• 2 months ago
José Alfredo Fuentes compartió la historia de cómo nació su gran éxito “Te Perdí”.


00:00We both did it.
00:02From head to toe.
00:03From head to toe.
00:04And in your case?
00:05How old were you when you composed Te Verdi?
00:06I composed Te Verdi when I was 17.
00:07I hadn't started singing yet.
00:0917 years old and it becomes a hit that crosses all generations.
00:10How did you compose Te Verdi?
00:11Why did you compose Te Verdi?
00:12Well, Te Verdi gave me luck, I think.
00:13Well, for the long and successful career of winning.
00:14I just thank the Society of Doctors for the award.
00:29Of course, of course, of course, of course.
00:30Thank you very much, Raquel
00:45Te Verdi.
00:57And you didn't have any more money?
00:59I lived in Vitacura, there was Sarsamora in Vitacura at that time.
01:03So, it was really like an hour and a half from the trip to there.
01:08And I had to sit down to have lunch with the dads and with her.
01:14And I got nervous, because the dad and the mom were there,
01:17and my throat started to hurt.
01:20So, in the silence...
01:22Ah, you got nervous, nervous.
01:24Of course, I was having a bad time.
01:26So, suddenly I didn't go anymore.
01:28And one day I was at home and I started to remember this girl,
01:31because she was beautiful, loving, beautiful.
01:34You started to feel sorry for her?
01:36Of course, I said to myself, why didn't I see her more?
01:38I liked her, I don't know.
01:40I took the guitar and I started, I lost you.
01:43It was my fault, I was honest, it was my fault.
01:46I didn't think I still loved you.
01:48I don't know if I loved her, but I was missing her at that moment.
01:52And then I lost you, but I did it, I kept her.
01:55Ah, you didn't show her to the audience?
01:57No, no, no, with a song I did.
01:59And why are you in the...
02:01Because the song didn't catch my attention.
02:03The truth is that it is very simple, a very simple scale.
02:06Ah, more in the bathroom than with the reverberation in the bathroom?
02:09Ah, I did it in the bathroom, the echo sounded very good to compose.
02:13So, I composed not only that one, I also did it in the bathroom.
02:17But stop, but in the bathroom...
02:19No, I was in the closet, in my pants.
02:22And the guitar here?
02:24And the guitar here, because it sounded beautiful.
02:27You kept it.
02:28On Avenida Santa María 0376, that's where I lived in an apartment.
02:32And that's where I was born, I lost you, I was born.
02:34Don't forget, it's the one they're playing there with my brother.
02:37While I was playing the guitar, this music,
02:39my brother just started to run a letter,
02:41he got out of the bathroom, looked for the pencil, paper,
02:43and made the letter from the hand I gave him.
02:45How beautiful, because it is very romantic and also with that illusion.
02:48And that, I don't know, I would say, ingenuity of a teenager.
02:52Yes, absolutely.
02:53You weren't looking for success, you weren't looking for,
02:55I'm going to record this song, because look, it's looking good.
02:57No, it was born, the song was born from what you had saved.
03:01How long did you save it?
03:03This was, it must have been the year 65,
03:06and in 66 in a meeting in my apartment with,
03:11I think it was Pedro Mezona, I remember,
03:13Antonio Contreras, the record producer,
03:15they were all singing, and suddenly I grabbed the guitar,
03:18and I didn't have to sing anymore, and I sang Te Perdí.
03:20Look, I composed this song a while ago,
03:22I'm just going to show it.
03:23And Antonio Contreras, the producer, tells me,
03:25that song has to be recorded in the morning.
03:27And I say, no, you're crazy, you're very bad,
03:29this song is not going to heal.
03:30No, he told me, record that song.
03:32And he called Carlos Grunew, the director of Los Primos,
03:35who was the one who made the arrangements for me,
03:37and he made me meet the next day, and we recorded it,
03:39and it was a hit.
03:40After three weeks I think it was a hit.
03:42No, no, it wasn't.
03:43It's a song that you've heard the most here in Chile,
03:46it's the second most sold song I have,
03:48it was sold more than El Amor, No Dios, El Olvido,
03:50but Te Perdí was a success.
03:52Could you sing Te Perdí,
03:53taking advantage of the fact that we're with Petrópolis?
03:55Yes, go ahead.
03:56That's good.
04:27And I shouldn't cry
04:32Because I know that you'll never
04:36Come back to my life
04:41I could never imagine
04:49That I would fall so much in love
04:55Te perdí, la culpa fue mía
05:04Pues no pensé que aún te quería
