• 2 months ago
गोरखपुर जिला अस्पताल के चेस्ट और मेडिसिन विभाग के विशेषज्ञों से जानिए ब्लैक कॉफी पीने से क्या-क्या हैं फायदे?


00:00These days black coffee is seen more and its popularity has also increased a lot.
00:09If we consume black coffee in a balanced amount, it keeps the mind happy.
00:15It also reduces the side effects.
00:17It also keeps the liver and chest healthy.
00:20It also keeps the heart healthy.
00:22Coffee also acts as an antioxidant.
00:26It also increases the immunity.
00:29It is more beneficial to drink it with or without sugar.
00:34So it is better to consume black coffee.
00:38Some patients must be coming and you must be talking to them.
00:42They would like to know.
00:45Some people prefer tea, so they will drink tea.
00:49But if you add black coffee to your routine, it is fine.
00:54Coffee is mainly used for caffeine.
00:58We have been drinking tea for years.
01:03Coffee is a new introduction.
01:07We have a habit of drinking it with sugar and milk.
01:12It collects fat and other bad effects due to sugar.
01:16So black coffee is more popular.
01:20If we consume black coffee in a balanced amount, it keeps the mind happy.
01:25But if we drink it excessively, it causes side effects due to caffeine.
01:31So it is better to drink it in a balanced amount without milk and sugar.
01:36People drink coffee in summers.
01:39It is a good thing.
01:41But it should be taken in a balanced amount.
01:43Sir, how is it known that it keeps the liver and chest healthy?
01:47There is a study done on alcohol.
01:51It shows that if the liver is affected by alcohol or other diseases,
01:56it helps to fill the liver.
01:59It makes the liver healthy.
02:02Apart from caffeine, it also helps to keep the liver healthy.
