• 2 months ago
If there was a market available to wager on the daily weather, would you bet it?
00:00I'm just imagining this. How awesome would this be? Oh, this guy's a donkey meteorologist.
00:06He's the worst. Fade them to the moon. He's going to be really high. You got a fate skilling.
00:12The guy's a clown. Everybody watches him. He moves markets, but he doesn't know what
00:17the hell he's talking about on channel nine. Skilling on the take. Give him bad info to
00:22skew the market. Well, Joe, there's a bluntery. There's a blustery winter cocktail hitting
00:26the Northwest side. Oh man. Can you imagine that? That's like the layers of this are unbelievable.
00:35Imagine the promos for that too. Like you open an app and it's like somebody's parlay.
00:39Like imagine like skillings parlay of the day or something. Just like weather parlay.
00:43Imagine. Oh my God. Yeah. Hey, excuse me. Uh, hi. Can I, can I tease the weather at
00:52O'Hare today with the bears? The weather over bears under, can I do the weather over
01:00at O'Hare with Sheffler masters? What's that price? Oh man. I got to tell you the CBS weather
01:07crew, the lowest ratings, but they're sharp. That's a sharp crew over there. They're usually
01:13on it. I follow them. It'd be good by the way. Of course. Of course. Brian Gertz is
01:23give me 100 with 95% of humidity every time over this stuff. No, what? Who wants 95% humidity?
01:34Gertz. That's who. Only Gertz. Got to moisturize the dome. You know, whatever.
