• 2 months ago
महिला कहानीकारों की कहानियों को किया जाएगा पेश.


00:00I would like to tell you that in 2023, we did 30 Days 30 Plays.
00:07In 30 days, we did a manchand of 30 basic Hindi asanas.
00:11This time, we are doing a manchand of about 50 stories written by the women of Lucknow.
00:22And this will be available in the Saint Gadhari's Prechadra from 18th April to 4th May.
00:30In this, every day, we will do a manchand of 3 stories.
00:36Every story will be of about 30 minutes.
00:40So, the stories that they have written about the incidents related to our lives,
00:48they have written very wonderful stories.
00:51And when you will see them, you will feel, is this really an incident of my life?
00:57So, we will bring them on the stage.
01:01Some of them will be of a story and some of them will be of a play.
01:06So, this is our programme this time.
01:09And to do 50 stories on the same stage, this will be a world record in itself.
01:16I am not directing this alone.
01:19Along with me, my friend Vikas Sirvaspati is also supporting me in directing this.
01:25So, we are doing a manchand of stories together this time.
