• yesterday
El reconocido comediante Willy Sabor, abordó los momentos de su carrera que más lo marcaron, como su participación en el programa "Morandé con Compañía", que es indudablemente, recordada por toda una generación.


00:00in Buen Andeo en Compañía.
00:01Why do you think people remember this show so much?
00:05It's been a while, but it's always on the back burner.
00:08And particularly your participation.
00:10It's the time. I think, look,
00:13at the time there were no social media,
00:16there was no internet, let's say.
00:17We're talking about me, I did, do you remember?
00:20Who were you when you were young?
00:21No, I do remember.
00:22Who were you at the time?
00:24You were a kid. How old are you?
00:26Sorry for the question.
00:28I'm 55.
00:30So I used to go to the house and say,
00:32how did it go?
00:33No, well, we scored 67 points.
00:35No, but a lot.
00:39I mean, like, I don't know, like happening with Japan
00:41in its best time.
00:42Happening with Japan every 100.
00:43We were 67 at that time.
00:4567 points, I was seeing all of Chile.
00:49The egg of the...
00:50And here we are at home, I don't know,
00:52in an abandoned country.
00:53Were you aware of that level of impact
00:56in the streets?
00:57Did people stop you?
00:59To this day.
01:00Look, what surprises me the most now
01:02is that kids notice me.
01:04I used to say, all of a sudden,
01:06all of a sudden, a kid comes up to me and asks for a picture.
01:08Then I say, why?
01:10Of course, because technology got old on me,
01:13but I'm still doing TikTok,
01:16I do Instagram, and now I came up with the idea of doing a podcast.
01:19So, well, we'll talk about the system in a little while.
01:21But Morandego & Compañía was for a lot of people.
01:27I mean, I feel the respect of the people.
01:30People appreciate the idea of making us laugh.
01:38I mean, thanks for the good times.
01:41Thanks for...
01:43It gives you grace, man.
01:44So, I think that in Chile,
01:48people were grateful for...
01:51For those spaces, right?
01:52For those spaces.
01:53And it gives you grace, and they tell you,
01:55well, it happens that people get excited, man.
02:00They get excited with you?
02:01Of course, they start crying.
02:02I don't know, I'm not that ugly.
02:03No, don't say that.
02:06Oh, no!
02:08No, they get excited because, of course...
02:10To get to know you.
02:11They say, one day I'm going to meet you.
02:12And, of course, they catch you, I don't know,
02:14you're on the street, or you're in a market, I don't know.
02:17Actually, I forget that I'm a celebrity.
02:19So, suddenly, someone comes and gets excited.
02:22It's like...
02:23It happens to Professor Rosa, Mr. Carter,
02:24I haven't talked to them.
02:26I've been traveling with Professor Rosa,
02:28we go to the airport,
02:29and a woman comes, I don't know, 40 years old,
02:33and she sees Professor Rosa, and she gets excited,
02:34and she starts crying,
02:35because the strong child-like feeling comes to her.
02:37And it's a very special phenomenon.
02:42I imagine it's shocking to realize
02:43the excitement that the rest of the public generates.
02:46There's a whole generation
02:48that saw Morandeo as a companion,
02:50but, more than anything, on my side, it's the humor.
02:53The humor.
02:54There were very beautiful, iconic women,
02:56until today, who continue to work on television
02:58and do things.
03:00And there's a whole bunch of characters
03:02that, until today, appear on television,
03:04and continue to work.
