• hace 2 meses
¿De verdad sucedió eso? Hoy conoceremos los largometrajes que están en mayor o menor medida inspirados en casos reales específicos.


00:00Hello and welcome to Watchmojo Español, I am Jackie and today we will know the feature films that are
00:08to a greater or lesser extent inspired by specific real cases. You will not find movies like
00:15Red Sunrise here, since it is a fictional story inspired by a real event.
00:20Number 10. Los 33. Based on the collapse of the San José mine on August 5, 2010,
00:37this film starring Antonio Banderas tells the story of the 33 miners who were
00:43trapped 700 meters underground and the actions taken to rescue them.
00:50On several occasions, both the relatives and the rescuers believed that they would not see the
01:07workers again. However, on October 13, more than two months later, the first miner was rescued,
01:14establishing one of the greatest rescue stories in the history of mining,
01:19since all the workers managed to come out alive. Number 9. Argentina 1985.
01:36The trial of the Juntas is the name with which the judicial process that was carried out in
01:46Argentina during the presidency of Raúl Alfonsín as a consequence of the crimes committed during the
01:53dictatorship. Generally, the military are tried in a different way than the civilians,
01:59however this event was an exception in world history. A civil court,
02:09together with the newly established democratic government, tried 9 of the 10 military commanders
02:15guilty of various atrocities. The film follows closely the lawyers Julio Estracera and Luis
02:22Moreno Campo, who pursued until the last consequences the bloody dictatorship in
02:28Argentina and those responsible for the crimes committed against human rights.
02:32Number 8. Satanás. This winning production of the award for best actor and best film at the
02:49International Festival des Espoirs du Cinéma tells the story of the Poseto massacre,
02:55carried out by the veteran of the Vietnam War, Campo Elías Delgado. One night he arrived at the
03:01restaurant Poseto and stopped eating his spaghetti dish to start a fire against several people.
03:18His crimes were recorded by the author Mario Mendoza in a book called Satanás,
03:23which finally reached the cinema and later became a graphic novel.
03:31Although not all the characters are real, the protagonist did not even change his name.
03:39Number 7. Kanoa. Memory of a shameful event. This Mexican film is definitely not made for
03:47all stomachs. Not in vain, it is also considered one of the most disturbing
03:52of Latin American cinema. It is based on the tragedy that occurred on September 14,
04:081968 in San Miguel Kanoa, a small town located in the state of Puebla. Five
04:14WAP workers were heading to the volcano in La Malinche, but had to stop to rest
04:20in a nearby town. Unfortunately, the priest convinces all the villagers that the
04:38young people are communists, which they perceive as something diabolical, and what they do to them,
04:43simply as the title says, shameful.
04:55Number 6. Tommy's notebook. Maria Vásquez was an Argentine woman who, after finding out that she
05:12had terminal cancer, decided to spend her last moments of life writing a notebook to her son
05:18Nipur so that he could meet her through this. The little one was only two years old when Maria was
05:23diagnosed with ovarian cancer and knew that she did not have much time.
05:27I think the word is acceptance, and death is part of life.
05:39The moving story was brought to Netflix, published under the name of Tommy's notebook.
05:58Number 5. Radical. Yes, it is a commercial film directed and starring one of the
06:04best-known actors in Mexico. But don't be fooled, the story is about a teacher
06:10from the border town of Matamoros, Sergio Juárez Correa. Known for being a place where
06:25drug trafficking abounds, he tries new methods considered radical with his students,
06:31so that they can reach their full potential. Despite the fact that no one believes in him,
06:36he manages to apply interesting methods to his sixth-grade students.
06:40In particular, the feature film focuses on his bond with Paloma,
06:51an extremely talented girl who is able to overcome her environment thanks to education.
06:56Number 4. The Night of the Pencils. A total of 10 students,
07:01most under 18, were kidnapped, tortured and some finally
07:07murdered during the last Argentine dictatorship.
07:20The majority of the minors belonged to the union of high school students who,
07:29together with other schools, had demanded their right to a discount on the bus ticket.
07:35Taken as an act of rebellion, they were arrested and most of them were never heard of again.
07:41Some say that the government removed the discount in order to find the student leaders,
07:54while others assure that they simply saw the schools as potential subversive seeders.
08:02Number 3. The Castle of Purity. We go back to 1950,
08:15where a case with the same name was the origin of the film.
08:31Rafael Pérez Hernández, a rat poison manufacturer,
08:38kept his family locked up for 18 years in a house in Mexico City known
08:44by the neighbors as the House of Pots.
09:02Rafael met Sonia, with whom he had six children, whom he did not allow to interact with anyone,
09:09under the argument that the outside world was evil and could corrupt them.
09:22He was finally arrested when a transgender found a note of help that one of the daughters,
09:28Indomita, had thrown out the window.
09:31Number 2. The Society of Snow. It is also necessary to clarify that this is not the first
09:36film that is created on the case, although it is the most recent.
09:46It is based on the accident of Flight 571 of the Uruguayan Air Force,
09:51which left Uruguay for Chile, but crashed in the Andes Mountains.
09:58The few survivors spent days in the snow, with little food and in extreme conditions,
10:12so they had no choice but to resort to anthropophagy, that is, the consumption of human flesh.
10:29Although in the end the survivors were able to reunite with their families, they were marked
10:34by life. Before reaching our first place, we leave you with some honorable mentions.
10:40The Clan. Based on the Puchio clan, an entire family of murderers.
10:49Camila. The story of the romance between Camila O'Gorman and the priest Ladislao Gutierrez.
10:58Camila, the grandmother is coming. The grandmother is coming? We are going to receive her.
11:05We have not reached the end yet, but almost. Just do not forget to subscribe to our channel
11:10and activate the bell to receive notifications of our most recent videos.
11:15You will surely like them. Now yes, let's go to the end.
11:20Number 1. City of God. Yesterday there were shootings, police were killed,
11:26the thing is very hot, very hot, it is very dangerous, and if a person who lives in the favela
11:33tells you it is very dangerous, it must be extremely dangerous, at least for my conception.
11:37Like Satan, the film is based on a book, which in turn is the description of a real story,
11:44the conflict between C. Pequeño and Mané Galina, Brazilian criminals who terrorize the favelas of
11:51Brazil, as well as the lives of several inhabitants of these impoverished neighborhoods between the 60s and 80s.
12:04The feature film had an excellent reception with 97% acceptance from the public and
12:1191% from the critics in Rotten Tomatoes, in addition to receiving several nominations.
12:18Which of these stories did you already know? Tell us in the comments
12:32and don't miss these other original videos from Watch Mojo Español.
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