• 2 months ago
In the Middle East peace process it will be up to the Palestinians to show they have something to offer, former US Special Envoy for Peace in the Middle East David Hale says.
00:00I'm just wondering whether you know there's the perception perhaps in Ramallah
00:04that Benjamin Netanyahu is going to be given more favorable treatment. I mean do
00:09you think that's a fair fear that they've got? Well obviously the
00:15relationship between the United States and Israel and whoever is the leader of
00:19Israel is special and has its own characteristics obviously very close. The
00:25relationship with the Palestinians is different and I think it'll be really
00:29frankly up to the Palestinians to demonstrate that they have something to
00:33offer. That they're not just going to sit back and wait for peace and statehood to
00:38come to them. That they're going to help the United States and other partners
00:42build a new path because frankly after all that's happened there really isn't
00:48the kind of trust and confidence needed on either side to go back to the old
00:52formulas of Madrid and Oslo. There has to be new thinking for the new realities
00:55and if I were advising anyone I would say you know encourage the
01:00Palestinians to come up with some new thinking about how we go from here.
