• vor 2 Monaten
Eigentlich sollte Horror-Legende George A. Romero, der das Zombiefilm-Genre mit Klassikern wie Die Nacht der lebenden Toten und Zombie - Dawn of the Dead maßgeblich geprägt hat, eine Adaption der Videospiel-Reihe Resident Evil drehen. Der Dokumentarfilm George A. Romero's Resident Evil beleuchtet anhand von alten und neue Interviews mit Romeros Wegbegleitern, warum das Filmprojekt am Ende gescheitert ist und was es für ein Höhepunkt in dem Werk Romeros hätte werden können.


00:00They're coming to get you, Barbara.
00:07Yeah, they're dead.
00:11They're all messed up.
00:14George's films literally changed the face of horror as we know it.
00:22Capcom didn't hide the fact that the games were inspired directly by George Romero's films.
00:30At that time, there was nothing more I wanted than a live-action Resident Evil.
00:35George is making Resident Evil.
00:39And then suddenly, the plug was pulled on this.
00:42Having him involved would have had the potential for him to leave a blueprint.
00:47How did we not get this?
00:50You can tell he had misgivings about doing a zombie project with someone else.
00:56This film just feels so much more horror, so much more violent, and so much more game.
01:03I think George really took things to the next level on that.
01:07This guy knew Resident Evil.
01:13He would not sell his soul just to get a film done.
01:18I think that they're buying you.
01:22The Resident Evil series exists because of him, and he'll never be forgotten.
01:27Remember, he wrote, when there's no room in hell, I'll see you in Pittsburgh.
01:32George A. Romero's Resident Evil
01:37Everyone's gonna die!
