• 2 months ago
👩‍👧 Que se passe-t-il lorsque Maman et Belle-Maman se confrontent ? Les choses deviennent folles lorsqu'une Maman Vampire utilise ses pouvoirs surnaturels pour hisser la parentalité à un niveau supérieur avec ses astuces maison top secrètes !

🧛‍♀️ Des gadgets magiques aux échecs hilarants, ces deux mamans ont des styles TRÈS différents, mais qui remportera l'ultime duel de parentalité ?

💡 Découvrez des astuces géniales, des moments drôles et des solutions astucieuses qu'une maman vampire seule pourrait imaginer. Que ce soit l'heure du goûter, l'heure du coucher ou la gestion des crises de colère, préparez-vous à beaucoup de rires et de surprises !

👩‍👩‍👧 Préparez-vous pour un drame familial auquel vous pourrez vous identifier, des astuces créatives et des moments émouvants !

💬 Pour qui soutenez-vous, Maman ou Belle-Maman ? Faites-le nous savoir dans les commentaires !

🔔 Abonnez-vous pour plus de défis familiaux hilarants, d'astuces épiques et d'idées créatives de parentalité DIY !

#MamanVsBelleMaman #MamanVampire #ParentalitéDrôle #AstucesFamiliales #ParentéDIY ❤❤❤ Cliquez sur "j'aime" sous cette vidéo et abonnez-vous à notre chaîne ! Activez la cloche de notification 😉🔔🔔🔔

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Musique Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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00:00You! I did everything for you, and this is how you thank me?
00:03Stop it! Don't even think about it!
00:04Mom, please!
00:09No! The child stays with me!
00:11As for you, go away!
00:13Oh, very well! You're going to pay for it!
00:15Oh, it looks like I'm welcome there!
00:18It's going to be fine, right?
00:20Hello, hello! I guess you're looking for a beautiful mother, right?
00:24Ahaha, hello!
00:25Ah, really?
00:26I guess it's our lucky day today! Welcome to our family, my dear!
00:29Oh, thank you! Hello!
00:32You're so cute! I could eat you whole!
00:38It's so delicious!
00:39Is she still there?
00:41Good! There must be a way to get rid of her!
00:43They have no reflexes? Let's go see that!
00:47I got you!
00:48Daddy! Daddy! Now I'm going to prove it! Look!
00:52Can you see now, please? Tell me you believe me!
00:55Ah, really?
00:56It's really her! She's here!
00:58Yes, it's called magic, my dear!
01:00Oh, wow! Did you see that?
01:02Yes, it's a really easy trick! You see?
01:05Ah, so that's how you do it!
01:09Come on, it's just a trick!
01:11Doesn't matter! It won't stop me!
01:14I have to find him! He must be here! Let me see!
01:18Ouch! My finger! Oh no!
01:21I smell blood!
01:23There you are! I found you!
01:26Give me that now!
01:31Where is she?
01:33She cut her little finger!
01:36Now everything is fine!
01:39Those creeps scared me!
01:41But we are so lucky to have you, darling!
01:43Berk! Get your dirty paws off me!
01:48Finally! We have something to stop him!
01:50Spicy food, right?
01:53Oh, you're going to love it!
01:56Yes, he looks like the real thing!
01:58But he smells really bad!
02:00Beautiful mom!
02:02It's your favorite, isn't it?
02:03Oh, thank you!
02:05It tastes weird!
02:12What? Oh my God! What's burning?
02:16Dad, look! I told you she was a vampire!
02:20Oh, this girl! She tried to kill me!
02:22Oh, my dear, are you okay?
02:23It's all her fault!
02:31What did you do?
02:33You still don't believe me, do you?
02:40I'm going to suck your blood!
02:44Oh no! Mom!
02:47Where was it?
02:49Oh, was it...
02:50Oh, I knew it!
02:51Was it her?
02:53Mom, it's you!
02:55Oh, my treasure!
02:56Come see mom, my dear!
02:58Mom, this woman is a vampire!
03:00I know, my dear!
03:01And I think it's time to teach her a good lesson!
03:04So, what should we do here?
03:06Garlic? That should be our weapon!
03:08Of course, I have it!
03:10Very well, let's start our training now!
03:17No, my dear, it's better to use this.
03:20Wow, fabulous!
03:22With this, I'm going to hit her effortlessly!
03:24What a nice shot! Well done, my dear!
03:30Oh, my dear, you know...
03:32Don't say anymore!
03:36No! Let me go! Let me go!
03:38My dear, you were wonderful!
03:41Hey, what are you doing?
03:43Wait, what?
03:45Oh no!
03:47Ha! Ha!
03:48Now we're ready for the final battle!
03:51No more vampires in our house!
03:52Get out of here!
03:54Of course, my dear!
03:57Show me now!
04:00You have to be strong, my dear!
04:01You have to be ready to face anything!
04:05Rage hard!
04:08Yes, show me what you're going to do to her!
04:13Perfect, now we're ready!
04:14One last thing...
04:16Oh, it smells bad, even for a human!
04:18But it's even better!
04:20Is she here?
04:21Yes, she's right here, mom.
04:24She doesn't expect to see us.
04:26Good, in that case, we have to act.
04:37What's going on with you?
04:38Take this!
04:39Take this!
04:43Wait a minute...
04:44Is it... Oh my God!
04:45It's garlic!
04:48Perk! That little biter!
04:49You're going to pay for this!
04:51Goodbye, my pretty!
04:53Honey, you did it!
04:54You chased him away!
04:55Oh no, it's him!
04:58Oh, oops!
04:59I wasn't expecting that!
05:03Hello, hello, beauty!
05:05I'm really sorry.
05:06It's okay, I'm sorry too.
05:10I'm not looking, I'm not looking!
05:13You're not looking, okay?
05:18It was delicious!
05:19Oh, you were beautiful, honey!
05:21What? What are you...
05:23My teeth!
05:24Oh no!
05:27It can't be!
05:31I'm pregnant!
05:32Please, no!
05:36I'm going to be a dad!
05:39Help me!
05:41That's weird!
05:42Oh no!
05:43He's growing!
05:44Please, don't tell my mother!
05:46I have to!
05:48Are you sure?
05:50Oh, it's true!
05:51The secret is safe with me!
05:53Wait a second!
05:54Isn't it...
05:57Listen, you'd better shut up!
05:59Or else...
06:00Got it?
06:01I don't want to die!
06:02Huh? Hey!
06:04Okay, you're fired!
06:06What do we have here?
06:07Oh, I love this!
06:09It's a party here!
06:11What's going on?
06:13I'm having fun, that's all!
06:15Yes, it's very fun!
06:17Oh, yes?
06:18Okay, that sounds good!
06:21That was close!
06:24But wait!
06:25I really want to pee!
06:26Phew, that was close!
06:28Oh, sweet relief!
06:30I really had to go!
06:32I'm going to need more toilet paper today!
06:35Yes, that should be enough!
06:37From start to finish!
06:39Don't forget to wash your hands!
06:42I don't think so...
06:44Oh, what's this?
06:46Do I still have to go?
06:47But I did go!
06:49Okay, that was weird!
06:51Puberty is madness!
06:54One more time!
06:55Oh, that's it!
06:56It has to be that!
06:58More pee!
06:59Oh, why?
07:00I'll never get out of here!
07:03Oh, my skin!
07:04One more time!
07:05Oh, that's fun!
07:06I'm going to keep pressing this button forever!
07:09No, please stop!
07:10I'm going to stay here forever!
07:15Are you done yet?
07:16Oh, okay!
07:17My jacket is finally empty!
07:18It's been one of us!
07:20Can I?
07:22Yes, whatever!
07:23But it's for the girls here!
07:25What's going on?
07:28I waited too long!
07:30He's out!
07:32Oh, that's really disgusting, man!
07:35Oh, and it's pretty embarrassing!
07:37But look!
07:38It's just the cream!
07:40That explains everything, Burke!
07:44Now, it's the moment of truth!
07:47Oh, if only I could see the screen!
07:50Oh, why am I so huge?
07:52And now?
07:54Oh, is it really me?
07:56This pregnancy is not a joke!
07:58Oh, come on, get out!
08:00Oh, stupid balance!
08:02What is my current weight?
08:03The shape of my belly is much lighter!
08:06Let's see!
08:08Much better!
08:10Wow, that's so good!
08:12Finally, it's time to go to bed!
08:15Oh, the baby!
08:16It's time to wake up!
08:18No, it's time to go to bed!
08:20I need to rest!
08:22Oh, she doesn't stop moving!
08:27Oh, I need to sleep!
08:30Stay calm!
08:31Oh, wait a minute!
08:32I have an idea!
08:34It should calm her down!
08:36Huh? No!
08:37The glasses are in place!
08:38The float is secured!
08:40I'm going!
08:41Huh? Hey!
08:43What's going on?
08:46Or not!
08:48I'll be able to sleep one way or another!
08:50Now, let's go!
08:52Oh, she finally stopped moving!
08:54Oh, Mom?
08:55I just...
08:57What is it?
08:58I'm just dazed, Mom!
08:59But it seems...
09:00It's the baby!
09:03Babies are children!
09:06Why is it so hot down there?
09:08My legs are terribly hot these days!
09:11These hairs should stop!
09:13Just a few strokes...
09:15Oh, if only I could wait for these stupid things!
09:18Stupid giant belly!
09:21Is this the person I think it is?
09:24A little help, please?
09:26Come here!
09:27Wait, no!
09:28What do you want?
09:31There you go!
09:32A razor!
09:34A little lower, please!
09:36Now, get to work!
09:38These legs are more stubborn than mine!
09:40But not for long!
09:42They'll be as smooth as butter in no time!
09:45What's going on here?
09:47I'm bringing the spa back home!
09:49Oh, I don't want to know!
09:51It's better if she doesn't ask any questions!
09:54Oh, that's disgusting, Burke!
09:56How did I get so hairy?
09:58Look, it's already back!
09:59Burke, it's all that's more normal!
10:01I'm removing these roots!
10:03You see?
10:05I don't think we have a choice!
10:07It'll only hurt for a second!
10:09Take a deep breath...
10:13It burns!
10:15Oh, these things go deep!
10:17So much!
10:18Now, that's what I call softness!
10:20A masterpiece!
10:22No, but you believe it!
10:24It feels good too!
10:26Oh, those feet!
10:28Now, get back to work!
10:29This shirt barely fits me now!
10:31I need help right now!
10:35You took your time!
10:37Is there anything good here?
10:38Let's see...
10:40Oh, it's from the last century!
10:43A name of thanks would be enough!
10:45I don't know!
10:46What about this?
10:48But not with this belly!
10:50Oh, okay!
10:54That with 20 kilos less, yeah!
10:56And this?
10:57I can barely fit!
10:58Is there anything good here?
11:00Oh, disgusting!
11:03The belts!
11:05Oh, wait a minute!
11:07Are you looking at me?
11:08No, certainly not!
11:10Come on, go over there!
11:12It's going to be tight!
11:13Over the belly!
11:14Let's go!
11:16It's useless!
11:17I'm too big for everything!
11:20Don't cry!
11:21I can fix this!
11:22You just have to wait!
11:24What can you do?
11:26I have a great idea!
11:28Two times more clothes,
11:29two times more fun!
11:31You see what I mean!
11:32It should fit easily!
11:34Well in place, you see?
11:36You have to let the belly breathe!
11:39I can't believe it!
11:41It's really great!
11:43But nothing!
11:44That's enough!
11:47These cats are so cute!
11:49Look at this one!
11:51He's sleeping!
11:52I can't stand all this cuteness!
11:55They are so hairy and so cuddly!
11:56And they love to be your best friends!
11:59That's true!
12:00Just cry!
12:01Here you go!
12:03Nice and salty, just the way I like it!
12:05A real treat!
12:10More tissues?
12:11Is he serious?
12:12What is he thinking?
12:15Sorry, it's a little cold!
12:17Do you want to say hello to baby?
12:20Get out of there, baby!
12:21Let's see...
12:22Is there anyone at home?
12:23Maybe she's sleeping!
12:25That's weird!
12:27What is that?
12:30How are you down there?
12:31That was fun!
12:34Oh no!
12:35She's coming!
12:37Come on!
12:39I'm here!
12:40Let's get this baby out of you!
12:43I've never seen that before!
12:45Is it that bad?
12:47You have a weak stomach, boys!
12:49Are you going to faint too?
12:50I'm here to fix everything!
12:53Don't touch my belly!
12:55That hurts!
12:57Do you want to help me lay down?
12:59Please don't hurt me!
13:02I have the visual target!
13:04Here it is!
13:05A baby!
13:07She's pretty cute!
13:08Welcome to the world, baby!
13:10I'm hungry!
13:11My fingers!
13:13What did you do?
13:15What a naughty boy!
13:16What did you do?
13:18What a naughty boy!
13:20Dinner time!
13:21My favorite time!
13:24It's important to have a balanced diet!
13:27Who is it?
13:29Doctor, help me!
13:30I have a headache!
13:32A human?
13:33My real dinner is here!
13:34Come here!
13:36Don't move!
13:39And shut up!
13:40You're my favorite dinner now!
13:42A feast!
13:45What just happened?
13:46I swear it's not how it usually happens!
13:49No human, but the clothes are intact!
13:51How strange!
13:52Goodbye, Pudding!
13:54Hello, Doctor!
13:55Can you help me, please?
13:56Another creature?
13:57Can't I eat my dinner in peace?
13:59A girl?
14:00A fish?
14:01Ouch! My teeth!
14:03This way, ma'am!
14:04That hurts!
14:07Let me see your teeth!
14:09I'm in pain!
14:10Please do something!
14:15I think I know what the problem is!
14:17Let me take my tool...
14:19My work tool!
14:21Okay, get ready!
14:24Please don't hurt me!
14:26Are those claws?
14:27Nice, aren't they?
14:31I'm horrible!
14:32Why did you do this to me?
14:35Don't worry!
14:36Don't come near me!
14:38What's wrong?
14:39I need them to cut the wire!
14:42A trick to get rid of bad teeth!
14:44Open your mouth!
14:45Okay, don't move!
14:47Is it going to hurt?
14:48Don't worry!
14:49Everything will be fine!
14:51I'm not sure!
14:52It's almost ready!
14:53Okay, let's go!
14:57Oh my God!
14:59I lost two teeth!
15:02I didn't expect that!
15:04This sandwich is much better with garlic mayo!
15:07I love garlic!
15:10Oh yes!
15:11I'm going to enjoy this!
15:12What's that smell?
15:15The smell of hell!
15:17I think I have what I need!
15:22Oh no!
15:23Doctor, my belly!
15:25Your belly?
15:27Okay, let's examine it!
15:29It's a bit cold!
15:31It's time for the magic of ultrasound!
15:33Look at the screen!
15:35We have a fish baby here!
15:37Am I...
15:38Am I pregnant?
15:39Well, it looks like...
15:42Give it to me!
15:43I'm going to check it myself!
15:44I can't be pregnant!
15:45Let's see!
15:46Where is the exit?
15:48Ugh, disgusting!
15:50Phew, I'm not pregnant!
15:51Now I have to go to the bathroom!
15:53Take your time!
15:55I'm so bored!
15:57Is there anything interesting here?
15:59Let's see...
16:00A pineapple?
16:02A bath?
16:05This way!
16:06Come on, give me something!
16:09The mermaid's best friend!
16:11And a shell!
16:13New call?
16:15Oh, yes!
16:17Hey, fish girl!
16:18Yes, yes!
16:22My neck!
16:23It hurts!
16:25I know what to do!
16:28There you go!
16:29You're like new!
16:30But I'm pregnant!
16:32No, don't cry!
16:33Wait, I think I know what to do!
16:36The little pearls make a great decoration!
16:38It's adorable!
16:40Let the beauty of the ocean illuminate your day!
16:43Do you like it?
16:44Wow, it's great!
16:45I'm glad you like it!
16:46Now I can finally finish my dinner!
16:50Ouch, my neck!
16:51Don't worry, I'll take care of you!
16:53My pride is more hurt than my neck!
16:56You're great!
16:57Thank you!
17:00What's going on?
17:01This problem seems complex!
17:03Broken bones...
17:05Don't worry, my dear!
17:06A big plaster will put you back on your feet!
17:08I mean, on your tail!
17:09Your tail will be like new!
17:10Ouch, ouch, ouch!
17:11Damn it!
17:12I can't stand these screams!
17:14It has to stop!
17:15This syringe will give me the peace I need to work!
17:18Here's a little...
17:19Where did she go?
17:21Fish girl!
17:22Where are you?
17:23Let's hide under the bed!
17:25Your bed is calling you, my friend Aikai!
17:27No, please, no!
17:29Don't move from your bed!
17:30Somnia Tenebris!
17:32May the night be sweet!
17:33Doctor, what's wrong?
17:34Doctor, what's wrong with you?
17:39I slept well!
17:42I gave your tail a little meal!
17:44It's a nightmare!
17:45Take these things off my tail!
17:50I didn't see it coming!
17:52What a surprising end!
17:54I'm so thirsty!
17:56No more blood!
17:57It's atrocious!
17:58I have to bite into something!
18:00Hey, doctor!
18:01What is it now?
18:02I came to say goodbye!
18:04Well, since it's nice...
18:07Let me give you a little souvenir!
18:09The bill, if you prefer!
18:11Everything is here!
18:13It's time for the apotheosis!
18:14Here's your bill!
18:15By all the tritons, 150,000 dollars?
18:18Are you crazy?
18:19I don't have any money, look!
18:21There's only ocean waste in my bag,
18:23not even a cent!
18:24Wait a second, I have an idea!
18:27You're going to love it!
18:29A tube of mermaid blood is worth more than any money!
18:32There you go!
18:33Your bill is settled!
18:35The blood of a marine creature!
18:37It's so precious!
18:40And so refreshing!
18:41It's our little secret!
18:43Oh, my love!
18:44What? Break?
18:47It's impossible!
18:48Oh, my heart!
18:50It's stabbed by a thousand knives!
18:52I can't take it anymore!
18:53What's wrong?
18:54My heart is broken, doctor!
18:56That's not good at all!
18:58I have to fix this!
18:59Don't worry,
19:00we'll make you unconscious again!
19:01What do you mean?
19:04Right, left, right, left!
19:06Nice work!
19:08Let's fix this broken heart!
19:10Oh, no!
19:11Nothing beats anymore!
19:12I have to hurry!
19:13Let's go!
19:16There are too many things in there!
19:19That's weird!
19:20I'm going to remove the liquid!
19:22The broken heart is irreparable!
19:25We need a new one!
19:28I have a fresh pink heart!
19:30Finish the old one,
19:31place the pink one!
19:32Your heart goes to the next level!
19:34I'm very proud of me!
19:36It's coming back to life!
19:40Wake up!
19:44I'm alive!
19:45You saved me!
19:47Three times nothing!
19:49My hero!
19:50What are you doing?
19:51We're not in a pink sheet on vampires!
19:54That was a bit embarrassing!
19:56It's time for my blood!
19:59A mosquito?
20:00Hey, leave me alone!
20:02Damned mosquito!
20:03Let me enjoy my blood!
20:05This monster puts my patience to the test!
20:08You dirty bitch!
20:09He brought friends!
20:10The mosquito apocalypse in my own room!
20:13They left?
20:15Back to my refreshment!
20:17Wait, what?
20:18The name of a vampire!
20:20I was kidding!
20:24Get away from me!
20:26Hoost! Hoost!
20:27Please, let me drink my blood!
20:29Where did they go?
20:30I don't see them anymore!
20:32Here, mosquito!
20:33Here's your blood!
20:37Thank you!
20:39Oh no!
20:40What happened to my blood?
20:41My precious blood is gone!
20:44Oh no!
20:49A glimmer of hope!
20:50Each drop counts!
20:52It's a matter of life or death!
20:54No blood will be wasted!
20:55That's not enough!
20:59Hello, Doctor!
21:00Oh no!
21:01Blood! I need blood!
21:02Oh no, he's dying!
21:04Doctor, get up!
21:06Here, take my blood!
21:11It's the elixir of life!
21:12I can feel the power!
21:15Do you like my new look?
21:16It's a vampire angel from the dark ocean!
21:18Love me, my angel!
21:19I will love you tenderly!
21:20Do you want to be my partner?
21:21I do!
