• 2 months ago
A woman living with gastroparesis has been forced to spend nearly £40,000 on private healthcare and eat through a tube after the NHS said they couldn't treat her.

Jessie Sharp, 29, from Crawley, West Sussex, UK was diagnosed with the "debilitating" condition in November 2022 after years of bloating and vomiting after she ate.

Gastroparesis is where food passes through the stomach slower than it should, resulting in a number of symptoms including sickness, weight loss and bloating pain.

After some initial months of treatment, Jessie said NHS doctors admitted her case was "too severe" to treat.

Jessie has now been left to fork out the staggering costs of private care.

She has now set up a GoFundMe to help with her treatment: https://www.gofundme.com/f/qfpvjn-please-help-me-fight-gastroparesis


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