• 2 months ago
झारखंड की पहचान साल के वृक्ष से है, लेकिन इसकी घटती संख्या चिंता का विषय है. इसके संरक्षण के लिए पहल की जा रही है.


00:00The plant of the year cannot be grown in a nursery, which is grown in the jungle by itself.
00:06The year is a tree that cannot be germinated.
00:12Within 15 days of the seed falling, a new plant is grown by itself.
00:17In the surrounding areas including Hazaribagh, small plants of the year are broken by the villagers.
00:23The small plants of the year are sold in the market in the form of datoons.
00:27The forest department is worried about how to preserve the small plants of the year.
00:33The officials of the forest department are working to alert the villagers.
00:38They are also appealing that small plants should not be broken.
00:41The officials of the forest department say that small plants are broken.
00:46And when the plant is a little big, the villagers use it as manure in their homes.
00:51This is why the number of trees of the year is decreasing, which is a matter of great concern.
00:57Therefore, it is difficult to germinate it and raise it in the nursery.
01:03When the seed has been dispersed, whether it has been 7 days or within 7 days,
01:10it is germinated, but its survival is very low.
01:13Most of the seeds are germinated after 7 days.
01:18Therefore, the regeneration of the small plants of the year happens naturally.
01:22And the villagers use the tiny plants that are in the seedling stage as manure.
01:35And when the plant is a little big, the villagers use it as manure.
01:42We want to appeal to the villagers to preserve it.
01:46Sakhwa is a rare species and we cannot grow it by using it in the nursery.
01:54Environmentalist Murari Singh says that the tree of the year is a symbol of Jharkhand.
01:59Due to the carelessness of the villagers, the plants of the year are not being preserved.
02:06On the one hand, the villagers set fire to the forest, which burns the seeds and the new plant cannot be germinated.
02:12On the other hand, the villagers are breaking small plants and selling them in the market as manure.
02:18For this reason, the plants are not being preserved.
02:21The germination time after the tree falls is very short.
02:25Therefore, the fallen leaves in the forest are set on fire in the summer.
02:33When the leaves are set on fire, the new plant is born because of the fallen leaves.
02:44Therefore, to preserve the Sakhwa, it must not be cut down in the forest.
02:51Even if it is cut down, the new plant is produced by removing the stem.
03:02The fallen leaves in the forest should not be removed.
03:06The fallen leaves are used as manure for the seeds.
03:12In short, if the forest is left unprotected, the new plant will be born and a new tree will be created.
03:22Jharkhand is known for the tree of the year.
03:25The Forest Department is warning people to keep the trees of the year safe.
03:29It is the responsibility of the common people to keep their land green.
