• 2 months ago
Queen Camilla unveiled a plaque and gave a short speech to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Prospect Hospice in Swindon. The Queen, who is President of the hospice, spoke to staff and patients and also cut a cake during her third visit to the building. Camilla expressed that she felt 'impressed and lucky' every time she visited the Swindon hospice. Report by Faragt. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00Here's the Deputy Chair, Councillor Faye Atwood.
00:05Very nice to see you.
00:07Please stop.
00:09Yeah, yeah.
00:12May I?
00:14Give this to me.
00:15Yeah, no, no.
00:16Sometimes it does go quite quickly.
00:18Very quickly, don't they?
00:20Councillor John Bure.
00:22Councillor John Bure.
00:24Very nice to see you.
00:25And the Chair for South Swindon Parish Council.
00:28Councillor John Bure.
00:30Councillor John Bure.
00:32Councillor John Bure.
00:35Councillor John Bure.
00:44I'm a Delegate.
00:45I'm a Delegate.
00:46So nice to see you.
00:47I'm Deputy Chief Constable Margaret Black.
00:49Nice to see you.
00:50Nice to see you.
00:51You too.
00:52So we've had a long time.
00:53That's good to hear.
00:54We've had a long time.
00:55That's fantastic.
00:56Our Chief Executive, Jeremy.
00:57I'm really delighted to introduce you to, these three ladies are Derrick Evans' daughters
01:04and Derrick Evans was the founder of the foster care club.
01:12Nice to meet you.
01:13Lovely to meet you.
01:16She's from Arville, again, who are fantastic supporters, very, very much about sustainability
01:22and they provide us with our electric vans and are also about to start a big sustainability
01:29And this is Newell, who's the Chief Financial Officer at Nationwide, again, who's been
01:34supporting us for, I thought 25 years, but Derrick Evans' daughters are now 25 years
01:40Lots of money.
01:41Lots of money.
01:42And it is a house for the Royal Connection.
01:43Did you have a visitor, not you personally, back in the day?
01:45We had Queen Elizabeth I visited in the 1500s.
01:46Oh, 1500s!
01:47I was going to say the first.
01:48I don't know why you're carrying on.
01:49I'm not that old.
01:50Oh, goodness.
01:51I know.
01:52I know.
01:53I know.
01:54I know.
01:55I know.
01:56I know.
01:57I know.
01:58I know.
01:59I know.
02:00I know.
02:01I know.
02:02I know.
02:03I know.
02:04I know.
02:05I know.
02:06I know.
02:07I know.
02:08Oh I'm going to get stepped on.
02:09That could be interesting.
02:10It's getting more dangerous.
02:11I'm named Birthed Rock Park, it's less sensitive.
02:12Oh, let's find.
02:13Hold on a second then.
02:14There's language in there.
02:15I go trough to the 그렇죠,
02:25So your point goes, which is exactly right, because a child might say it hurts and may
02:30be articulating that they are angry, or some people say on the cross because they don't
02:35have permission to say they are angry.
02:37Well, there will be old kids who will say, ouch.
02:40But they haven't learned the word pain yet.
02:43And they haven't learned this idea
02:45that it might be something punitive.
02:50So it clearly speaks to the evolution of language
02:54that we're now using a word rooted
02:56in a religious context that actually
02:59has come to mean something entirely different.
03:03With her.
03:05The stack.
03:10Something like this is to kind of help everybody
03:13think more holistically, rather than reduce everything
03:16to something that's social or something physiological.
03:19It's how to see the whole person in the various things we do.
03:23Would that be a fair answer?
03:26Very helpful.
03:29People help us.
03:35Thank you very much.
03:36Thanks, everybody.
03:37You want to come and join us?
03:39Yes, I'd love to introduce you to people.
03:43Sometimes I'll lose you, so I'll recognize you.
03:47I didn't know what he wanted, surrounded by his family.
03:51You couldn't have asked for more.
03:52You couldn't wish for more.
03:54I think that's a positive.
03:55No, you could wish for a good death.
03:58It's so, so important.
04:00So important.
04:01On that slide, there should be so many more of these auspices.
04:06Very much so.
04:07I can't believe that we've got safety in this country.
04:10I think that's the big fear, isn't it?
04:25Your Majesty, if I could ask you to unveil a plaque that
04:28celebrates your government's education.
04:31Well, you can put it either way.
04:47I just wanted to say, this is my third visit to Prospect.
04:53And every time I come here, I come away feeling so impressed
04:58and feeling so lucky, actually, that Wiltshire has something
05:04like this to look after people who are at the end of their life.
05:10All these auspices, you expect to go in and feel sad and depressed.
05:15But here, you don't.
05:16It has a very uplifting feel.
05:19You've got this wonderful feeling of light and these sort of nurses
05:24looking after you so beautifully and surrounded by your family.
05:28And like all of us, we have to go.
05:31But someone like Prospect makes all the difference.
05:37Because you go in peace.
05:39You go surrounded by people you love.
05:41You're having the best care.
05:43And as I've said time and time again, I wish we could play
05:46these places, because there aren't nearly enough of them.
05:50We just have to keep them going.
05:53I know a lot of people help out.
05:55But it's going to need a lot more help than that.
05:58I just hope people realise how powerful these places are.
06:02Thank you so much.
06:11So the plaque has been unveiled.
06:13That's all about sharing education and knowledge.
06:15Her Majesty's next move is all about sharing cake.
06:20If you could just at least...
06:22It's beautiful, the cake.
06:24I'll put it on the...
06:26It's salty and three different...
06:32There we are.
06:34Something's going to get sliced.
06:36I'm sure there's something delicious in it.
06:38Thank you so much.
06:40Thank you very much indeed.
06:42There's a lot in there.
06:44Absolutely beautiful.
06:46What have we got here?
06:48What's that?
06:50Oh, thank you so much.
06:52That's really lovely.
07:22Thank you so much.
07:50Thank you very much.
08:53Thank you very much.
08:59Goodbye, everybody.
