• 2 months ago
00:00She catches it with her hand already up, so already she's in position now to transition the ball back in
00:07and get the ball over. That make sense?
00:10So you went straight back in your deep ball, throw it like that, straight away your hand's already there
00:15so you should be able to, like that, you pull the ball in, your fingers are up, the long part of the ball
00:20That make sense? So aim over that.
00:23So it falls out, hits your knee, you lose the point.
00:26Right, so in this part of the drill early, all it is, aim his fingers are up, she'll catch the ball,
00:32long part of the sleeve, put it out and then pull it in tight.
00:35Yeah, awesome.
00:37Okay, you carry one handed or two handed, it's up to you.
00:40So just jump in, hands coming, just going to do a few reps of those.
00:43Try and mix it up too and go with someone different.
00:46Just give yourself a little bit of room.
