• 2 months ago
ધાનેરાને બનાસકાંઠા જિલ્લામાં રાખવામાં આવે તેવી માંગ સાથે ધાનેરા પંથકના લોકોએ સરકાર સામે મંગળવારે જનઆક્રોશ સભાનું આયોજન કર્યુ છે.


00:00What is the message you want to convey to the people who have come here to protest?
00:05We have invited all the communities here.
00:10Yesterday, a big meeting was held in front of the temple of Mama Babji.
00:17The government has to pay attention that our Dandera Taluka should not go to Tharaj.
00:23We have to stay in Banaskat.
00:25I request all the communities to stay in Dandera Taluka and Tharaj.
00:35I request all the people to stay in Dandera Taluka and Tharaj.
00:40If we do not stay in Dandera Taluka and Tharaj, the government will be affected.
00:48So please stay in Dandera Taluka and Tharaj.
