• 2 months ago
Harga emas menguat ke level tertinggi selama hampir 3 bulan terakhir. Harga batu bara melesat, setelah AS memberlakukan sanksi baru ke Rusia. Sementara harga minyak mentah turun tipis di tengah penantian investor terhadap kebijakan energi dari Donald Trump.


00:00The U.S. dollar index has weakened, and the U.S. dollar price has soared to the highest level in almost three months.
00:13The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
00:18Meanwhile, the U.S. dollar price has plummeted in the midst of investors' expectations of Donald Trump's energy policy.
00:25The U.S. dollar price has soared to the highest level in almost three months.
00:31The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
00:41The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
00:51The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
01:06The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
01:15The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
01:21The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
01:32The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
01:45The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
02:03The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
02:10The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
02:40The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
03:10The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.
03:20The U.S. dollar price has soared after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on Russia.