• 2 months ago
In a viral video, Kamakoti shared an anecdote about an ascetic who reportedly cured himself of high fever by consuming cow urine.
00:00IIT Madras director is facing flood for a claim and a comment he made on cow urine.
00:08He praised the cow urine for a medicinal value and he shared an anecdote on the cow urine
00:14that could possibly cure fever as well and that has led to a backlash.
00:19The backlash coming in from, apart from others, Congress MP Karthik Chidambaram.
00:24He has slammed this claim and he's shared the claim and said this is pseudoscience.
00:30So this has led to again a debate that has been sparked and we have seen similar instances
00:36earlier as well, that of debate emerging from this.
00:39This is what was said by the IIT Madras director.
00:43How is he supporting his claim and in turn, why is he receiving a backlash?
00:48Sanyasi came and he had a high fever and asked if he could call a doctor.
01:00The Sanyasi forgot his name and as soon as the father said, he said,
01:07Gomuthinam Pibhami.
01:10Immediately he went to the cow and took Gomutharam from the Shiva Sthanam and drank it.
01:16He took Gomutharam in 15 minutes.
01:18Antibacterial, antifungal, digestive, stomach irritation, irritable bowel syndrome,
01:27why do we need all these?
01:29Gomayam is a very big medicine for us.
01:34Joining me now and the one who says this is all pseudoscience is Karthik Chidambaram on the phone line.
01:41Mr. Chidambaram, why do you believe that an IIT Madras director who is putting forth an anecdote
01:47and to his credit believes that this has medicinal value,
01:50why do you think that this is not true and it's a pseudoscience?
01:56I'm becoming a director of one of the premier institutions of India,
02:01scientific premier institutions of India, to be saying this.
02:05He said that there should be research and research has proved that there is medicinal value in these native remedies.
02:15That's different.
02:17What he said was that directly consuming this would sort out a lot of issues and that is unscientific.
02:24There is no scientific evidence to that.
02:26I mean, he being a man of science should not be speaking like some sort of a charlatan.
02:34That's my problem.
02:35My problem is that many people say many absurd things.
02:38That's fine.
02:39But he is the director of Madras IIT.
02:42There is a certain responsibility and there is a certain scientific temper he must foster.
02:47So it's important that he said that.
02:49I do not know whether you understood verbatim what he said.
02:52He spoke in Tamil and what in Tamil he said was that it was directly consumed from the cow.
02:58I mean, isn't that some sort of pseudoscience?
03:03So basically, because I know that there have been some research that have been done and how the distillate or if there is a medicinal value.
03:09But you're saying if at all he had to say it, to say that directly consuming it is unscientific,
03:14it would be in many ways harmful as well.
03:17Should have at least quoted some research or if something that he had, it can be mixed with something.
03:22What do you think is perhaps the reason that you think he shouldn't have made such a comment?
03:28No, because he is a director of one of the premier scientific institutions in this country.
03:33So there is a responsibility which comes with that position.
03:38He is not some tree-side charlatan who can say whatever he wants to say.
03:43When somebody of his element says something, people might take it seriously.
03:48What if somebody listens to this and goes and consumes it directly from the cow?
03:52Can you imagine the ramifications?
03:56That is why I said that it is unbecoming of the IIT direction.
03:59If he had not been the director of IIT Madras, then it's a different issue.
04:04Alright, fair enough.
04:05Kartik Chidambaram, thank you very much for speaking to India today.
04:07Narayan Tirupati of the BJP also joining me.
04:10He is the Vice President of Tamil Nadu BJP.
04:12Sir, you listened to what Kartik Chidambaram had to say.
04:15Now, do you believe that an IIT Madras director would throw a statement without any merit
04:20or should he have been more cautious when he is saying this, especially on a forum
04:24where his words could be taken at face value?
04:26No, see, I am really surprised the way Mr. Kartik Chidambaram has spoken.
04:30He says that if he is not an IIT director, he can speak that.
04:34What is that?
04:35So, even Mr. Kartik Chidambaram doesn't deny…
04:40He is not denying that this Gomotra, the cow urine,
04:44is not an important part of Indian traditional medicine.
04:48So, if it is, as per Mr. Kartik Chidambaram,
04:51if he can talk, if not an IIT director, then it's true.
04:55So, why should he not speak about the truth?
04:57That's what I am asking.
04:58He has spoken this in a different forum,
05:01where, you know, so many people were gathered,
05:05and he was telling, in fact he was telling that somebody,
05:08somebody was ill and they wanted to give some tablets,
05:13but he took cow urine and the fever had gone.
05:16So, it was actually, he was narrating something which has happened previously.
05:22That is what he was telling.
05:23I don't think anything is wrong in saying that.
05:26He is a wonderful personality.
05:28He has developed IIT like anything.
05:30He is a very, very big intellectual.
05:32But, you see, he has not spoken anything wrong or he has not spoken…
05:38We are using, we are using panchagavya,
05:41urine, milk, ghee, curd, dung, everything from cows.
05:45Then how can Mr. Karthik Chidambaram say that, you know,
05:49the IIT director should not talk like this.
05:51He is also a human being.
05:53And will the IIT Madras director say something more on this as well?
05:56And we leave it to the viewer as well,
05:59to what do you think his comment meant.
06:01There are more reactions coming in on his statement.
06:04Thank you very much, Mr. Narayanan Tirupathi, for your views as well.
06:07Let's listen in to this.
06:11When you have a senior person, you know, of the IIT management
06:14coming out with such statements regarding cow urine,
06:17it sets a false precedent.
06:19I know it's a false precedent and probably, you know,
06:22these ideas should not be carried forward to the students.
06:25Scientific thoughts and probably, you know, like,
06:28you have so many advancements in today's technology.
06:30Such probably sharing of ideas should happen rather than,
06:34you know, probably going back to premier and probably, you know,
06:37all these, I mean, talking about all these things, it doesn't make any sense
06:40and it doesn't carry good for the student community also.
06:43So I agree with the Tamil Nadu government in removing the IIT director or whatever.
