• 2 months ago
PT Pertamina (Persero) mulai menyalurkan biodiesel 40 persen (B40) di beberapa wilayah. Bahan bakar nabati (BBN) yang terdiri dari 40 persen biodiesel dan 60 persen solar ini didistribusikan secara bertahap.

Corporate Secretary PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Heppy Wulansari mengatakan, saat ini pihaknya sudah menerima Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) dari Badan Usaha Bahan Bakar Nabati (BU BBN) di 34 titik serah atau sekitar 80 persen dari target titik serah B40.


00:00Pertamina Patraniaga's PT Pertamina Patraniaga is starting to distribute solar-fueled NABATI fuel
00:10with 40% methyl ester fatty acid or B40 biodiesel gradually in several regions.
00:16Yes, this B40 distribution is expected to reduce Indonesia's dependence on fossil fuels
00:21and support government efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
00:26Pertamina Patraniaga's PT Pertamina Patraniaga is starting to distribute solar-fueled NABATI fuel
00:34with 40% methyl ester fatty acid or B40 biodiesel gradually in several regions.
00:41In its official statement, Pertamina Patraniaga's corporate secretary Happy Wulan Sari stated,
00:46Up until now, Pertamina Patraniaga has received methyl ester fatty acid or FEM
00:50from NABATI fuel business in 34 points of Serah or about 80% of the Serah B40 target.
00:57Happy hopes that this B40 distribution can reduce Indonesia's dependence on fossil fuels
01:03and support government efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
01:06As it is known, the implementation of the mandatory B40 is actually starting to take place on January 1, 2025.
01:12However, the implementation of B40 in the society has just started to take place in February 2025.
01:18Meanwhile, based on the decision of the Minister of Primary Education No. 305 of 2014,
01:23there are 24 fossil fuel businesses or BUBBN
01:26which are recommended by the government as a FEM supplier
01:29and 28 BBM businesses that are required to do NABATI smelting on BBM products of its gas oil
01:35or sell B40 among Pertamina through Pertamina Patraniaga.
01:39From Jakarta Tim Liputan ITX Channel
