.
35:12I'm sure you can handle it, Pac-Man.
35:14Ulterior exoprobe?
35:16I think it's on its last legs.
35:18I'm here to destroy a siphon, yes?
35:20And then what?
35:22Oh, that I can help with.
35:24Further energy source is within Irwin's fortress.
35:27It's near here, and you have to get inside.
35:32I better get on with it, then.
35:34Light! Fresh air!
35:36Oh, how good it feels!
35:38Let me look upon you, my fellow free creature.
35:42You wonderful little yellow ball.
35:47I'm sorry, what are you exactly?
35:50I'm Pac-Man.
35:52Um, why are you holding a spoon?
35:55This is my salvation.
35:57The tool of my liberty from the mighty fortress.
36:00Away from the clinking chains,
36:02the burning eyes.
36:04Oh, those burning eyes!
36:07Red and glowing in the darkness.
36:09They see everything.
36:12So you dug your way out of Irwin's fortress with... spoons?
36:17They whispered to you.
36:19Whispered in whirs and whistles.
36:21They tried to take my mind.
36:23Oh, yes.
36:25They didn't get it, though.
36:26Didn't get it.
36:28Okay, I'm not sure about that.
36:31Anyway, you clearly need some alone time.
36:35Watch out for the burning eyes!
36:39Ah, Spectrals!
36:42I've seen them!
36:44They come through the walls!
36:46Did you make a new friend, Pac-Man?
36:48I guess so.
36:50I can help.
36:51A mighty hero, I captured and enslaved,
36:54but later to escape.
36:56My knowledge of the fortress beyond is indelible.
36:59I have a map for a mind and compasses for feet.
37:02Derision is my middle name.
37:04Could that be true, I wonder?
37:06His feet are perfectly normal, horse.
37:08It's the machinery at the other end that has issues.
37:11I meant the mighty hero part, but never mind.
37:14Ah, ain't these chaps just the cutest?
37:17See them scan my little legs all skittering?
37:20Can you bring me a little one for a pet?
37:22My growing respect for you, Clyde, doesn't preclude my pointing out that sometimes you're just plain weird.
37:36And the evil machine crumbles into the dirt.
37:40You even impressed me back there, Pac-Man.
37:43Next stop, Irwin's fortress.
37:46It's time to beard the dragon in his lair.
37:49Beard? Dragon? What?
37:52That way is fraught with danger, my good Pac-Man.
37:56Tread lightly, for things are not always what they seem.
38:00The walls, they move.
38:02They move when they think you're not looking.
38:05Okay, then. Hope the mothership lands real soon.
38:10I know he sounds like a gibbering idiot, but there might be something in what he says.
38:15I believe he did escape the fortress, after all.
38:18You want me to listen to a madman?
38:20Wait, what am I saying? Madmen? Mad ghosts?
38:23Bring on the mad cats, dogs, and newts. I'll listen to you all.
38:28Oh, hello again. How did you get here?
38:32I have knowledge of the ways, Pac-Man.
38:35Beyond this place lies the fortress of eyes and cutting, slicing, burning beams.
38:41You must be cautious and brave.
38:45I must be out of my mind.
38:48Move swiftly, and luck be your companion.
38:53Thanks, mister, but please tell me one thing.
38:56How did you get back here?
38:59I don't know.
39:03Now, then, Pac-Man, I've located the final sitement.
39:07But there are some slight issues.
39:10Do we have to talk now? I think they know I'm here.
39:13Of course they do. All in a day's work, eh?
39:17The main problem I face is the age of these schematics.
39:20The main problem you face?
39:22Orson, I'm busy. Call back later. I've got a couple of worlds to save.
39:30Oh, the doors.
39:33I'm glad we met this guy. He's proving to be absolutely worth his weight.
39:38It's a fairly standard mechanism, Pac-Man.
39:41Rib roll plates, big stuff moves, you know the score.
39:44I can't feel the inside.
39:46Through the teeth. I can still feel them biting.
39:52Through the teeth. I can still feel them biting.
39:58There you are, Pac-Man. I can see you.
40:05No, it's the boss. We're all going to die.
40:10I recognize that voice.
40:13Forget him and listen to me, Irwin. I've nearly won.
40:16I'm halfway through your supposedly impregnable fortress.
40:19How does it feel?
40:21You confuse me. Who's your terrified friend?
40:24I'm sure I recognize the voice from somewhere.
40:27And he's right, of course. You are all going to die.
40:32Uh-oh. I'm registering a significant power surge, Pac-Man.
40:36One thing at a time, Orson.
40:38Sorry, Irwin. I've business to attend to.
40:50Orson, what's with the weather? This looks like the end of the world.
40:54It seems that Irwin's little siphoning experiments have been having an adverse impact
40:59on meteorological outpourings in your proximity, Pac-Man.
41:02And what about the weather?
41:04Very funny. The final siphon reading is coming from the inner compound.
41:09Make your way across the outer walls and find a way in.
41:12Try and die, Pac-Man.
41:15Try and die, Pac-Man. Try and die.
41:18Your puny little brain couldn't possibly comprehend what I have in store for the world.
41:22Mass destruction, the closure of all chocolate factories, and the banning of kittens, perhaps.
41:27That's just phase one. I've more stuff just waiting in the wings.
41:32My guards! My lovely robot guards!
41:36Oh, curse you, Pac-Man. Do you know how long it took to find you?
41:41Oh, curse you, Pac-Man. Do you know how long it took to find the parts for those?
41:46The parts are still fine, Irwin. They'd just be gluing back together.
41:50What I want to know is who's going to clean up the mess?
41:54I like your style, Pac-Man.
41:56You're not too far away from the inner compound now and the spectral siphon.
41:59There's just one thing I don't understand, Orson.
42:03I'm sure there are many things you don't understand, Pac-Man. But go ahead.
42:07Irwin's stupid, but he's not completely stupid.
42:10Why do you think he's willing to risk world catastrophe just to power a few robots?
42:15I've no idea, Pac-Man. But I'm sure there's more to this than first appears.
42:20Just watch yourself. Irwin is becoming more unhinged by the minute.
42:24It's typical behavior from a socially inept would-be dictator.
42:28Oh, yes. Very clever, Pac-Man. We're all very impressed.
42:33Oh, and by the way, I remembered who your insane little friend is.
42:38Me? Why, I'm a brave resistance fighter, aren't I?
42:42No. You're the janitor.
42:45What? Janitor? How's that?
42:48He's an employee. Or, moreover, an ex-employee. I checked his records.
42:54He was only here a week before we had to let him go.
42:57I'm a hero, aren't I?
42:59There you are, buddy. You helped me get this far.
43:02Hear that, Irwin? Maybe all it takes is a janitor in the wrong place at the wrong time,
43:07and all your plans come crashing down.
43:10Or maybe my sword nearly gets dirty.
43:13Hey, buddy. Hey, hero fella. We won!
43:16You won? I should start cleaning up the mess.
43:20I don't think so. I have need of somebody handy with a mop here at the outpost.
43:25Someone who, though he was only an ordinary janitor, stood up for what he believed in.
43:30What do you say?
43:32What sort of mop do you have?
43:34A gigamop three billion, with all the extras.
43:37Shall I go and defeat the bad guy, then? I guess I may as well.
43:41You guys enjoy your cleaning implements. I'll go and save the world.
43:46This is not good.
43:50This is so seriously, indisputably, unbelievably not good.
43:56Pac-Man, the whole of the Spectral Realm is collapsing.
43:59Not good.
44:01Not good at all. If the Spectral Realm collapses, it'll break through to the real world.
44:06And that's the last anyone will have of kittens and chocolate and comfort and happiness for the foreseeable future.
44:12We'll stop him, Ors. It'll be okay, you'll see.
44:17Ors, if Erwin has practically destroyed the Spectral Realm, is it a good idea for me to be here?
44:23There's no other choice. It's the only way to penetrate the defenses Erwin has set up around the Ancient Temple.
44:29Erwin is repeating the mistake the Ancients themselves made so many years ago.
44:33Breaching the meniscus of the Spectral Realm.
44:36Except he's doing it on purpose.
44:43Ors, I can see a temple. Is that my target?
44:47I believe so. You know, I didn't think the two worlds could come this close together and still survive.
44:52It must be near the end. We must stop Erwin now.
44:56Okay. Over the top it is. Just catch me before I hit the ground.
45:12Great. Yep. Excellent start. Thank you.
45:17Sorry, Pac-Man. A slight issue with the teleporter. A glitch in the Iwatani coil. Let's try again.
45:38I'm gonna need a bigger power pellet.
45:43I'm gonna need a bigger power pellet.
46:01That's enough, Erwin, you big bozo. You're gonna destroy us all.
46:07Technically, no. My machines will keep me safe when the Spectral Realm crashes into the real world.
46:12It'll be dark and cold for a few years, but hey, do I look like I enjoy going out in the sun?
46:18He's right, Pac-Man. The world will survive, but it'll be as dark as deep winter for years on end.
46:24And no one will be safe from the Spectral Monsters.
46:27And my robot legions, powered by all that spectral energy, will be there to take over the whole world.
46:33That, and build you statues of me. I kinda like statues. They make me look tall.
46:39Well, it's a pretty clever plan, but...
46:42You're a looney, and I'm not gonna let you get away with it.
46:45That's the stuff, Pac-Man. Oh, I've been looking forward to this bit. Get him!
47:34My Terratron is dead! You killed it! Why must you destroy my giant robot death machines?
47:40What did they ever do to you?
47:42You're finished, Erwin. You should have used your death machines, world conquest plans,
47:47and rampaging insanity for good instead of evil.
47:50It's finished, all right, Pac-Man. But only for one of us.
47:54For you?
47:56Well, yes, it's entirely possible, when one considers things have not been going well.
48:01What am I saying?
48:03Even now, my magnificent machine is poised to bring about the collapse of the spectral realm
48:08and give my legions all the energy we need to...
48:11Why are you looking at me like that?
48:14Always keep your feet on the ground, Erwin.
48:21I always hated yellow.
48:45Don't worry, hon. I have a hunch your father will be back right about...
48:51Ah, home sweet...
49:02Hi, honey. I'm home.
49:10Clyde. Long time no see.
49:16This bite day cake's delish, Mrs. Munchy.
49:20Guess my party invite got lost in the mail.
49:24It's Ms.
49:27Hi, Mrs. Munchy.
49:31Hooray, more ghosts.
49:33Well, guys, I'm afraid we only have enough cake for exactly none of you, if that.
49:39Oh, hey, look! This cake has Clyde in it! Yay, Clyde!
49:44Cool! I never tried a Clyde cake before.
49:49We're sorry to drop in like this, Ms. P, but we had nowhere else to go.
49:54I assume you have a logical explanation for your whereabout.
49:58An insane little man with unresolved issues attacked the spectral realm.
50:02But he fell into a beam of raw power, so he won't be doing that again soon.
50:06Ah, beams of raw power are cute.
50:11Anyway, Orson's working on fixing up the spectral realm.
50:15We'll only be here a while. A few weeks. Or months.
50:20Tops. What's for dinner?
50:23You are.
50:25You heard the lady.
50:27I believe now's the part where you... run.
50:31Aw, come on, Munchy. You don't want to eat me.
50:34Think of all we've been through together.
50:37Okay, bad example.
50:39Hey, what's up?
50:41Hey, what's up?
50:43Hey, what's up?
50:45Hey, what's up?
50:47Hey, what's up?
50:49Hey, what's up?
50:51Hey, what's up?
50:53Hey, what's up?
50:57Hey, what's up?
50:59Hey, what's up?
51:01Hey, what's up?
51:03Hey, what's up?
51:05Hey, what's up?
51:07Tell me you're spirit, Munchy.
51:09I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
51:39I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
52:09I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
52:39I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
53:09I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
53:39don't feel so sorry about it.
