• 2 months ago
Daniel Fuenzalida, más conocido como “Huevo”, pasó de ser la gran promesa de la animación juvenil de los 90 con programas como “Extra jóvenes” y “Lunáticos” a una adicción, lo cual lo llevó a protagonizar varios escándalos.


00:00This is the moment that changed your life, because we all know, Daniel, that you hit rock bottom.
00:05That's well said, isn't it?
00:07Yes, yes, it's very well said.
00:09And that the day gave you an opportunity through rehabilitation.
00:11You quit drugs, you quit alcohol.
00:13I know you left a lot of wounded on the way, and your family too.
00:16But, I just told you, I think one of the greatest joys that you can have given your mother is to see you rehabilitated.
00:22I tell you, I tell you.
00:24Thank you, Nachi.
00:25But how do you do it, Daniel?
00:27To be rehabilitated in a nocturnal environment, in bars, where there are places where there is alcohol.
00:33How do you get through that very difficult path, Daniel?
00:37It's complicated, it's difficult.
00:39In a treatment you have the tools, but I feel that I always have to be connected with that disease.
00:45Contradiction, which in my center connects me with that, connects me with seeing people who are suffering.
00:51Seeing people who, when they relapse, die.
00:54Our country is getting higher and higher every day, Nacho.
00:56And I think we haven't taken the weight off it.
00:58So, when I connect with that...
01:00There are more places, there is more access, unfortunately, to this system.
01:05But have you been, I don't know how to say it, have you been on point?
01:10Me, on point?
01:12No, I haven't had the tools to not be on point.
01:16But yes, emotionally, there are situations that have complicated me more than others.
01:21I usually don't go to clubs, parties.
01:24Yes, I can share in a barbecue with friends.
01:27I'm not so much of that, but I'm much more of my family, my partner, the girls, my dad.
01:32But there are situations that you have to be on point, and maybe the rest of the people are in a different tune.
01:39And one feels a little weaker.
01:41I had to live the last festival, very complicated, but...
01:46Viña Festival?
01:48What happened to you?
01:49So, there were a lot of parties.
01:51I don't want to say there was no alcohol or drugs, absolutely.
01:54But there is a different tune.
01:56There is a tune where there is an over-level, an over-excitement.
02:01And I went to do my jury vegas and I felt a little more...
02:05Vulnerable, could it be?
02:06No, no.
02:07More hungry.
02:09I felt weaker.
02:10I felt that I was not in a tune and that I did not have the personality perhaps to explode in something.
02:15Of course.
02:16Don't you forget the moment of the festival?
02:18And I think it's super good that you transparent.
02:20But when did you touch the bottom?
02:22At the bad moments of life, as if one graphics them.
02:25When did it happen to you?
02:27When was your breaking point that you realized that you had to start a rehabilitation?
02:31I've done a lot of interviews.
02:33When I didn't get a visit from my daughter, she was very little.
02:36She was two and a half or three years old.
02:38She was already separated from her mother.
02:40I didn't get that visit.
02:41You have to manipulate your parents.
02:42To see that the values ​​that your father gave you are not where you are walking, literally.
02:47Where are you walking? How are you relating?
02:50How are you acting?
02:52I was a very arrogant rooster.
02:54I was a rooster in consumption.
02:56Half-passed to the tip.
02:59And those values ​​they did not give me.
03:02Fortunately, I did not steal, but I did lie a lot.
03:06I did manipulate a lot of people.
03:08I did manipulate a lot of affection.
03:10Did you manipulate your parents?
03:11To my dad.
03:12My dad all the time.
03:13My dad suffered a lot.
03:15When I rehabilitated myself ...
03:16You have your greatest pains, right?
03:18Yes, but ...
03:19By suffering your parents.
03:20I mean, because when I rehabilitated myself and they saw that it was true,
03:23they gave me the high.
03:26My mom or my dad, I don't remember well at this moment,
03:28both told me,
03:30thank you because now you will be able to sleep quietly.
03:33I mean, my dad told me,
03:35I was, I don't know, 12, 15 years without sleeping.
03:38I didn't get home because I disappeared everywhere.
03:40Because there were 48 hours that no one,
03:42neither at work, nor them, nor anyone,
03:44knew where I was.
03:46And that, that hurts me.
03:49That hurts me because
03:51they were years that maybe they had a very bad time.
03:54That doesn't heal.
03:56That doesn't heal.
03:57It heals with what you told me when we were with Vanessa.
04:00It heals with that tranquility that today,
04:02when I saw my mother leave,
04:05I stayed, I stayed calm.
04:08I stayed calm because she saw me
04:1010 or 11 years stable, working,
04:13happy with my girlfriend, happy with my daughter,
04:16happy with my work, being responsible.
04:18And that gave me an immense tranquility.
04:21My dad also has,
04:26has an advance.
04:27And today I work with my dad.
04:30We work together in contradiction.
04:33And that makes me very, very calm.
04:35Like, this pain that I made her suffer,
04:37or that I made her go through,
04:41is healed.
04:42I mean, there is a permanent tranquility.
04:44Dads, Daniel,
04:45you have to record something in your mind.
04:47Dads never have resentment.
04:49Dads always manage to see the glass full.
04:52And I told you about your mom.
04:54But now,
04:55I think your dad must feel such a great pride
04:57with what you did,
04:58that the only thing I can do from a distance,
05:00because I don't know him,
05:01is to send him a hug and tell him
05:03that I admire him too.
05:04So I send you an applause.
05:05Thank you, thank you.
05:06Thank you very much, Mr. Daniel.
05:10Your mom is looking up there.
05:13Come here.
