• 2 months ago


00:00On 23rd January, there will be an election in Haridwar for the Nagarnikai election.
00:06In such a situation, how does the people of Haridwar want the Mayor?
00:10What problems does he want to put the vote on this time?
00:12We have some people with us, let's talk to them.
00:14First of all, we have a priest associated with the Pandya Samaj, let's talk to him.
00:19What kind of government should there be?
00:21And what should the people think before voting this time?
00:24Look, what we want from the Mayor,
00:28what we want to say through you,
00:30we expect a government like this,
00:32which is not only in the interest of the Pandya Samaj,
00:34but also in the interest of Sanatan Dharma.
00:36This is the identity of Haridwar, the identity of Sanatan Dharma.
00:40If the biggest problem here,
00:42is the pollution and impurity of the Ganga Ghats of Sanatan Dharma,
00:48if the poor people are not taken care of properly,
00:52if they are not taken care of properly,
00:54and if they are not taken care of properly,
00:56and if the people are not taken care of properly,
00:58and if the people are not taken care of properly,
01:00then only the government will be able to live up to the values of Sanatan Dharma.
01:05We have with us the Minister of the City,
01:09what problems do you have?
01:11What should the people pay attention to?
01:13Look, our biggest problem is the corridor.
01:16If the city is not saved, then what will the cleanliness be?
01:18Our opinion is that,
01:20when the Chief Minister says that a corridor will be built in Haridwar,
01:22then the shops of the traders will also break.
01:26When the shops will break, then what will the traders take from the cleanliness department?
01:29Our opinion is that,
01:31whichever corridor the government takes,
01:33the traders will stand against it.
01:35What other issues are there?
01:36The Chief Minister's statement on the corridor has also come today.
01:39Apart from that, what other issues are there?
01:41The statement has come because the elections are the day after tomorrow.
01:43Just 15 days ago, the statement was made that a big corridor will be built in Haridwar.
01:47On one hand, the Chief Minister is saying that there will be no breakage.
01:50Then why is there a shortage in the market?
01:52If you don't want to break, then why do you have a shortage?
01:55This is clear.
01:56A month ago, Mr. Tamizh was saying that there will be a breakage.
01:58That is, a corridor will be built.
02:00Today he is saying that there will be no breakage.
02:02We have other things to discuss with us.
02:04What kind of issues will you go to the people?
02:06I mean, will you go to the people?
02:08What will be the discussion for the elections?
02:10Look, the people of Haridwar like
02:12Haridwar is a city full of tourists.
02:14The floating population of Haridwar is about 200 times that of the city.
02:18There are such organizations in which 2 crores, 3 crores, 4 crores people come to Haridwar.
02:22So, there should be some such fixed arrangement in Haridwar.
02:25As soon as there is a big fair, a big organization,
02:28then Haridwar should have its own fixed assets.
02:30Haridwar should have its own fixed arrangements.
02:32It should not be that we have to ask for something every time for the fair.
02:34We have to bring something new every time.
02:36There should be a fixed fair control room.
02:38Along with the fair, there should be such a fixed arrangement,
02:40such a fixed machinery in Haridwar, which is beneficial for Haridwar.
02:43Now, after the suggestions of these common citizens,
02:45we will go to Congress and BJP.
