• 2 months ago
ശബരി പാതയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട് നിരവധി ചർച്ചകൾ നടന്നുവെന്ന് മന്ത്രി വി അബ്‌ദുറഹ്മാൻ. എന്നാൽ റെയിൽവേ കൃത്യമായ നിലപാട് വ്യക്തമാക്കിയില്ലെന്ന് അദ്ദേഹം അറിയിച്ചു.


00:30the Central Railway Board and the State Government.
00:37As for the violations committed against the railway system,
00:44the Central Railway Board and the State Government
00:50have discussed this issue at least twenty times
00:56since they came to power.
01:01Three months ago, on 16 October 2024,
01:06the honoured Chief Minister
01:09sent a request to the Railway Minister
01:15regarding the railway development in Kerala
01:19at his office in Delhi.
01:25On 30 July 2024,
01:27the Railway Board and the State Government
01:32discussed the number of passenger trains
01:36and the number of sleeper coaches
01:41in the railway system.
01:45The Railway Board and the State Government
01:49requested the Railway Board
01:52to accept the number of sleeper coaches.
02:02In the first stage of this request,
02:05only two coaches of Parashuram Express were permitted.
02:16most of the trains have AC three-tier compartments
02:19and most passengers are required for booking.
02:25This is what the Railway Board has announced.
02:29At the same time,
02:31the Railway Board has announced that
02:34the maximum number of coaches and cars
02:37that can be accommodated in a train
02:40will not be allowed.
02:44This is what the Railway Board has announced.
02:47There are 22 LHP coaches in a train.
02:5811 of them are AC coaches.
03:06Another thing is that
03:09more than the number of coaches,
03:13if more trains are to be allowed in Kerala,
03:17if more Mammo trains are to be run,
03:21three or four tracks have to be completed.
03:26This is what the Railway Board discussed.
03:34The Railway Board has advised that
03:37if possible, these tracks can be completed
03:40at the own expense of the Kerala Government.
03:46But as far as Kerala is concerned,
03:49it is the Railway Board's property
03:52to build the tracks.
03:56This is what we think.
03:59Along with this,
04:01there are discussions on the Shabri railway line
04:04which is one of the busiest railways in Kerala.
04:13There have been dozens of such discussions.
04:18the railway situation is not clear.
04:23Kerala's opinion on this matter is that
04:25the Shabri railway line should start from Angamani.
04:31We are working on these issues
04:34with the Railway Board.
04:38There are many problems
04:43that train passengers face.
04:48As I mentioned earlier,
04:5011 of the 22 coaches are AC coaches.
04:55We are aware of the problems
04:58that train passengers face.
05:04The railway situation is more complicated
05:07than the actual situation.
05:17The passengers have to pay a large amount of money
05:22to the Railway Board.
05:25The Railway Board and the railway officials
05:30are taking note of all the problems
05:35that train passengers face in Kerala.
05:41The Railway Board will continue to pay attention to these issues.
