• vor 2 Monaten
Zehn Jahre, nachdem er den Jakobsweg gegangen ist und dazu ein Buch geschrieben hat, verfilmt Bill Bennett seine Pilgerreise mit Mein Weg - 780 km zu mir. Die Wanderung nach Santiago de Compostela absolviert der Australier (gespielt von Chris Haywood) trotz kaputtem Knie und besorgter Ehefrau. Obwohl er wenig spirituell ist und mit seiner schroffen Art immer wieder anderen pilgernden Menschen auf die Füße tritt, verändern die 31 Tage ihn von Grund auf.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/mein-weg-780-km-zu-mir


00:00It all started on that holiday in Spain.
00:07They're pilgrims.
00:11Hey, to the left, mate.
00:12No, no, I'm in training.
00:14Yeah, I'm going to walk the Camino de Santiago.
00:15That's an 800-kilometer pilgrims' walk in Spain.
00:16I am hoping that after this Camino, I won't have to apologize for you anymore.
00:17Are you Bill?
00:18Yeah, I am Bill.
00:19I'm Bill.
00:20I'm Bill.
00:21I'm Bill.
00:22I'm Bill.
00:23I'm Bill.
00:24I'm Bill.
00:25I'm Bill.
00:26I'm Bill.
00:27I'm Bill.
00:28I'm Bill.
00:29I'm Bill.
00:30I'm Bill.
00:31I'm Bill.
00:32I'm Bill.
00:33I'm Bill.
00:34I'm Bill.
00:35I'm Bill.
00:36I'm Bill.
00:37I'm Bill.
00:38Eye of Bill.
00:39Yeah, I am Baláis.
00:40Nice to meet you.
00:41Here comes La Silla.
00:42Oh, no, don't hug.
00:43I'm Rosa.
00:45Home for the night?
00:46Do I have a turn-down service?
00:47That's a joke.
00:48Do you sleep well?
00:49No, there was someone snoring.
00:51That's disgusting.
01:01I don't know why I'm doing this walk.
01:04I want to let the walk give me the answer.
01:22Shush. That is bone on bone.
01:25You will not be able to continue your Camino.
01:27We'll see about that.
01:29That's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.
01:32Water. I need water.
01:43I see this walk as an 800 kilometer long cathedral.
01:50This is the Camino.
01:52Miracles happen all the time.
02:03Safe journey.
02:04My friend.
02:05My friend.
02:11Hey, sweetheart.
02:12I'm a pilgrim.
02:19Somewhere along the way.
02:23Somewhere along the way.
02:26I hope you find what you're looking for.
