• 2 months ago
Joven denuncia la negativa de la JCE a entregarle su cédula de identidad


00:00Hello everyone, my name is Zairee de los Santos Reyes. I am a 21 year old young woman who is here today to ask for your help.
00:11Well, as I said, I am 21 years old. I am from the Dominican Republic. I am the daughter of Dominican parents.
00:20I was born here in the Dominican Republic. The reason why I am making this video today is because to date, at 21 years old, I do not have an identity card.
00:32The Central Board has never given me my identity card. I am in a very desperate situation. I need my identity card. I want to study. I want to work and I can't do anything.
00:45The Central Electoral Board does not give me a reason. It does not give me an exact reason why it does not give me my identity card. I don't know why.
00:55I have my birth certificate. I studied. I never had ... I studied. As I said, I did my high school. I never presented any problems in my papers.
01:08And I have all my papers in order. I have my birth certificate. I don't know why. The Central Board does not give me a reason.
01:17The reason why I am making this video today is because today when I get up, I'm going to say good morning to my mom. My mom is diabetic.
01:25I'm going to say good morning to her. She tells me she doesn't have any pills. The one who knows about diabetes knows what that is like.
01:33And I tell her, Mom, I can't help you. I don't work. I don't study. I'm here. I can't do anything.
01:42I need someone to help me. I want to get out of here. I want to help my mom.
01:52Please help me.
