• 2 months ago
शेखपुरा ( बिहार ) - बिहार के शेखपुरा जिले की जीविका दीदियां अब अस्पताल में भर्ती होने वाले मरीजों के लिए ड्रेस का निर्माण कर रही हैं। जीविका दीदियों द्वारा बनाए कपड़ों का बिहार के विभिन्न जिलों में निर्यात शुरू हो गया है। शेखपुरा जीविका के जिला पदाधिकारी आरिफ अहसन ने बताया कि जीविका की राज्य इकाई के सहयोग से अस्पतालों में भर्ती होने वाले मरीजों के लिए ड्रेस का निर्माण कार्य शेखपुरा जिले के सिलाई इकाई को सौंपा गया है। उन्होंने बताया कि बिहार के तीन जिले जैसे लखीसराय, मुंगेर और गोपालगंज के सदर अस्पतालों में आपूर्ति की जा रही है जबकि 7 जिलों में संचालित अनुसूचित जाति और जनजाति बालिका विद्यालय की छात्राओं के लिए भी वस्त्र निर्माण किया जा रहा है। इसमें जमुई, लखीसराय, मुंगेर, नवादा, नालंदा, बांका और शेखपुरा के 13 विद्यालय शामिल हैं। सूती वस्त्रों के निर्माण के साथ-साथ सूती कपड़े की थैली, महिला-पुरुष और बच्चों के कपड़ों की सिलाई बड़े पैमाने पर की जाती है। इस इकाई में अलग-अलग प्रकार के 60 से ज्यादा सिलाई मशीनों से प्रशिक्षण और सिलाई का काम किया जाता है। यहां 40 से 45 महिला को रोजगार मिला हुआ है। इस सिलाई यूनिट की सचिव लक्ष्मी देवी ने बताया कि यहां 2 साल पहले सिलाई घर की स्थापना की गई थी। शुरुआत में काम धीमा था लेकिन अब बड़ी संख्या में वस्त्र निर्माण का आर्डर मिलने लगा है।



01:00A production unit has been established here in Jharkhand district by the Jharkhand Units.
01:07It is currently being run in a private building.
01:10We have finalized the pricing of the building.
01:13We have secured a budget of Rs 1.17 crore.
01:17At present, they have an order for six government hospitals.
01:21They make and sell all the patients' dresses here.
01:26Apart from this, we have a plan on how to scale it up.
01:30All the private hospitals and schools should be made by them.
01:36After that, they should be provided in good quality and in good quality.
01:40So that we can get a better benefit from them.
01:44Accordingly, we are trying to shift the project to Tricey.
01:49So that their rent cost can be decreased.
01:53Right now, 25-30 women are working here.
01:56More women are coming.
01:58They are asking us to give them work.
02:00We are telling all the women that the school dress is coming.
02:03We will give them work in the school dress.
02:05Right now, the clothes for the health department are being made.
02:08We have sent Lucky Shrives.
02:10We have sent 890 pieces of clothes.
02:12We have sent them in packets.
02:14We have sent them to Munger district.
02:16We are getting Gopalganj's clothes ready.
02:19We are getting it packed.
02:20We are getting it stitched.
02:21We are getting the sample of the school dress ready.
02:24Last month, we had it made.
02:26Nightie, kurti, palazzo.
02:28We have got it made in 2023.
02:30Kairi bag.
02:31We are getting everything ready here.
02:33All the women are working very hard.
02:35All the women are saying that they have got a lot of relief from coming here.
02:39We have got a very good employment here.
02:41The government has given it to us.
02:43We have got a lot of relief.
02:44The house is going on.
02:45The children's education is going on.
02:48We are getting employment.
02:50We have got a lot of relief from coming here.
02:54All the women are saying that we have got a lot of relief.
02:57Our situation has improved a lot.
02:59There are 46 single needle machines here.
03:03There are 2 press machines.
03:05There are 3 cash button machines.
03:07There is a loop machine.
03:09There is a machine to stick 2 collars.
03:11There is a big cutter machine.
03:13There is a small cutter machine for cutting.
03:15There is a machine to stick logos.
03:17There are 4 machines for overlocking.
03:20There is a table for everything.
03:24We make clothes from wherever we get orders.
03:28We have sent it to Lakhishrai district.
03:30We have sent it to Munger district.
03:32We will send it to Gopalganj.
03:34We have made our own clothes.
03:36We have made our own money.
03:38We have made our own money.
03:40We have made a bag and sent it to Kuala Lumpur.
03:44We have got a lot of benefit from it.
03:47My husband runs a toto.
03:49I have been able to make a living from it.
03:51I have been able to educate my children well.
03:53Earlier, I used to sit at home.
03:55Now, I am working here.
03:57I have been able to make good money.
03:59I have 5 families.
04:01I have 7 families.
04:03I have been able to make a living from it.
04:07I came here because I wanted to improve my life.
04:10My children are studying.
04:12One of my children is in Intermediate.
04:15We work here to stitch pyjamas.
04:18We do all the work that comes here.
04:21Right now, I am working as an overlocker.
04:24But if I don't have work there,
04:26I am ready to do all the work that comes to me.
04:30We are still studying.
04:32We are still studying at home.
04:34We used to study earlier too.
04:36But my father is sick.
04:38He is not able to do any work.
04:40So, we work from here.
04:42We study here.
04:44And I do all the work.
04:46We are able to pay for our studies here.
04:50The situation at home is like this.
04:52My mother can't work anymore.
04:56My father is sick.
04:58He can't do anything.
05:00But I am a daughter.
05:02So, I can do something for my studies.
05:04We study online at night.
05:06And we work here.
05:08I have just completed my Graduation Part 2 exam.
05:12I have benefited a lot from coming here.
05:15That's why I work here.
05:17I want to continue to benefit from this.
05:20So that I can do my work well.
05:22So that I can pay for my studies.
05:24If I am able to do that,
05:26then my father will also be able to do his work.
