• 2 months ago
Donald attempts to entice Pluto to try his automated dog washer, but is unexpectedly caught himself and is scrubbed, and hung on the line to dry.
Donald Duck constructs an automated dog washer. He attempts to use Pluto as his test subject, but Pluto refuses and hides in his dog house. Donald uses a rubber bone as bait, but it comes off the rope after a tug of war. When Donald uses a cat hand puppet as a dog bait, some soap is splashed on Pluto, making him look like a poodle. At this, Donald takes the opportunity and proceeds to get Pluto into the dog washer, but by then, the soap went into Pluto's nose, making him sneeze. It resulted in Donald flying into the dog washer and Pluto hitting the electric pole with the controls for the dog washer, thus activating it. As machine turns on, two robotic arms wearing boxing gloves grab Donald by the collar from the back and two arms scrub his head and mouth. Then it dumps his head and upper body in the water allowing it to scrub his rear end. Then a shower sprays Donald with water, rinsing the soap out. Then the arms grab Donald and place him on the drying table which dries his belly. Then the arms flip him over and grab his legs. Then an arm carrying a bottle of "Flea Powder" sprinkles it on his rear and hangs his rear with a pin on the washing line. Amused, Donald comments "Well, I'll be doggone! Absolutely perfect!" and laughs as the cartoon irises out.
#Best Cartoon


